Visibility among students

Turku University has over 20,000 students. By enhancing your organization’s visibility among students, you can attract the most qualified applicants for your recruitment needs. We offer various options to enhance your employer visibility based on your needs.

Our visibility services

Employer visibility package

Employer visibility package is a great option for showcasing employee experience to students.

Contents of the visibility package:

  • An employee interview article on the Career Services website (materials for the article to be provided by the client).
  • Featured visibility of the article on the Career Services homepage for a minimum of 2 weeks. Afterward, the article remains visible in the news archive for at least 2 years.
  • A visual excerpt from the article in the Career Services newsletter and on Instagram.

Price: €550 + VAT.

Ordering the Employer Visibility Package:

Contact us via email at”

Individual Visibility Services

  • Visual feature in the Career Services newsletter: €270 + VAT.
  • Publication on Career Services Instagram Stories and Facebook post: €270 + VAT.
  • Company presentation on campus: €330 + venue rental + VAT.

Job Advertisements

Universities use the JobTeaser platform to communicate open positions to students. Posting advertisements is free for employers, and with one posting, you can reach students from other universities as well. Your first time using the service will involve creating your own account.

Post your job opening on JobTeaser

Terms of publication

Long-term visibility as a career sponsor

Would you like to gain visibility among university students, network with other companies, and support student-industry collaboration? Become a career sponsor!

Learn more about the services available for career sponsors

The published content should be related to the working life and beneficial for our students.


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