WP4: Geo-informatic synthesis

The objective of WP4 GI-synthesis is to synthesize linkages between exposure drivers, climate and urban policies, environmental exposures and health outcomes spatially explicitly. We amalgamate the data and information collected and analysed in different WPs into coherent fine-resolution spatio-temporal GIS datasets covering the Six Cities. These datasets will allow detailed and sophisticated analyses and conclusions on the spatial variability of climate-induced health risk in the current climate as well as future climatic, environmental and socioeconomic conditions. The synthesis will be produced in active collaboration between the consortium partners and stakeholders boosted in regular meetings and workshops.

Task 4.1 includes coordinating the synthesis process and designing the state-of-the-art methods of geospatial data analyses, including assessment and reduction of uncertainties in the data processing and the final output data (Owrangi et al. 2015, de Sherbinin et al. 2019).

In Task 4.2, a synthesis of the driver-exposure health associations will be formulated.

Task 4.3 involves designing the data visualisations and the necessary data platforms.

In Task 4.4, we develop an operational pilot approach open source UTU Climate Risk Database for climate-related health risk mapping. The GIS database will include detailed metadata description of each map layer and workflow of the data processing. The GIS database will be made available in Open Geospatial Information Infrastructure for Research (oGIIR) Geoportti, Paituli geospatial data service, Lounaistieto regional data service and cities’ own GI platforms. Database planning and construction will start at the beginning of the project, and the synthesis work is paralleled with the schedules of other WPs.