Connecting Finnish maritime cluster to create futures scenarios

GYROSCOPE Work Packages

WP1 – Conceptual framework and qualitative system mapping

Work package 1 will develop a conceptual framework to facilitate shared understanding of the sustainable green transition in marine logistics, particularly in the Finnish society. The work package analyses (1) the manifestation of sustainability thinking and sustainable development goals (SDG) in todayʼs operation of the sector, (2) the prerequisites for the sustainability of the marine actorsʼ operation in the green transition, and (3) visions of sustainable green transition of logistics among marine actors. These research questions are elaborated by means of literature review and interviews. The outcome is a graphical conceptual framework that directs the work in the other work packages.

WP2 – Digital foresight platform

Work package 2 develops a digital foresight platform (DFP), with necessary models and tools, for guiding the evaluation of new digital technologies that aim at supporting the transition to low-carbon marine logistics. GYROSCOPE applies the DFP to the analysis and identification of paths to resilient implementation of analyzed solutions by representing the potential failures, recovery, and degradation of components in marine logistics system, ecosystems, and society. The sustainability criteria are adopted from WP1. DFP will focus on analyzing the impacts of digitalization in three case contexts: 1) autonomous shipping, 2) ship navigation in ice and 3) alternative fuels.

WP3 – Three empirical case contexts

Work package 3 aims to enhance the resilience of future marine logistics with a competency mapping and -building procedure based on three case analyses realized applying the DFP. GYROSCOPE assumes that resilient and sustainable decisions are based on collectively created situational pictures, where the systemic dependencies between the actorsʼ actions, as well as among the sector, the society and environment, are clearly articulated. In the WP3, by interacting in the DFP with key stakeholders and experts, we aim at creating an approach that visualizes and makes transparent the structures and processes advancing or hindering the manifestation of sustainability or/and resilience in the case domains, in order to identify the sustainability- and resilience-building decisions. The three DFP case contexts analyzed are: 1) autonomous shipping, 2) ship navigation in ice and 3) alternative fuels.

WP4 – Strategic future pathways to low-carbon marine logistics

Work package 4 combines the data from WPs 1-3 and, by utilizing strategic pathway analysis (SPA) and scenario analysis, synthesizes them into systematic future-oriented pathways of sustainable smart transition to low-carbon marine logistics. SPA can be defined as an analysis of construction and selection processes of futures arguments, and how these arguments are crafted into alternative strategic options in a specific context. In the pathway analysis we will combine and commensurate quantitative and qualitative data produced in WPs 1-3 by treating them all as interpretative argument material.

WP5 – Coordination and communications

Work package 5 coordinates and supports fluent interaction within the GYROSCOPE consortium, as well as between the consortium and external actors, including the key stakeholders and collaborating experts. The work includes the design and facilitation of the diverse integrative and participatory activities, project events and dissemination of the results.