Kuva: Hanna Oksanen / Turun yliopiston viestintä


Call For Papers

The “call for papers” for the FPSA Annual Conference 2024 have been opened and will be open until April 19. If you are interested in submitting a paper or presentation, you should send an email with the title of your work and a brief abstract to the chairperson of the workshop of your choice. The workshops have been listed here. Please notice that the acceptance of a presentation or paper ultimately depends on the decision of the chairperson. Thus, we recommend contacting the chairperson of the workshop in good time and inquiring if there is a possibility to participate in it.

You can sign up for the ESN Workshop via the registration form of the conference.



Enrollment for the FPSA Annual Conference 2024 have been opened and will be open until April 30. Please fill in your information with care. In addition to enrollment you should also add the name of your presentation or paper and abstract, as well as the workshop where you would like to present your presentation or paper. Presenters should not enroll until their participation in the workshop is confirmed.

Participating in the FPSA Annual Conference is free for members of FPSA, undergraduate students, and chairpersons of the workshops. Therefore, make sure that you have joined as a member of the association and paid the membership fee or conference fee by April 30.

The entry fee for others is 100€ (for doctoral researchers / postgraduate students) or 120€ (for others).

Please note that you must enroll for the dinner separately. In connection with enrollment, you should state your menu option, special dietary requirements, and possible allergies. The conference dinner (64,50€) is also to be paid in connection with conference enrollment.

You can enroll for FPSA Annual Conference by filling out the form.

You can enroll for conference dinner by filling out the form.