
Doctoral theses, recent

Niina Glerean 2025

The Perception of the Nursing Profession among Nursing Applicants. Assessment and Promotion of the Perception Using a 360°Virtual Learning Environment. Doctoral thesis.

Jenni Rinne 2024

Occupational well-being of nurse educators – Development and evaluation of a digital intervention. Doctoral thesis.

Anne Pienimaa 2023.
THE EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE OF SOCIAL CARE AND HEALTHCARE APPLICANTS – Development and evaluation of the test for student selection. Doctoral thesis.

Mika Alastalo 2021.
Patient observation skills in critical care nursing: A Theoretical construction and evaluation. Doctoral thesis.

Jonna Vierula 2021.
The assessment of reasoning skills in nursing student selection – Test development and psychometric testing. Doctoral thesis.

Anu-Marja Kaihlanen 2020.
From a nursing student to a registered nurse – Final clinical practicum facilitating the transition. Doctoral thesis.

Camilla Strandell-Laine 2019.
Nursing student–nurse teacher cooperation using mobile technology during the clinical practicum. Doctoral thesis.

Sanna Koskinen 2016.
Nursing students and older people nursing. Towards a future career. Doctoral thesis.

Virpi Sulosaari 2016.
Medication competence of nursing students in Finland. Doctoral thesis.

Satu Kajander-Unkuri. 2015. Nurse Competence of Graduating Nursing Students. Doctoral thesis.

Kirsi Talman. 2014. Hoitotyön koulutuksen opiskelijavalinnat. Seurantatutkimus kahden valintakoemenetelmän yhteydestä opiskelijoiden osaamiseen ja opiskelumotivaatioon. Student selection in nursing education – A follow-up study of two selection methods and their relations to the knowledge, skills and study motivation of nursing students (original in Finnish). Doctoral thesis.

Doctoral theses can be bought from University of Turku Library.