About us

You can contact us by email invest-seurantatutkimus@utu.fi or by phone +358 50 336 8152

Jani Erola kasvokuva.
Jani Erola professor, PI
Mikko Niemelän kasvokuva.
Mikko Niemelä professor, co-PI
Aki Koivulan kasvokuva.
Aki Koivula Leader of the Research Team, Senior Researcher
Laura Heiskalan kasvokuva.
Laura Heiskala Senior Researcher
Anna Hägglundin kasvokuva.
Anna Hägglund PostDoctoral Researcher
Aleksi Karhulan kasvokuva.
Aleksi Karhula Senior Researcher
Markus Laanisen kasvokuva.
Markus Laaninen Doctoral Researcher
Outi Sarpilan kasvokuva
Outi Sarpila professor

The research will be carried out at INVEST, a joint research centre and flagship of the University of Turku and the National Institute for Health and Welfare on inequality, interventions, and the new welfare society. We aim to create a more equal, proactive, and economically and socially sustainable welfare state model for Finland.

The research is funded by the Research Council of Finland.

The logos of Research Council of Finland and Flagship Programme.