Ethics and privacy notice
Guiding principles:
- The anonymity of individual participants: no names of individuals will be revealed. Researcher and participants will agree together, what can be revealed of the organizations.
- Those interviewed will have the opportunity to read and comment those draft articles that apply their interview
- Voluntariness of participating in the research
- Before the interview, researcher and interviewee go through the basic information of the research, such as the key aim, methods and data, participating and voluntariness, and anonymity.
Project SMAK research plan is considered ethically approvable by the University of Turku Ethics Committee (January 2019)
Privacy notice:
The SMAK includes two different kinds of participants: those whose identity researcher does not know (i.e., persons who answer surveys or are present in situations of observation), and those whose identity researcher knows (i.e., interviewees and other collaborators related to empirical research). Therefore, there are two kinds of privacy notices.
In these webpages, one may find the general privacy notice that concerns the persons answering surveys and who are present in situations of observation.
Those who are interviewed will get the privacy notice before the interview. The privacy notice will be discussed at the beginning of the interview.