Oppimisympäristön turvallisuuden osa-alueet ja tilannekuva – Perusopetuksen turvallisuuden hallintaa turvallisuusilmoitusten perusteella


Oppimisympäristön turvallisuuden osa-alueet ja tilannekuva – Perusopetuksen turvallisuuden hallintaa turvallisuusilmoitusten perusteella


M. Leino, E. Lindfors


Dimensions of safety in learning environments and a timely snapshot – managing safety in basic education based on safety notice reports

Reporting safety deviations is a key indicator of safety culture in a community, and safety of learning environments is a constant concern in education. In this study safety is seen as a combination of physical, psychological, social, structural, environmental and pedagogical dimensions of safety. To advance research-based knowledge in recognizing and developing safety in learning environments we posed a research question “what is the state of safety in learning environments in basic education based on safety notice reports filed in by staff ?”. The data was collected between 15 comprehensive schools (grades 1-9, students aged 7-16), and total 324 individual safety notice reports form an extensive case study. The data was analyzed according to the dimensions of safety in learning environments. The results reveal that safety notice reports concern mostly physical safety, especially violence either between students or directed towards a staff member.


safety observation, safety culture, safety notice reporting, basic education, extensive case study

Mer information:

Leino, M., & Lindfors, E. (2024). Oppimisympäristön turvallisuuden osa-alueet ja tilannekuva – Perusopetuksen turvallisuuden hallintaa turvallisuusilmoitusten perusteella. Hallinnon tutkimus43(3), 226–245. https://doi.org/10.37450/ht.131217