Vertaisarvioidut julkaisut

Juhila, K., Raitakari, S., Karjalainen, R., Mäki, J., & Kuoppakangas, P. (2024). Asumissosiaalinen lähityö gentrifioituvalta asuinalueelta poismuuttamaan joutuvien asukkaiden parissa. Yhdyskuntasuunnittelu, 62(1), 28–50.

Kallio, T., Siekkinen, T., Pekkola, E., Kivistö, J., Nokkala, T., & Kuoppakangas, P. (2024). Push and pull factors affecting leaving academia. Tertiary Education and Management.

Lähteenmäki-Uutela, A., Haukioja, T., & Pohjola, T. (2024). From global Doughnut sustainability to local tourism destination management. Hotel and Tourism Management, 12(2), 107–121.

Lähteenmäki-Uutela, A., Ituarte-Lima, C., Turunen, T., Ott, A., Lonkila, A., & Haukioja, T. (2024). Planetary Boundaries nurturing the grand narrative of the right to a healthy environment? Environmental Policy and Law, 54, 15–26.

Haukioja, T. (2023). Onko kasvulla rajoja? Ekologisen taloustieteen mukaan on. [Kirja-arvio teoksesta Dictionary of Ecological Economics. Terms for the New Millennium, toim. B. M. Haddad & B. D. Solomon]. Kansantaloudellinen aikakauskirja, 119(2).

Hautaniemi, R. (2023). Herkkyys liikkeessä. Etnografisia kuvakulmia terapeuttiseen yhdistystoimintaan. [Väitöskirja, Turun yliopisto]. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Sarja B osa – Tom 643, Humaniora.

Kuoppakangas, P., Hagman, S., Stenvall, J., & Kinder, T. (2023). Social learning supporting the management of organizational reputation in the midst of an espionage crisis. Corporate Reputation Review, 41299(171).

Kuoppakangas, P., Stenvall, J., Kinder, T., Lindfors, J., & Talonen, A. (2023). Detecting and managing the mechanism of perceived meaningfulness of work and digital transformation in public sector health and social care services. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 194. [iFirst]. Detecting and managing the mechanism of perceived meaningfulness of work and digital transformation in public sector health and social care services – ScienceDirect

Pohjola, T., Aalto, J., Lemmetyinen, A., & Nieminen, L. (2023). A scene-setter, matchmaker, or co-creator? The role of the HEI in the CCI ecosystem engagement when branding a place. Industry and Higher Education.

Erkkilä-Välimäki, A., Pohja-Mykrä, M., Katila, J., & Pöntynen, R. (2022). Coastal fishery stakeholders’ perceptions, motivation, and trust regarding maritime spatial planning and regional development: The case in the Bothnian Sea of the northern Baltic Sea. Marine Policy, 144, 105205.

Houhala, K., Kuoppakangas, P., Stenvall, J., & Salminen, V. (2022). Palvelulupauksen täydentäminen asiakaslupauksella: Arvolupausten lähestyminen ja arviointi omakuvasta? Focus Localis, 3(22), 6–25.

Dimitrovski, D., Lemmetyinen, A., Nieminen, L., & Pohjola, T. (2021). Understanding coastal and marine tourism sustainability – Multi-stakeholder analysis. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 19, 100554.

Luhtala, H., Erkkilä-Välimäki, A., Qvist Eliasen, S., & Tolvanen, H. (2021). Business sector involvement in maritime spatial planning – Experiences from the Baltic Sea region. Marine Policy, 123, 104301.

Pohjola, T., Grönman, J., & Viljanen, J. (2021). Multi-stakeholder engagement in agile service platform co-creation. In 44th International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO) (s. 1398–1403). IEEE.

Repka, S., Erkkilä-Välimäki, A., Jonson, J. E., Posch, M., Törrönen, J., & Jalkanen, J.-P. (2021). Assessing the costs and environmental benefits of IMO regulations of ship-originated SOx and NOx emissions in the Baltic Sea. AMBIO, 50(9), 1718–1730.

Stenvall, J., Kuoppakangas, P., & Talonen, A. (2021). Finland. In J. Martí-Henneberg (Ed.), European regions, 1870–2020 (s. 89–98). Springer.

Talonen, A., Kwon, W. J., Mähönen, J., & Kuoppakangas, P. (2021). An analysis of the ownership and customer support activities of mutual insurance companies. Nordic Journal of Business, 70(4), 243–261.

Talonen, A., Mähönen, J., Koskinen, L., & Kuoppakangas, P. (2021). Analysis of consumers’ negative perceptions of health tracking in insurance – A value sacrifice approach. Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society, 19(4), 463–479.

Kuoppakangas, P., Lindfors, J., Stenvall, J., Kinder, T., & Talonen, A. (2020). COVID-19 triggering homecare professionals’ change of attitudes towards e-Welfare. Finnish Journal of eHealth and eWelfare, 12(13), 241–249.

Kuoppakangas, P., Suomi, K., Clark, P., Chapleo, C., & Stenvall, J. (2020). Dilemmas in re-branding a university—“Maybe people just don’t like change”: Linking meaningfulness and mutuality into the reconciliation. Corporate Reputation Review, 23, 92–105.

Kuoppakangas, P., Suomi, K., Stenvall, J., Pekkola, E., Kivistö, J., & Kallio, T. (2020). Theoretical, practical and hybrid ex-academics: Career transfer stories. European Educational Research Journal, 20(1), 14–41.

Laine, P., Kuoppakangas, P., & Stenvall, J. (2020). Change strategy (CS): Is there any? The Nordic Journal of Business, 69(4), 5–22.

Pohjola, T., Lemmetyinen, A., & Dimitrovski, D. (2020). Value co-creation in dynamic networks and e-tourism. In Handbook of e-Tourism (s. 1–23). Springer.

Suomi, K., Kuoppakangas, P., Kivistö, J., Pekkola, E., & Stenvall, J. (2020). Exploring doctorate holders’ perceptions of the non-academic labour market and reputational problems they relate to their employment. Tertiary Education and Management, 26(4), 397–414.

Kuoppakangas, P., Kinder, T., Stenvall, J., Laitinen, I., Rannisto, P.-H., & Ruuskanen, O.-P. (2019). Examining the core dilemmas hindering big data-related transformations in public sector organisations. The NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy, 12(2), 131–156.

Kuoppakangas, P., Suomi, K., Stenvall, J., Pekkola, E., Kivistö, J., & Kallio, T. (2019). Revisiting the five problems of public sector organisations and reputation management—The perspective of higher education practitioners and ex-academics. International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, 16(2–4), 147–171.

Suomi, K., Kuoppakangas, P., Stenvall, J., Pekkola, E., & Kivistö, J. (2019). Revisiting “the shotgun wedding of industry and academia”—Empirical evidence from Finland. International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, 16(1), 81–102.

Pöntynen, R., Erkkilä-Välimäki, A., & Nieminen, H. (2018). Main drivers for maritime cluster and shipping in the Baltic Sea. SHS Web of Conferences, 58.

Stenvall, J., Kinder, T., Kuoppakangas, P., & Laitinen, I. (2018). Unlearning and public (healthcare) services: A case study with a Vygotskyan approach. Journal of Adult & Continuing Education, 24(2), 188–207.

Lemmetyinen, A., Dimitrovski, D., Nieminen, L., & Pohjola, T. (2016). Cruise destination brand awareness as a moderator in motivation-satisfaction relation. Tourism Review, 71(4), 245–258.

Hytti, U., Kuoppakangas, P., Suomi, K., Chapleo, C., & Giovanardi, M. (2015). Challenges in delivering brand promise: Focusing on municipal healthcare. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 28(3).

Kuoppakangas, P. (2015). Decision-making and choice in the adoption of a municipal enterprise form in public healthcare organisations – Reasoning, goals, legitimacy and core dilemmas. [Väitöskirja]. Turku School of Economics, University of Turku, Sarja A-9-2016. ISBN 978-952-249-448-1

Laine, P., & Kuoppakangas, P. (2015). A reconceptualization of change strategy – One application of dilemma theory. Journal of Change Management, 15(4), 332–352.

Lemmetyinen, A., Hautaniemi, R., & Määttälä, J. (toim.). (2014). CULTURAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP CONFERENCE (CEC) 10.–11.12.2012 University Consortium of Pori, Finland (e-publication). Turun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulun julkaisusarja A48:2014.

Kuoppakangas, P. (2014). Adopting a municipal enterprise form: Expectations and outcomes – Three cases and dilemmas. Journal of Change Management, 14(1).

Suomi, K., Kuoppakangas, P., Hytti, U., Hampden-Turner, C., & Kangaslahti, J. (2014). Focusing on dilemmas challenging reputation management in higher education. International Journal of Educational Management, 28(4), 461–478.

Kallio, T. J., & Kuoppakangas, P. (2013). Bandwagoning municipal enterprises: Institutional isomorphism and the search for the Third Way. Policy Studies, 34(1).

Kuoppakangas, P., Suomi, K., & Horton, K. (2013). Reputation and legitimacy: A comparative view of three municipal enterprises in Finland. International Journal of Public and Private Healthcare Management and Economics, 3(2).

Saikku, R., Alhosalo, M., Repka, S., & Erkkilä, A. (2010). Reviewing the history of natural sciences research on the Bothnian Sea, 1975–2008. AMBIO, 39(7), 524–527.

Erkkilä, A. (2008). Spatiotemporal aspects of environmental monitoring in the complex coastal region of Southwest Finland. [Väitöskirja, Turun yliopisto]. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis AII:225.

Erkkilä, A., & Kalliola, R. (2007). Spatial and temporal representativeness of water monitoring efforts in the Baltic Sea coast of SW Finland. Fennia, 185(2), 107–132.

Erkkilä, A., & Kalliola, R. (2004). Patterns and dynamics of coastal waters in multi-temporal satellite images: Support to water quality monitoring in the Archipelago Sea, Finland. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 60(2), 165–177.

Ekebom, J., & Erkkilä, A. (2003). Using aerial photography for identification of marine and coastal habitats under the EU’s Habitats Directive. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 13(4), 287–304.

Erkkilä, A., & Kalliola, R. (2003). Veden laadun seuranta Saaristomerellä – tasapainoilua mittasuhteiden välillä. Terra, 115, 216–223.

Kirkkala, T., Helminen, H., & Erkkilä, A. (1998). Variability of nutrient limitation in the Archipelago Sea, SW Finland. Hydrobiologia, 363, 117–126.