Older Individuals’ Health, Nursing and Services
Research programme on Older Individuals’ Health, Nursing and Services develops new knowledge and understanding of individual’s health, nursing care and complex service systems for older individuals from the viewpoints of older individuals, professionals, and organisations. This programme is based on the recognition of ageing population with a wide variety of health issues, multimorbidity, living conditions and environments, and shares interest in older individuals, their health, health determinants and promotion of health, independence, and self-management in different environments. Especially, the interest is in the nursing care of older individuals with chronic and acute illnesses in different contexts, and leadership in complex nursing care and service system.
Head of the Programme

RightTimePlaceCare 2010-2013

RightTimePlaceCare aims to
- develop best practice strategies for transition from formal professional home care to institutional long-term nursing care facilities
- increase the quality of intersectorial information delivery
- deliver cost-effective high quality dementia long-term care
Main results of RightTimePlaceCare (2010-2013)