Development plan for school safety

Developing school safety requires thorough planning and proactive insight into safety culture. A development plan is a practical tool for planning the safety work of a school. When drafting a plan, the first step is to recognize things that need developing.

The pilot schools of the ONNI – Success in School Safety -project have used this plan template for developing their safety work during the school year 2022-2023. To help schools identify the areas of safety culture which needed developing, the project invited an external expert to conduct a structured auditing process in all project schools. The audit focused on the structural safety, safety communication, documentation, practicing and self-preparedness of schools.

Download the development plan template created by the ONNI – Success in School Safety -project here to take concrete steps to improving the safety of your school today! Don’t forget to set a date for updating the plan and agree on who will take charge of following through with each task.