Value ageing and health in changing world

Care and nursing of older people need a strong ethical foundation and understanding of the contextual issues in the changing world. Research on this field focus on fundamental human rights, and when cared for on patients’ rights of older people, such as respect, equal access to care and services and sustainable, quality services. Individuals representing different generations pose different meanings for ageing, health and health problems in connection with their living and life-situation.

Researchers / doctoral candidates:

  • Jaana Koskenniemi: Respect in the nursing care of older people
  • Suvi Sundgren: Ethical issues in using gerontechnology in the care of older people
  • Ilkka Sairanen. Patient Distress and the Progression of Multiple Sclerosis – Connecting the Dots with a Novel Stress Measurement Method
  • Anna-Liisa Arjama. The Ethical Competence of Nursing Professionals, the Ethical Climate and Expectations Regarding Aging in the context of Long-term Care of Older People.
  • Anu Jokinen. Ethical issues of eHealth services in social and health care from service user’s perspective.
  • Research partly connected with Ethical Healthcare and Nursing

Researchers / master students:

  • Liisa Kallioinen: Health literacy in older adults and factors associated
  • Johanna Rannikko: Hoivakotien hoitohenkilökunnan käsitykset vuorovaikutuksen edistämisestä muistisairauteen sairastuneiden henkilöiden omaisten kanssa