Physical, social and symbolic environments for older individuals supporting self-management & independence

Age-friendly environments and nature are important for older people. Individuals are ageing and taking care of themselves in different environments, some also in different care environments. Care environment is an under-used resource in the care of older people making this research topic utmost important, especially at home, in nursing homes and long-term care institutions. Within this research area research focus on analysing the impact of care environment on patient outcomes, explaining variations in care individualization, analysing individuals’ own resources to enhance their own conditions, self-management, independence, mobility and activity, and meaningful life in different (care) environments. Environment is defined in terms of physical, build environment, social and symbolic (culture, language, religion/ spirituality, society norms) environment.

Our multi-disciplinary group aims to investigate and enhance current individual (service user, service provider), organisational and build environmental factors in the care settings for older people, all the possible stumbling blocks, assess and provide possible solutions to these for the development of care supporting dignified life and age friendly living.

Researchers / doctoral candidates:

  • Minna Ylönen: Older Individuals Care – Home Best? Assessing prerequisites for living at home of older individuals with comorbidities – evidence for development
  • Taina Kivimäki: Safety at home of older people
  • Kristiina Toivonen: Supporting spirituality as a part of symbolic environment of older adults with memory disorder in the nursing care
  • Noora Narsakka: Facilitating changes in the care environment to increase mobility of nursing home residents using participatory action research
  • Niina Wahlroos: Physical environment in long-term care settings for older people– Support for independence and self-management

Researchers / master students:

  • Laura Galani: Iäkkään henkilön itsensä laiminlyönti – arviointityökalun validointi (Self-neglect in older people – Validation of an instrument)
  • Aino Impilä: Kuvataide hoitoympäristössä (Visual art in care environment)