Open vacancies

Open vacancies published by Career Services can be found in JobTeaser-portal, which requires login with utu credentials.

Go to JobTeaser

University of Turku open positions (public)

University of Turku open positions (intranet)


Instructions for logging in JobTeaser for the first time 

1. Login using your UTU credentials at

2. In the Courses section, select your own faculty / department. If you are studying in several different faculties or departments, choose the one that is the most relevant. The selection will not affect the jobs you see. Depending on your selection, other cntent may be targeted specifically for you.

3. On the next page, you can choose the types of jobs you are interested in. These choices affect which vacancies appear on your home page. You can also edit these selections later, and if you want, you can browse all open job postings.

More information about using JobTeaser can be found here.