Career courses

The Career Services offers career courses for students to support their job search and career planning.

Job seeking in Finland (1 ECTS)

The course gives you:

  • basic information about the Finnish job market and working in Finland
  • helps you identify your skills and strengths
  • ideas on where to look for jobs and internships
  • tips on how to write a good CV and motivation letter and how to prepare for a job interview

You can join the Job seeking in Finland sessions either with the intent of completing the course of 1 ECTS or you can attend the info sessions just for the information. The course consists of five online info sessions, going through the entire job search process.  The course is organized by the Career Services/Rekry. Register for the course in Peppi. Dates & times are found in the Study Guide. Instructions on course completion and the link to the Moodle page are given at the beginning of each online info session.

The five mandatory sessions for 1 ECTS are the following (offered twice a year):

  • Working in Finland
  • How to tell about your skills and expertise
  • The Hidden Job Market
  • CV & Application
  • How to succeed in a job interview

To complete the course you need to attend all sessions (you need to attend each sessions once before July 2024) as well as complete the tasks in Moodle: your CV, an application letter and a job seeking plan. After you have completed these, you will book an appointment for a personal feedback discussion with a career counsellor.

The course is suitable for all higher education students and doctoral candidates. All info sessions are held remotely (Zoom-link in Study Guide)

Career Q&A

The Career Services offer Q&A sessions, where you get to ask our Career counsellor your questions regarding job seeking and working in Finland. The sessions are loosely bound to the following themes:

15 Nov – Work life culture in Finland
22 Nov – Job seeking and networking
29 Nov – What employers look for

Register via links above. The sessions are held on campus (Calonia, Turku). Come as you are!

How to work in Finland  - self study package

The Career Services offer a self study career coaching package “How to Work in Finland” in English. The self study materials focus on identifying your skills and how to find a job in Finland. The self study package is suitable for international degree students, doctoral candidates, Ph.D’s and post docs.

The self study package focuses on:

  • The Finnish work culture
  • How the Finnish labour market works
  • Your strengths, skills and career interests
  • Job seeking in Finland

How to complete the package:

The self study package is found on Moodle and you can complete it in your own pace.