


  • Co-Creating knowledge with robots. 5th Geography of Innovation Conference, 29-31.1.2020, Stavanger, Norway.
  • Co-Creating Knowledge with Robots: towards system, synthesis and symbiosis in universities in Tampere and Singapore. Work Conference, 17.8.2019, Helsinki.
  • Knowledge Creation Processes in Space and Time: from Sciences to Arts and the Era of AI. National University of Singapore, 6.6.2019, Singapore.
  • Knowledge Societies Enter the Era of AI: How Is Knowledge Co-Created Among Humans, AI and Robots? Turku AI Meetup, 10.4.2019, Turku.
  • Second Machine Age Knowledge Co-Creation Processes in Space and Time. Maantieteen päivät 25–26.10.2018, Helsinki.


  • Can machines know? Listen to the SHIFT talk.

Publications intended for the general public