
Published in peer-reviewed journals

  1. Rask, M., Malinen, T., Nyberg, K., Olin M., Kurkilahti M., Blauberg T.-R., Salonen M., Vesala S., Ruuhijärvi J., Tiainen J., Vuorenmaa J., Lodenius M., Arzel C., Nummi P., Kahilainen K. K., Verta M. & Arvola L. 2024. Pike Mercury Concentration in Small Boreal Headwater Lakes During Four Decades of Regional and Local Changes. Water Air Soil Pollut 235, 85.
  2. Vainikkaa A., Turunena A., Salgado-Ismodesa A., Lotsarib E., Olin M., Ruuhijärvi J., Huuskonen H., Arzel C., Nummi P. & Kahilainen K.K. 2024. Biomass and sustainable yields of Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis) in small boreal lakes with respect to lake properties and water quality. Fisheries Research, 271, 106922,
  3. Davranche A., Arzel C., Pouzet P., Carrasco A.R., Lefebvre G., Lague D., Thibault M., Newton A., Fleurant C., Maanan M., Poulin B. 2023. A multi-sensor approach to monitor the ongoing restoration of edaphic conditions for salt marsh species facing sea level rise: an adaptive management case study in Camargue, France. Science of the Total Environment 908, 168289,
  4. Weller F.G., Webb E. B., Fogenburg S., Beatty W. S., Kesler D., Blenk R. H., Ringelman K. M., Miller M. L., Arzel C., Eadie J. M. 2023. An agent-based model to quantify energetics, movement and habitat selection of midcontinent mallards in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Ecological Modeling. 485, 110488,
  5. Blanchet C., Arzel C., Davranche A., Kahilainen K.K., Secondi J., Taipale S., Lindberg H., Loehr J., Manninen-Johansen S., Sundell J., Maanan M., Nummi P. 2022. Ecology and extent of freshwater browning – What we know and what should be studied next in the context of global change. Science of The Total Environment, 812,
  6. Nummi P., Arzel C., Sauramo V. 2021. Populations in stable and variable habitats: Green and common sandpiper in a beaver-influenced landscape. Global Ecology and Conservation. 28(7): 1016/j.gecco.2021.e01678
  7. Arzel, Nummi P., Arvola L., Pöysä H., Davranche A., Rask M., Olin M., Holopainen S., Viitala R., Einola E. and Manninen-Johansen S. 2020. Science of the Total Environment. Invertebrates are declining in boreal aquatic habitat: the effect of brownification? 724, 138199.
  8. Lam S.S., McPartland M., Noori B., Garbus S.-E., Lierhagen S., Lyngs P., Dietz R., Therkildsen O.R., Christensen T.K., Tjørnløv R.S., Kanstrup N., Fox A.D., Sørensen I.H., Arzel, Krøkje Å, Sonne C. 2020. Lead concentrations in incubating common eiders (Somateria mollissima) from Christiansø in the Baltic Sea. Environment International. 137, 105582
  9. Elmberg J., Arzel, Gunnarsson G., Holopainen S., Nummi P., Pöysä H. & Sjöberg K. 2019. Population change in breeding boreal waterbirds in a 25-year perspective: what characterizes winners and losers. Freshwater Biology
  10. Saari L. & Arzel 2018. Vesilintukantojen kehitys Rymättylän Aaslaluodolla vuosina 1975–2015. Suomen Riista 64: 35–46
  11. Holopainen S., Arzel, Elmberg J., Fox A.D., Guillemain M., Gunnarsson G., Nummi P., Sjöberg K., Väänänen V.-M., Alhainen M. and Pöysä H. 2018. Sustainable management of migratory European ducks: finding model species. Wildlife Biology.
  12. Guillemain M., Pernollet C., Elmberg J., Arzel & Eadie J. 2017. Agent-based Modeling May Help to Merge Research Traditions in Foraging Ecology in Europe and North America. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 41(1): 170-176.
  13. Dessborn L., Rönkä M., Arzel & Elmberg J. 2016. Sinisorsanpoikaset välttelevät synnynnäisesti erityyppisiä petoja. Suomen Riista. 62: 43–Y54.
  14. Tolvanen H., Rönkä M., Vihervaara P., Kamppinen M., Arzel, Aarras N. & Thessler S. 2016. Spatial information in ecosystem service assessment: data applicability in the cascade model context. Land Use Policy. 11(3): 350-367
  15. Arzel & Elmberg J. 2015. Time use and foraging behaviour in pre-breeding dabbling ducks Anas spp. in sub-arctic Norway. Journal of Ornithology. 156 (2): 499-513.
  16. Arzel, Rönkä M., Tolvanen H., Aarras N., Kamppinen M. & Vihervaara P. 2015. Species diversity, abundance and brood numbers of breeding waterbirds in relation to habitat properties in an agricultural watershed. Annales Zoologici Fennici. 52(1-2):17-32.
  17. Holopainen S., Arzel, Dessborn L., Elmberg J., Gunnarsson G., Nummi P., Pöysä H. & Sjöberg K. 2015. Habitat use in ducks breeding in boreal freshwater wetlands: a review. Eur J Wildl Res. 61: 339–363.
  18. Rönkä M., Arzel, Tolvanen H., Tirri I.-S., Kamppinen M., Vihervaara P., Aarras N. 2015. Species and pair numbers of waterbirds and waterfowl and brood numbers of waterfowl in agricultural wetlands. Suomen Riista. 61: 26-42
  19. Davis J.B., Guillemain M., Kaminski R.M., Arzel, Eadie J. M & Eileen C. Rees. 2014. Habitat and resource use by northern hemispheric waterfowl during fall and winter. Wildfowl. Special Issue 4: 17-69.
  20. Stafford J.D., Janke A.K., Anteau M.J., Pearse A.T., Fox A.D., Elmberg J., Straub J.N., Eichholz M.W.& Arzel 2014. Spring migration of waterfowl in the Northern Hemisphere: a conservation perspective. Wildfowl. Special Issue 4: 70-85.
  21. Arzel, Dessborn L., Pöysä H., Elmberg J., Nummi P. & Sjöberg K. 2014. Early springs and breeding performance in two sympatric duck species with different migration strategies. Ibis. 156 (2): 288-298.
  22. Guillemain M., Pöysä H., Fox A.D., Arzel, Dessborn L., Ekroos J., Gunnarsson G., Holm T.E., Christensen T.K., Lehikoinen A., Mitchell C., Rintala J. & Møller A. P. 2013. Effect of climate change on European ducks: what do we know and what do we need to know? Wildlife biology. 19: 1-16.
  23. Gunnarsson G., Elmberg J., Pöysä H., Nummi P., Sjöberg K., Dessborn L. & Arzel 2013. Density dependence in ducks: a review of the evidence. Eur. J. Wildl. Res. 59: 305–321.
  24. Dessborn L., Englund G., Elmberg J. & Arzel 2012. Innate responses of mallard ducklings towards aerial, aquatic and terrestrial predators. Behaviour. 149 (13-14): 1299–1317.
  25. Caizergues A., Guillemain M., Arzel, Devineau O., Leray G., Pilvin D., Lepley M., Massez G., & Schricke V. 2011. Emigration rates and population turnover of teal Anas crecca in two major wetlands of Western Europe. Wildlife Biology. 17(4): 373-382.
  26. Arzel, Elmberg J., Guillemain M., Lepley M., Bosca F., Legagneux P. & Nogues J.-B. 2008. A flyway perspective of food resource abundance in a long-distance migrant, the Common Teal (Anas crecca crecca). Journal of Ornithology.150: 61-73.
  27. Guillemain M., Elmberg J., Arzel, Johnson A.R. & Simon G. 2008. The income-capital breeding dichotomy revisited: late winter body condition is related to breeding success in an income breeder. Ibis. 150:172-176.
  28. Arzel, Elmberg J. & Guillemain M. 2007. A flyway perspective of foraging activity in Eurasian Teal Anas crecca. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 85: 81-91.
  29. Arzel, Elmberg J., Guillemain M., Legagneux P., Bosca F., Chambouleyron M., Lepley M., Pin C., Arnaud A. & Schricke V. 2007. Average mass of seeds encountered by foraging dabbling ducks in Western Europe. Wildlife Biology 13(2):328-336.
  30. Arzel, Guillemain M., Gurd, B., Elmberg J., Fritz H., Arnaud A., Pin C. & Bosca F. 2007. Experimental functional response and inter-individual variation in foraging rate of teal (Anas crecca). Behavioural processes. 75: 66-71.
  31. Guillemain M, Arzel, Legagneux P., Elmberg J., Fritz H., Lepley M., Pin C., Arnaud A. & Massez G. 2007. Predation risk constrains the plasticity of foraging behavior in teals, Anas crecca: a flyway-level circumannual approach. Animal Behaviour. 73 :845-854.
  32. Guillemain M., Poisbleau M., Denonfoux L., Lepley M., Moreau C., Massez G., Leray G., Caizergues A., Arzel, Rodrigues D. & Fritz H. 2007. Multiple tests of the effects of nasal saddles on dabbling ducks combining field and aviary approaches. Bird Study. 54(1):35-45.
  33. Guillemain M., Arzel, Legagneux P., Elmberg J., Fritz H., Lepley M., Pin C., Arnaud A. & Massez G. 2007. Risky foraging leads to cost-free mate guarding in male teal Anas crecca. Journal of Ornithology. 148: 251-254.
  34. Arzel, Elmberg J. & Guillemain M. 2006. Ecology of spring-migrating Anatidae: a review. Journal of ornithology. 147(2): 167-184.
  35. Guillemain M., Arzel, Mondain-Monval J-Y & Simon G. 2006. Spring migration dates of Teal (Anas crecca) ringed in the Camargue. Wildlife Biology. 12 (2): 163-170.
  36. Arzel & Elmberg J. 2004. Time use, foraging behavior and microhabitat use in a temporary guild of spring-staging dabbling ducks (Anas spp.). Ornis Fennica. 81 :157-168.
  37. Poulet N., Arzel, Messad S., Lek S. & Argillier C. 2005. Diel activity of adult pikeperch Sander lucioperca (L.) in a drainage canal in the Mediterranean basin during spring. Hydrobiologia. 543(1): 79-90.

Articles in refereed scientific edited volumes and conference proceedings

  1. Grunst A. S., Grunst M. L., Arzel C., Eens M. 2023. Editorial: Behavioral ecological insights into organismal responses to anthropogenic environmental change: a multi-stress perspective. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 11,

Publications intended for the general public

  1. Elmberg J., Dessborn L. & Arzel 2015. Så undviker andungarna rovdjuren. Svensk Jakt. 6: 46-48.
  2. Elmberg J., Dessborn L. & Arzel 2014. Andungar har bra koll när faran hotar. Vår Fågelvärld. 73(2): 38-39.
  3. Arzel, Elmberg J. & Guillemain M. 2010. Comportement et alimentation de la sarcelle d’hiver Anas crecca lors de la migration pré nuptiale. Ornithos. 17(5): 307-315
  4. Fiche espèce : la Sarcelle d´hiver, migration et survie. Novembre 2009. Interview for La chasse en Alsace. 81: 28-29
  5. Guillemain M., Arzel, Mondain-Monval J.Y., Schricke V., Johnson A.R. & Simon G. 2007. Déplacements hivernaux des sarcelles d´hiver baguées en Camargue. Faune Sauvage. 275: 12-14.
  6. Elmberg J., Arzel & Guillemain M. 2007. Rovdjur och mat gör krickans dag till natt. Vår Fågelvärld. 15-17
  7. Elmberg J. & Arzel 2006. Bränsjön- mer speciell än du tror! Fåglar i Västerbotten. 31(1):14-17
  8. Guillemain M., Arzel, Mondain-Monval J.-Y., Schricke V., Sadoul N., Johnson A.R. & Simon G. 2005. Définition des limites de populations en France et de la date de départ en migration prénuptiale des Sarcelles d’hiver. ONCFS Rapport scientifique 2005. 28-31
  9. Arzel, Stervander M. & Gunnarsson G. 2003. Simändernas ekologi studeras närmare. Vår Fågelvärld. 68(4): 25.
  10. Elmberg J. & Arzel 2003. Kricka från Brånsjön flyger till Wales – och lär oss mer om en ovanligt okänd vanlig fågelart. Fåglar i Västerbotten. 28(3): 73-74.
  11. Arzel, Elmberg J. & Guillemain M. 2003. Forskare efterlyser rapporter om näbbmärkta änder. Jakt & Jägare. 9: 25.
  12. Elmberg J. & Arzel 2003. Näbbmärkta änder i nytt forskningsprojekt. Svensk Jakt Nyheter. 2003(8): 5.
  13. Järvivedet tummuvat – ravintopulmia kaloille ja vesilinnuille pohjoisella havumetsävyöhykkeellä
  14. Youtube presentation: Water brownification research in the Evo area – YouTube
  15. Ouest France interview: Polluants dans l’eau : « Nous sommes les premiers exposés, avant la faune sauvage » (


PhD thesis

Arzel C. (defended the 10th of March 2006). Ecology of teal (Anas crecca) and other dabbling ducks: connection between their wintering, spring staging and breeding grounds. PhD thesis, Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse III, France, 318 pp.

Master thesis supervised (or co-supervised) by C. Arzel:

2024 (on-going)

Emma Louise Antoniussen. In vitro analyses of PFAS mechanisms (2024-2025, NTNU, Norway);

Natalie Marie Cross. Link between exposure to contaminants and Avian Influenza (2023-2024, NTNU);

Salla Lahdentausta. Oxidative stress response of ducklings to PFAS in ovo injection (2023-2024, UTU);

Silje Peterson. Steroid hormone response of ducklings to in ovo injection of PFAS (2023-2024, NTNU);

Johannes Männistö. 2023-2024: The response of the smooth newt (Lissotriton vulgaris) to water color in the context of brownification in a managed forest landscape (2023-2024, UTU);


Morgane Monteuil. 2023. Assessment of chiropteran diversity in relation to macroinvertebrates in wetlands in European boreal forests.. Paris-Saclay University, France.


Sunniva Helene Frøyland. 2022. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) concentrations over the laying sequence in eggs of the common eider (Somateria mollissima) from the Baltic Sea in relation to sex steroid hormones. MSc thesis in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Biology. 79 pp

Prescillia Lemesle.2022. From mother to egg: variability in maternal transfer of trace elements in Common Eider (Somateria mollissima). MSc thesis in ” Biodiversity, Ecology, Evolution, B2E “Specialisation « EcoSystemeS ». University of Montpellier, SupAgro Montpellier & Norwegian University of Science and Technology. 48 pp.

Mélanie Gippet. 2022. Primary and secondary sex ratios in a declining eider Somateria mollissima population. 1st year of Master thesis at the University of Bourgogne – Master BEE – “Parcours Dynamique et Conservation de la Biodiversité”.

Morgane Ducoin. 2022. Impact of water browning on the abundance and the diversity of aquatic invertebrates in temporary ponds and beaver ponds. MSc thesis, Rennes1 university

Jeanne Bosson. 2022. Water browning of surface water and sexual selection of the smooth newt, Lissotriton vulgaris_ which effects?: 1st year of Master studies from Angers university


Basile Marteau. 2021. the impact of water browning on the coloration of the smooth newt Lissotriton vulgaris. 1st year of Master studies from Angers university

Morgane Ducoin 2021. Drainage network assessment and impact on the lakes’ brownification in Natura 2000 Evo zone, southern Finland. 1st year of Master studies from Rennes1 university


Clarisse Blanchet. 2020. Assessment of the impact of forestry activities on water colour and identification of aquatic invertebrate communities of boreal lakes in the Evo area, Southern Finland. MSc thesis, Angers university

Martin Lamirault 2020. Origine et impact du brunissement de l’eau des lacs boréaux en Finlande. 1st year of Master studies from Angers university

Gwenaëlle Ninot 2020. Impact du brunissement des eaux de surface sur la communauté des poissons. 1st year of Master studies from Angers university


Maiju Ylönen. 2019. Impact of antropogenic activities on waterbird populations of Turku Archipelago over the past 4 decades. MSc thesis Geography, University of Turku.

Constance Desmarres. 2019. Colonisation récente de l’île d’Aasla par les populations d’oies : définition des facteurs explicatifs. MSc thesis, Angers university

Héloïse Bouloizeau. 2019. Impact de l’interruption du pâturage et de son rétablissement sur les populations de vanneaux huppés et de passereaux sur l’île d’Aasla (Finlande). MSc thesis, Angers university

Jean Joubert Garconville 2019. Remediation method in brownification context. 1st year of MSc studies, University of Angers

Other thesis

Nathan Massez. 2019. Etude des effets du brunissement de l’eau sur les écosystèmes lacustres en zone boréale dans la région d’Evo. DUT




  1. Ask A., Gómez-Ramírez P., Jaspers V.L.B., Fenoll J., Vakili F.S., Lemesle P., Eeva T., Hansen M., and Arzel C. A Spatial Assessment of Neonicotinoid Exposure in Common Goldeneyes in Finland. SETAC 34th annual meeting, Séville, 5-9 May 2024.
  2. Arzel C., Ask A., Vakili F. S., Lemesle P., Frøyland S. H., Lunde E., Peterson S., Brand A.-F, Zhang J., Ciesielski T. M., Asimakopoulos A. G., Noreikiene K., Hsu B.-Y., Ruuskanen S., Jolkkonen J., Peetumber T., Wilson N. M., Björkman S., Sonne C., Koivisto S., Öst M., Jaatinen K., Mohring B., Jónsson J. E., Hansen M. and Jaspers V. L.B. Common Eider Somateria molissima under pressure from endocrine disrupting chemicals 7th international Seaduck conference 8-11 Jan 2024
  3. Arzel C., Ask A., Ciesielski T. M., Asimakopoulos A. G., Zhang J., Lemesle P., Frøyland S., Lunde E., Vakili S. S., Jolkkonen J., Eeva T., Björkman S., Sonne C., Shaffer S. A., Ruuskanen S., Öst M., Waldenström J., Davranche A., Hansen M., Jaspers V.L.B. 2023. Waterbird contamination by endocrine disruptors. XIV European Ornithologists’ Union Congress Lund, 21-25 August 2023.
  4. Davranche A., Arzel C., Nummi P., Sundell J., Loehr J., Kahilainen K., Secondi J., Blanchet C., Minkkinen K., Vasander H., Lindberg H., Seppä H., Sonk-Rautio K., Sigdel U., Lilley T., Manninen-Johansen S., Vihervaara P., Alhainen M., Kara T., Ilmonen J.. The role of seasonal wetlands as biOdiversity hOtspots and nature-based soLution to water quality decline in the Finnish boreal forest ecosystems. OIKOS, Finland 2023
  5. Davranche A., Blanchet C., Nummi P., Secondi J., Lindberg H., Vasander H., Loehr J., Sundell J. & Arzel C. 2023. integrating ephemeral wetlands in the sustainable management of boreal forests: an innovative biodiversity assessment of unknown vulnerable ecosystems from space to field supported by art for public involvement. Presentation at GEOBON 2023, Montréal, 10 – 13 Oct 2023
  6. Blanchet C. C., Davranche A., Nummi P., Kahilainen K. K., Secondi J., Sundell J. & Arzel C. Causes and impacts of water browning in Finnish forest wetlands. OIKOS, Finland 2023
  7. Arzel, Ducoin M., Blanchet C., Davranche A., Nummi P., Liao W., Sigdel U., Kahilainen K.K., Arvola L., Pöysä H., Rask M., Olin M., Holopainen S., Viitala R., Lindberg H., Einola E. and Manninen-Johansen S.. 2022. Response of aquatic invertebrates to browning of surface water in lakes, beaver ponds and temporary wetlands. The 2nd International Conference for Sustainable Resource Society: Seizing a sustainable future, Kuopio.
  8. Blanchet C.C., Davranche A., Nummi P., Kahilainen K.K., Lindberg H., Viitala R. & Arzel Browning of a small humic boreal lake – Effect of beaver floods over forestry practices at a catchment scale. The 2nd International Conference for Sustainable Resource Society: Seizing a sustainable future, Kuopio.
  9. Lemesle P., Ask A., Ciesielski T. M., Asimakopoulos A. G., Salminen K., Noreikiene K., Lindqvist M., Arzel C. & Jaspers V.L.B. 2022. From mother to egg: variability in maternal transfer of trace elements in Common Eider. 9th Norwegian Environmental Toxicology Symposium: Towards a Clean Ocean, Tromsø, Norway. June 8 – 10, 2022,
  10. Ask A., Frøyland S. H., Jaspers V.L.B., Hansen M., Zhang J., Jolkkonen J., Asimakopolous A., Arzel C. Exploring the contaminant exposure in common eiders through targeted and nontargeted analyses. SETAC Europe Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 32nd Annual Meeting. Copenhagen, Denmark. 15 – 19 May.
  11. Frøyland S.H., Zhang J., Ask A., Arzel C. & Jaspers V.L.B. 2022. PFASs concentrations over the laying sequence in eggs of the common eider (Somateria mollissima) from the Baltic Sea in relation to sex steroid hormones. 9th Norwegian Environmental Toxicology Symposium: Towards a Clean Ocean, Tromsø, Norway. June 8 – 10, 2022,.
  12. Frøyland S.H., Zhang J., Ask A., Arzel C., Noreikiene K., Asimakopoulos A. G. & Jaspers V.L.B. 2022. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) concentrations over the laying sequence in eggs of the common eider (Somateria mollissima) from the Baltic Sea. 6th Pan European duck symposium, Coimbra, Portugal. 19-23 September 2022
  13. Lemesle P., Ask A., Ciesielski T. M., Asimakopoulos A. G., Salminen K., Noreikiene K., Lindqvist M., Arzel C. & Jaspers V.L.B. 2022. Variability in maternal transfers of trace elements in a declining Common Eider population. 6th Pan European duck symposium, Coimbra, Portugal. 19-23 September 2022
  14. Vakili S.S., Arzel C., Ask A., Björkman S., Shaffer S., Hansen M. and Jaspers V. L. B. 2022. Incubation behaviour of Common Goldeneye under endocrine-disrupting chemicals and climate change pressure. ISBE_ International Society for Behavioral Ecology Congress, Stockholm. 28th of July – 2nd of August 2022.
  15. Vakili S.S., Arzel C., Ask A., Björkman S., Shaffer S., Hansen M. and Jaspers V. L. B. 2022. Incubation behaviour of Common Goldeneye. 6th Pan European duck symposium, Coimbra, Portugal. 19-23 September 2022
  16. Arzel, Elmberg J., Guillemain M. 2017 Cost of being paired in males: a comparison of the behaviour of paired and unpaired male Teal prior to nesting. International Union of Game Biologists, Montpellier 22-25th of August 2017
  17. Arzel, Rönkä M., Sonck K., Tolvanen H. & Lehikoinen E. 2015. Birdwatchers’ participation in bird monitoring. World Seabird Conference. Capetown, South Africa. 26–30 October 2015.
  18. Rönkä M., Lehikoinen E., Arzel & Saari L. 2015. Distributions of Baltic seabirds and climate change effects. World Seabird Conference. Capetown, South Africa. 26–30 October 2015.
  19. Arzel, Saari L. and Rönkä M. 2015. Population trends of the Goldeneye in the Finnish archipelago – a long term study. Fourth Pan European Duck symposium. Hanko, Finland. 7-11 April 2015.
  20. Arzel, Rönkä M., Sonck K., Tolvanen H. & Lehikoinen E. 2015. Birdwatchers’ participation in bird monitoring. Fourth Pan European Duck symposium. Hanko, Finland. 7-11 April 2015.
  21. Arzel, Rönkä M., Tolvanen H., Kamppinen M. & Lehikoinen E. 2015. Diversity , abundance and brood numbers of waterbirds in relation to habitat properties. Fourth Pan European Duck symposium. Hanko, Finland. 7-11 April 2015.
  22. Saari L. & Arzel 2014. A long term study of breeding waterfowl populations in the Finnish Baltic Sea. Fifth international Seaduck Conference. Reykjavík, Iceland. 8-12 September 2014.
  23. Arzel, Dessborn L., Pöysä H., Elmberg J., Nummi P. & Sjöberg K. 2013. Effect of the timing of spring thaw on the breeding performance in two sympatric waterbird species. 6th North American Duck Symposium, Memphis, TN. 28 January 2013.
  24. Mitchell C., Fox A.D., Guillemain M., Pöysä H., Arzel, Dessborn L., Ekroos J., Gunnarsson G., Holm T.E., Christensen T.K., Lehikoinen A., Rintala J. & Møller A.P. Climate change and duck population dynamics. From populations to policy impact: avian demography in a changing world. BOU13 University of Leicester, UK. 26 – 28 March 2013.
  25. Arzel, Dessborn L., Pöysä H., Elmberg J., Nummi P., Sjöberg K. 2012 Effect of the timing of spring thaw on the breeding performance in two sympatric waterbird species. 3rd Pan European Duck Symposium. Jindřichův Hrade, Czechia, 23 – 29 April 2012.
  26. Davranche A., Arzel , Pöysä H., Nummi P., Elmberg J., Clausen P. & Pellikka P. 2012 Assessing habitat suitability for waterbirds along the european flyway using satellite remote sensing. 3rd Pan European Duck Symposium. Jindřichův Hrade, Czechia, 23 – 29 April 2012.
  27. Arzel, Dessborn L., Pöysä H., Elmberg J., Nummi P. & Sjöberg K. 2012 Effect of the timing of spring thaw on the breeding performance in two sympatric waterbird species. 7th Symposium on Limnology and Aquatic birds of the Aquatic Birds Working Group of the International Society of Limnology, Kristianstad, Sweden. 15 – 17 August 2012.
  28. Arzel, Dessborn L., Pöysä H., Nummi P., Elmberg J., Sjöberg K. 2011. Early springs and breeding performance in two sympatric bird species with different migration strategies NOWAC conference, Öster Malma, 24-28 October.
  29. Ponce-Boutin F. , Jakob C. , Arzel , Mathon J.-F., Calenge C. 2011. Cultural practices might enhance red-legged partridge presence : a fine-scale field study in a viticulture region of southern France. XXXth IUGB Congress and Perdix XIII, Barcelona, 5-9 September.
  30. Arzel, Dessborn L., Nummi P., Pöysä H., Elmberg J., Sjöberg K. 2010. Is the changing spring phenology affecting equally short and long distance waterfowl migrants? Nessling symposium “The Global Environmental Change: Messages from Birds”, Espoo, 17-19 November.
  31. Davranche A., Arzel, Pöysä H., Nummi P., Elmberg J., Clausen P., Pellikka P. 2010. Space based tools to monitor the habitats of migratory waterbirds. Nessling symposium “The Global Environmental Change: Messages from Birds”, Espoo, 17-19 November.
  32. Arzel & Elmberg J. 2009. Time and microhabitat use in pre-breeding dabbling ducks Anas spp. in sub-arctic Norway: does the long trip make a difference? Second Pan European duck symposium. Arles Camargue, 23-26 March.
  33. Arzel, Reitz F., & Terlutte F. 2007. Impact of predator control on Grey partridge and European Hare population dynamics. XXVIIIth congress of the International Union of Game Biologists, Uppsala, Sweden
  34. Arzel, Elmberg J. & Guillemain M. 2007. A flyway approach to dabbling ducks foraging ecology: food availability vs foraging behaviour. XXVIIIth congress of the International Union of Game Biologists, Uppsala, Sweden. 13 – 18 August.
  35. Arzel, Guillemain M., Gurd B., Elmberg J., Fritz H., Arnaud A., Pin C. & Bosca F. 2006 Experimental functional response of teal (Anas crecca) : implication for wetlands management. 4th North American Duck Symposium, Bismarck, Canada. 23 – 26 August.
  36. Arzel, Elmberg J. & Guillemain M. 2006. Does foraging in Teal Anas crecca depend on season and disturbance by predators? 4th North American Duck Symposium, Bismarck, Canada. 23 – 26 August.
  37. Guillemain M., Lepley M., Poisbleau M., Fritz H., Massez G., Arzel, Caizergues A., Leray G. & Rodrigues D. 2006. Multiple testing of the effects of nasal saddles on dabbling ducks in the wild and in the aviary. 4th North American Duck Symposium, Bismarck, Canada. 23 – 26 August.
  38. Davranche A., Poulin B., Lefebvre L., Sandoz A., Mondain-Monval J-Y, Ferrier J-P, Grillas P., Diot A., Didier S., Arzel 2005. Suivi de la gestion des zones humides camarguaises par télédétection en référence à leur intérêt avifaunistique. Poster, International conference on geomatic and spatial analysis, research and development, SAGEO 2005, Avignon. 20 – 23 June 2005
  39. Arzel, Guillemain M., Elmberg J. and Lutz M. 2005. Behavioural ecology of teal (Anas crecca) and other dabbling ducks at wintering, spring-staging and breeding grounds. XXVIIth congress of the International Union of Game Biologists, Hanover, Germany. 28 August – 3 September.
  40. Guillemain M., Arzel, Mondain-Monval J.-Y., Schricke V., Johnson A. R ., Simon G. & Lutz M. 2005. Determining the onset of spring migration using ring recoveries in Teal (Anas crecca). XXVIIth congress of the International Union of Game Biologists, Hanover, Germany
  41. Arzel, Guillemain M., Elmberg J. 2004. Individual strategies of teals and other dabbling ducks: connecting wintering, staging and breeding grounds. Waterbirds around the world. Edinburgh
  42. Arzel, Guillemain M. & Elmberg J. 2003. Individual strategies of dabbling ducks: a circum-annual perspective. 3rd N. Am. Duck Symp., Sacramento, Calif., Abstracts, p. 102. 3rd North American Duck Symposium. Sacramento, California
  43. Arzel, Guillemain M. & Elmberg J. 2002. Individual strategies of dabbling ducks: connecting wintering, staging and breeding grounds. Monitoring of migratory waterfowl populations from Eurasia and Africa. Workshop at the EU Commission. Brussels

Oral communications

  1. Arzel C., Frøyland S.H., Lunde E., Peterson S., Lemesle P., Brand A.-F., Ask A., Vakili F.S., Zhang J., Ciesielski T.M., Asimakopoulos A.G., Noreikiene K., Hsu B.-Y., Ruuskanen S., Jolkkonen J., Peetumber T., Lahdentausta S., Anttila K., Vehniäinen E.-R., Yap K.N., Ottinger M.A., Wilson N.M, Björkman S., Sonne C., Koivisto S., Eeva T., Hansen M. and Jaspers V.L.B. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances levels and effects in Finnish Waterbirds. SETAC 34th annual meeting, Séville, 5-9 May 2024.
  2. Arzel C., Ask A., Vakili F. S., Lemesle P., Frøyland S. H., Lunde E., Peterson S., Brand A.-F, Zhang J., Ciesielski T. M., Asimakopoulos A. G., Noreikiene K., Hsu B.-Y., Ruuskanen S., Jolkkonen J., Peetumber T., Wilson N. M., Björkman S., Sonne C., Koivisto S., Öst M., Jaatinen K., Mohring B., Jónsson J. E., Hansen M. and Jaspers V. L.B. Common Eider Somateria molissima under pressure from endocrine disrupting chemicals 7th international Seaduck conference 8-11 Jan 2024
  3. Arzel C., Ask A., Bottini C. 2023. Tools to monitor birds’ contamination and exposure effects. XIV European Ornithologists’ Union Congress Lund, 21-25 August 2023.
  4. Vakili F. S., Pöysä H., Liehrmann O., Runko P. and Arzel C.The older the bolder: long-term monitoring of risk-taking behaviour during incubation in a waterfowl species. AURA Symposium, Turku, Finland, March 2023
  5. Arzel C. Contaminants in waterbirds. Waterfowler’s network “Eider meet on Åland”, Åland 6-7.6.2023
  6. Davranche A., Houet T., Gunnarsson G., Kjeller E., Secondi J., Farau S., Leray A., Bobineau M., Lorieux M., Lindberg H., Lientola E., Blanchet C., Nummi P. and Arzel C. Monitoring biophysical parameters of wetlands using multispectral drone data, presentation for the session Nature values: Peatland, Rivers, Coasts on 16.2.2023 FinDrones 2023, Salo IoT Campus, Salo, Finland
  7. Arzel C., Ask A., Lemesle P., Frøyland S., Jaspers V., Hansen M., Ciesielski T. M., Asimakopoulos A. G., Vakili S.S., Jolkkonen J., Eeva T., Björkman S., Sonne C., Shaffer S., Ruuskanen S., Koivisto S., Öst M., Waldenström J, Davranche A. Contaminants in waterbirds. OIKOS, Finland 2023
  8. Arzel C., Ask A, Frøyland S.H., Jolkkonen J., Lemesle P., Vakili S.S., Juslin H., Gippet M., Aarnio L., Ciesielski T.M., Asimakopoulos A., Jaspers V.L.B., Hansen M., Eeva T., Björkman S., Sonne C., Shaffer S., Ruuskanen S., Koivisto S., Pöysä H., Nummi P., Öst M., Laaksonen T., Fox A.D., Madsen J., Waldenström J., Buchman K., Davranche A. 2022. Endocrine DISRUPTing chemicals in common eider breeding in the Baltic area Contamination des femelles d eider à duvet par les perturbateurs endocriniens en Mer Baltique Atelier prospectif : Contaminants, parasites et dynamique des populations d’oiseaux marins, Tour du Valat Arles, 8-10.11.2022.
  9. Arzel C., Ask A, Frøyland S.H., Jolkkonen J., Lemesle P., Vakili S.S., Juslin H., Gippet M., Aarnio L., Ciesielski T.M., Asimakopoulos A., Jaspers V.L.B., Hansen M., Eeva T., Björkman S., Sonne C., Shaffer S., Ruuskanen S., Koivisto S., Pöysä H., Nummi P., Öst M., Laaksonen T., Fox A.D., Madsen J., Waldenström J., Davranche A. 2022. Endocrine DISRUPTing chemicals in ducks breeding in the Baltic area. 6th Pan European duck symposium, Coimbra, Portugal. 19-23 September 2022
  10. Vakili S.S., Arzel C., Ask A., Björkman S., Shaffer S., Hansen M. and Jaspers V. L. B. 2022Common eider and common goldeneye incubation behaviour in link with contaminant and environmental heat pressure. Workshop on Fishpond management, climate change and biodiversity“. Jindřichův Hradec (Czechia). 19th – 21st July 2022
  11. Arzel C. Le brunissement des eaux de surface / Water browning of surface water. IVe Congrès international du GIS d’Histoire & Sciences de la mer / IVe International congress of the Scientific Interest Group of Maritime History & Sea Sciences, Nice, France, 18-20 May 2022
  12. Arzel, Blanchet C., Nummi P., Arvola L., Pöysä H., Davranche A., Rask M., Mikko Olin, Sari Holopainen, Risto Viitala, Eeva Einola and Sanni Manninen Johansen. 2021. Decline of aquatic macroinvertebrates as a consequence of water browning. Finnish Ecosystem Science Meeting. 4-6th of May 2021. Online.
  13. Arzel, Nummi P., Davranche A., Arvola L., Blanchet C., Pöysä H., Rask M., Viitala R., Manninen-Johansen S., Einola E., Holopainen S., Olin M. 2021. Impact of brownification of surface water on aquatic invertebrate and waterbirds, Oikos Finland Conference on February 1st–3rd, organized by the University of Jyväskylä
  14. Arzel Brownification of surface water affects the boreal food web. 2019. Workshop at Ottenby, Sweden.
  15. Davranche A., Arzel, Van Tor M., Vandeström J. 2020. Mouvement d’une espèce m igratrice , le canard siffleur Mareca penelope ), et utilisation de son habitat : le réseau d’espaces naturels protégés est il suffisant pour répondre aux besoins des populations d’oiseau d’eau migratrices? Journées de restitution des Projets exploratoires premier soutien (PEPS) lancés entre 2016 et 2019, INEE CNRS, 5 et 6 mars 2020, Paris.
  16. Davranche A., Arzel 2019: Mismatch – a joint project to assess habitat use of Wigeon at flyway scale by using remote sensing, Ottenby Workshop, Sweden, 23-27 september 2019.
  17. Mariëlle van Toor, Arzel, Cottaar F.., Dagys M., Fiedler W., Hedenström A., Kharitonov S., Kleyheeg E., Kuiken T., Muskens G., Ottosson U., Safi K., Švažas S., van der Jeugd H., Wikelski M., Žydelis R., Åkesson S., Waldenström J. 2019. The hitchhiker’s guide to the migration of Eurasian wigeons: a dynamic migration network from ring recoveries, IBAs, and tracking data. EOU. 26-30 of August, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
  18. Arzel, Nummi P., Arvola L., Rask M., Olin M., Pöysä H., Holopainen S., Davranche A., Einola E., Manninen-Johansen S., Palonen A. and Viitala R. 2019. Brownification of surface water affects the boreal food web. Workshop 7-11th of September 2019, Ottenby, Sweden.
  19. Arzel, Nummi P., Arvola L., Rask M., Olin M., Pöysä H., Holopainen S., Davranche A., Einola E., Manninen-Johansen S., Palonen A. and Viitala R. 2019 Brownification of surface water affects the boreal food web. 34th IUGB 2019 26-30 August 2019, Kaunas, Lithuania.
  20. Arzel, Elmberg J., Guillemain M. 2018. A comparison of the behaviour of paired and unpaired male dabbling ducks prior to nesting in an early and a late breeder. 5th Pan-European Duck Symposium. 16th-20th April 2018. Isle of Great Cumbrae, Scotland.
  21. Arzel, Saari L. Forty years of bird survey in the Archipelago sea: sharing a valuable data base. 5th Pan-European Duck Symposium. 16th-20th April 2018. Isle of Great Cumbrae, Scotland.
  22. Holopainen S., Arzel, Elmberg J., Fox A.D., Guillemain M., Gunnarsson G., Nummi P., Sjöberg K., Väänänen V.-M., Alhainen M. and Pöysä H. Sustainable management of migratory European ducks: finding model species. 5th Pan-European Duck Symposium. 16th-20th April 2018. Isle of Great Cumbrae, Scotland.
  23. Holopainen S., Arzel, Nummi P., Rintala J., Guillemain M., Tamisier A. & Pöysä H. 2015. Population dynamics in the common Teal – importance of climate in breeding and wintering areas. 4th Pan European Duck Symposium, Hanko, Finland, 7-11 April 2015.
  24. Davis B, Kaminski R, Eichholz M, Arzel C, Bearhop S, Eadie J, Elmberg J, Fox T., Guillemain M., Pearse A., Stafford J. 2013. Plenary: Waterfowl habitat use and selection: knowledge gained and future science and conservation needs. 6th North American Duck Symposium, Memphis, TN, January 27-31.
  25. Stafford J., Janke A., Pearse A., Anteau M., Eichholz M., Fox A., Straub J., Elmberg J., and Arzel 2013. Waterfowl Habitat Use and Selection – Spring Migration and Pre-breeding. Plenary Presentation.   6th North American Duck Symposium, Memphis, TN. January 27-31.
  26. Arzel, Rönkä M., Saari L., Rainio K. & Lehikoinen E. 2012. Phenology of Anatidae migration in southern Finland and factors driving their migration. 3rd Pan European Duck Symposium. Jindřichův Hrade, Czechia. 23 – 29 April 2012.
  27. Arzel 2012 Rôle de la ressource alimentaire et du risque de prédation sur la stratégie migratoire des canards de surface: devenir face aux changements climatiques. University of Angers. 14 Feb 2012
  28. Arzel, Saari L., Lehikoinen E., Rainio K., Rönkä M. 2011. 40 years of duck survey in the Archipelago Sea, NOWAC conference, Öster Malma. 24-28 Oct.
  29. Arzel, Rönkä M., Davranche A., Elmberg J., Guillemain M., Saari L., Lehikoinen E., Rainio K. 2010. Why do ducks migrate and how do they adapt to changes in environmental conditions? Nessling symposium “The Global Environmental Change: Messages from Birds”. 17-19 Nov.
  30. Arzel 2010. Waterfowl migration. NOWAC- Nordic Waterbirds and Climate Network workshop. 22 Sept.
  31. Arzel 2009. Waterfowl Migration and its implication for wetland conservation: the case study of Teal Anas crecca in Europe. NIOO seminar, 16 Nov.
  32. Arzel 2009. Waterfowl Migration and wetland management at the European scale. Second Pan European duck symposium. Arles Camargue, 23-26 March.
  33. Arzel 2008. Teal flyway: what do we know, think to know, need to know. Riistailtapäivä, Helsinki University.
  34. Guillemain M., Elmberg J., Arzel, Johnson A.R., Simon G. 2007. Linking wintering and breeding grounds: good winter conditions are associated with higher breeding success in Teal Anas crecca. International Union of Game Biologists XXVIII Congress, 13-18 August, 2007, Uppsala, Sweden
  35. Arzel, Guillemain M. & Elmberg J. 2006. La migration printanière des canards de surface. Biological station of Tour du Valat
  36. Arzel, Guillemain M., Elmberg J. 2006. L´écologie de la sarcelle d´hiver et des autres canards de surface : connexion entre les sites d´hivernage, les haltes migratoires et les zones de reproduction. Réunion du groupe canards France, Paris
  37. Elmberg J., Arzel, Guillemain M., Lepley M., Bosca F., Legagneux P. & Nogues J.B. 2006 Flyway patterns of food abundance in Eurasian Teal (Anas crecca crecca). 4th North American Duck Symposium, Bismarck, USA
  38. Guillemain M., Mondain-Monval J.Y., Sadoul N., Johnson A.R., Simon G., Arzel & Schricke V. 2006. Old data for modern conservation questions: population boundaries and migration dates of Eurasian Teal (Anas crecca crecca) wintering in western Europe. 4th North American Duck Symposium, Bismarck, USA
  39. Arzel, Guillemain M. & Elmberg J. 2005. Behavioural strategies of migrating teal (Anas crecca crecca) and other dabbling ducks. « Waterfowl ecology and management », NOVA network (“The Nordic Forestry, Veterinary and Agricultural University Network”),
  40. Guillemain M., Schricke V., Caizergues A., Leray G., Dugué H., Tison L., Lepley M., Massez G., Nogues J.B., Chambouleyron M., Arzel & Elmberg J. 2003. Programme de recherche sur la Sarcelle d’hiver (Anas crecca). Scientific commission of the ONCFS.
  41. Guillemain M., Schricke V., Arzel, Elmberg J., Stervander M., Sjöberg K., Nordstrom Å., Andersson E., Caizergues A., Leray G., Dugué H., Tison L., Lepley M., Massez G., Nogues J.B. & Chambouleyron M. 2003. Nasal marking of Teal Anas crecca in France and abroad. Duck marking workshop, XXVIth Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists, Braga, Portugal.