Wave Riders

A network for research and teaching on environmental humanities.

Wave Riders -The Interdisciplinary Network for Environmental Humanities

Wave Riders (AHAAallonharjalle in Finnish) is a network for environmental research and education. Our background is in the humanities and social sciences. We take a broad view of the environment, encompassing both the material and immaterial environment and its various actors. We are open to environmental research from different perspectives. We encourage interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary cooperation between different researchers and disciplines, for example by providing opportunities for discussion and collaboration between researchers from different fields.

The network’s activities are closely linked to the profile areas of biodiversity and sustainability at the University of Turku and marine and maritime research at Åbo Akademi. It is linked in particular to the environmental research at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Turku, but also to the transdisciplinary BIODIFORM consortium (2021-2026) of the University of Turku and the Centre for Sustainable Ocean Science (SOS) – Centre of Excellence (2024-2028) of Åbo Akademi. AHA also collaborates with various associations, centres, institutions, societies and foundations.

AHA is open to all students and researchers interested in environmental themes!

Munsterhjelm, Hjalmar. Lehmiä järvimaisemassa, iltatunnelma. Source: Kansallisgalleria. CC BY 0. https://finna.fi/Record/kansallisgalleria.DBA63B85A4C0175A008161AC1587EE02