

Tarro Saija. Early childhood diet quality and risk of overweight – associations with individual, family and neighbourgood factors. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sarja D, Medica – Odontologia, Turku 2023.

Nylund Annette. Factors in the child’s growing environment influencing early vocabulary development. Åbo Akademi University, Speech and Language Pathology
Faculty of Arts, Psychology and Theology, Åbo 2023.

Lähteenmäki Marko. Keneen tukeutua isäksi tultua? Pitkittäistutkimus isien ensisijaisista tuen lähteistä ja vertaistuen tarpeesta lapsen ensimmäisinä ikävuosina. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sarja B, Humaniora, Turku 2021.

Matarma Tanja. Associations between motor skills, physical activity, and sedentary behavior – Early childhood in focus. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sarja D, Medica – Odontologica, Turku 2020.

Karppinen Sinikka. Viral and bacterial interactions in respiratory tract infections in children. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sarja D: Medica, Odontologica, Turku 2019.

Schuez-Havupalo Linnea. Psychosocial and environmental influences in early childhood and their relation to respiratory tract infections. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sarja D: Medica, Odontologica, Turku 2018.

Kallvik Emma. Risk factors for hoarseness and vocal symptoms in children. Logopedics. Faculty of Arts, Psychology, and Theology Åbo Akademi University. Åbo, Finland, 2018.

Ahlqvist-Björkroth Sari. Challenges for transition into early parenthood : Prenatal depressive symptoms, marital distress, and premature birth of an infant. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sarja B, Humaniora, Turku 2017.

Tuominen Miia. Hyötyvätkö perheet äitiysneuvolan ja lastenneuvolan palvelujen yhdistämisestä? Vertaileva palvelujärjestelmätutkimus. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Scripta Lingua Fennica Edita, sarja C, Turku 2016.

Kaittila Anniina. Rahakonfliktit ja taloudellinen väkivalta parisuhteissa. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sarja C 424, Scripta lingua Fennica edita, Turku 2017.

Toivonen Laura. Rhinovirus infections in young children: Clinical manifestations, susceptibility, and host response. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis D 1249, Turku 2016.

Vaarno Jenni. Parental influences and mothers’ experiences on infant and young child feeding practices. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis D 1233, Turku 2016.

Mäkelä Johanna. Genetic, prenatal and postnatal determinants of weight gain and obesity in young children – The STEPS Study. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis D 1187, Turku 2015.

Vuononvirta Juho. Nasopharyngeal colonization by pathogenic bacteria: effect of polymorphisms in innate immune genes of young children. Doctoral thesis (article-based). Institute of Clinical Medicine. Department of Paediatrics. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis D 1158, 2015.


Julkaisut vuonna 2024

Kautto A, Railo H, Mainela-Arnold E. Introducing the Intra-Individual Variability Hypothesis in Explaining Individual Differences in Language Development. J Speech Lang Hear Res 2024. https://pubs.asha.org/doi/10.1044/2024_JSLHR-23-00527

Ahti J, Toivonen L, Ollila H, Ivaska L, Salo-Tuominen K, Vuorinen T, Lempainen J, Peltola V. Household transmission and clinical features of respiratory tract infections that were SARS-CoV-2 positive and negative. J Infect Dis 2024 May 31:jiae278. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiae278. Online ahead of print

Teräsjärvi JT, Toivonen L, Mertsola J, Peltola V, He Q. ST2 and IL-33 polymorphisms and the development of childhood asthma: a prospective birth cohort study in Finnish children. APMIS 2024;132:515-525. doi: 10.1111/apm.13411.

Kautto, A., Railo, H., & Mainela-Arnold, E. (2024). Low-Level Auditory Processing Correlates With Language Abilities: An ERP Study Investigating Sequence Learning and Auditory Processing in School-Aged Children. Neurobiology of Language 2024;5:1–19. https://doi.org/10.1162/nol_a_00129

Halla V, Laasanen M, Salminen J, Rautava P. Vanhempien hankaliksi kokemat neuvolapalvelutilanteet korostavat vuorovaikutuksen merkitystä – laadullinen tutkimus. Yleisläääkäri 2024;39:25-31.


Julkaisut vuonna 2023

Lahdenperä M, Galante L, Gonzales Inca C, Vahtera J, Pentti J, Rautava S, Käyhkö N, Yonemitsu C, Gupta J, Bode L, Lagström H. Human milk oligosaccharide composition is associated with the residential green environment. Scientific Reports 2023;13 (article 216). doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-27317-1

Forsström V, Toivonen L, Homil K, Waris M, Pedersen CET, Bønnelykke K, Jartti T, Peltola V. Association of asthma risk alleles with acute respiratory tract infections and wheezing illnesses in young children. J Infect Dis 2023;228:990-998. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiad075

Teräsjärvi JT, Toivonen L, Mertsola J, Peltola V, He Q. Low serum soluble ST2 level in early childhood is associated with the risk for asthma at 7 years of age. Allergol Int 2022 Aug 11;S1323-8930(22)00080-6. doi: 10.1016/j.alit.2022.07.002

Teräsjärvi JT, Toivonen L, Mertsola J, Peltola V, He Q. Association of Toll-like receptor 2 rs111200466 polymorphism with low serum levels of IL-33 in early childhood. APMIS 2023;131:303-309. doi: 10.1111/apm.13314

Julkaisut vuonna 2022

Kautto, A., & Mainela-Arnold, E. (2022). Procedural learning and school-age language outcomes in children with and without a history of late talking. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 57(6), 1155–1398. https://doi.org/10.1111/1460-6984.12751

Nylund, A., Korpilahti, P., Kaljonen, A., & Rautakoski, P. (2022). Associations of Paternal Factors and Child´s Sex with Early Vocabulary Development – the STEPS study. First Language, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/01427237221133623

Nylund, A., Toivonen, L., Korpilahti, P., Kaljonen, A., Lyberg Åhlander, V., Peltola, V., & Rautakoski, P. (2022) Influence of respiratory tract infections on vocabulary growth in relation to child´s sex: the STEPS Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and PublicHealth, 19(23). https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph192315560

Tarro S, Lahdenperä M, Vahtera J, Pentti J, Lagström H. Parental feeding practices and child eating behavior in different socioeconomic neighborhoods and their association with childhood weight. The STEPS Study. Health Place 2022; March, doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2022.102745

Tarro S, Lahdenperä M, Vahtera J, Pentti J, Lagström H. Diet quality in preschool children and associations with individual eating behavior and neighborhood socioeconomic disadvantage. The STEPS Study. Appetite 2022;172:105950. doi.org/10.1016/j.appet.2022.105950

Julkaiset vuonna 2021

Toivonen L, Schuez-Havupalo L, Karppinen S, Waris M, Hoffman KL, Camargo Jr CA, Hasegawa K, Peltola V. Antibiotic treatments during infancy, changes in nasal microbiota, and asthma development: Population-based cohort study. Clin Infect Dis 2021;72:1546-1554. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciaa262.

Lempainen J, Korhonen L, Kantojärvi K, Heinonen S, Toivonen L, Räty P, Ramilo O, Mejias A, Laine AP, Vuorinen T, Waris M, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Paunio T, Peltola V. Associations between IFI44L gene variants and rates of respiratory tract infections during early childhood. J Infect Dis 2021;223,157–165. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiaa341.

Holmlund S, Junttila N, Aromaa M, Räihä H, Mäkinen J, Rautava P. Induced abortion has no psychological effect on early parental self-efficacy and psychological well-being: The Steps to the Healthy Development and Well-being of Children study. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2021;100:751-757.

Nylund A, af Ursin P, Korpilahti P, Rautakoski P. Vocabulary Growth in Lexical Categories Between Ages 13 and 24 Months as a Function of the Child’s Sex, Child, and Family Factors. Front Commun 2021. https://doi.org/10.3389/fcomm.2021.709045

Rajalin S, Pihlaja P, Carter A, Rautakoski P. Associations between social emotional and language domains in toddlerhood – The Steps Study. JCLAD 2021:9;223-248.

Rautakoski P, af Ursin P, Carter AS, Kaljonen A, Nylund A, Pihlaja P. Communication skills in infancy predict social-emotional competencies in early toddlerhood (STEPS Study). J Commun Disord 2021:93;106–138.

Leskinen T, Eloranta AM, Tompuri T, Saari A, Ollila H, Mäkelä J, Niinikoski H, Lagström H. Changes in body composition by age and obesity status in preschool aged children: The STEPS study. Eur J Clin Nutr 2021;75:57-65.

Raita Y, Toivonen L, Schuez-Havupalo L, Karppinen S, Waris M, Hoffman KL, Camargo CA Jr., Peltola V, Hasegawa K. Maturation of nasal microbiota and antibiotic exposures during early childhood: a population-based cohort study. Clin Microbiol Infect  2021;27:283.e1-283.e7. doi: 10.1016/j.cmi.2020.05.033.

Kautto, A., Jansson-Verkasalo, E., & Mainela-Arnold, E. (2021). Generalized Slowing Rather Than Inhibition Is Associated With Language Outcomes in Both Late Talkers and Children With Typical Early Development. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 64(4), 1222–1234. https://doi.org/10.1044/2020_JSLHR-20-00523


Julkaisut vuonna 2020

Schuez-Havupalo L, Karppinen S, Teros-Jaakkola T, Toivonen L, Peltola V. Respiratory tract infection rates are similar between children with prolonged day-care exposure and children in home care. Acta Paediatr 2020;109:415-416.

Toivonen L, Schuez-Havupalo L, Karppinen S, Teros-Jaakkola T, Mertsola J, Waris M, Peltola V. Respiratory syncytial virus infections in children 0-24 months of age in the community. J Infect 2020;80:69-75.

Teräsjärvi JT, Toivonen L, Vuononvirta J, Mertsola J, Peltola V, He Q. TLR4 polymorphism, nasopharyngeal bacterial colonization, and the development of childhood asthma: a prospective birth-cohort study in Finnish children. Genes (Basel) 2020;11:768. doi: 10.3390/genes11070768.

Lähteenmäki M, Pihlaja P, Laakkonen E. Muuttuuko isien vertaistuen tarve lapsen syntymän jälkeisinä vuosina?  Seurantatutkimus isien suhtautumisessa vertaistukeen ja vertaistuen kehittämiseen Varhaiskasvatuksen Tiedelehti/JECER 2020;9:399–419.

af Ursin P, Järvinen T, Pihlaja P. The role of academic buoyancy and social support in mediating associations between academic stress and school engagement in Finnish Primary School Children. Scan J Educ Res 2020;65:1-15.

Panula V, Junttila N, Aromaa M, Rautava P, Räihä H. Parental Psychosocial Well-Being as a Predictor of the Social Competence of a Child. J Child Fam Stud 2020;29:3004-3019. doi: 10.1007/s10826-020-01790-6

Toivonen L, Karppinen S, Schuez-Havupalo L, Waris M, He Q, Hoffman KL, Petrosino JF, Dumas O, Camargo CA jr, Hasegawa K, Peltola V. Longitudinal Changes in Early Nasal Microbiota and the Risk of Childhood Asthma. Pediatrics 2020;146: e20200421

Galante L, Pundir S, Lagström H, Rautava S, Reynolds CM, Milan AM, Cameron-Smith D, Vickers MH. Growth factor concentrations in human milk are associated with infant weight and BMI from birth to 5 years. Front. Nutr 29 July 2020 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fnut.2020.00110

 Lagström H*, Rautava S*, Ollila H, Kaljonen A, Turta O, Mäkelä J, Yonemitsu C, Gupta J, Bode L. Associations between Human Milk Oligosaccharides and Growth in Infancy and Early Childhood. Am J Clin Nutr 2020;111:769-778. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/nqaa010

 Matarma T, Lagström H, Löyttyniemi E, Koski P. Motor Skills of 5-Year-Old Children: Gender Differences and Activity and Family Correlates. Perceptual and Motor Skills. January 20, 2020, doi.org/10.1177/0031512519900732

 Galante L, Lagström H, Vickers MH, Reynolds CM, Rautava S, Milan A M, Cameron-Smith D,  Pundir S. Sexually dimorphic associations between maternal factors and human milk hormonal concentrations. Nutrients 2020, 12, 152; doi:10.3390/nu12010152

Lankinen V, Lähteenmäki M., Kaljonen A, Korpilahti P. Father–child activities and paternal attitudes in early child language development: the STEPS study. Early Child Development and Care 2020; 190: 13;2078-2092. doi.org/10.1080/03004430.2018.1557160


Julkaisut vuonna 2019

Toivonen L, Forsström V, Waris M, Peltola V. Acute respiratory infections in early childhood and risk of asthma at age 7 years. J Allergy Clin Immunol  2019;143:407-410.e6.

Nylund A, Toivonen L, Korpilahti P, Peltola V, Rautakoski P. Recurrent respiratory tract infections or acute otitis media were not a risk factor for vocabulary development in children at 13 and 24 months of age. Acta Paediatr 2019;108: 288–294 doi:10.1111/apa.14546

Pundir S, Mäkelä J, Nuora A, Junttila N, Wall CR, Linderborg K, Cameron-Smith D, Lagström H. Maternal influences on the glucocorticoid concentrations of human milk: The STEPS study. Clin Nutr 2019;38:1913-1920. doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2018.06.980.

Julkaisut vuonna 2018

Pihlaja P, Warinowski A. Yksivuotiaiden lasten päivähoito. Äitien toiveita ja valintoja. Kasvatus 2018;49;122-136.

Hoppu U, Lagström H, Sandell M. Genetic variation in the TAS2R38 bitter taste receptor and overweight among adults in Southwest Finland. Nutrition and Food Science 2018;48: 88-96

Matarma T, Lagström H, Hurme S, Tammelin T, Kulmala J, Koski P. Motor skills in association with physical activity, sedentary time, body fat and daycare attendance – the STEPS Study. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2018;12:2668-2676.. doi: 10.1111/sms.13264.




Julkaisut vuonna 2017

Lähteenmäki M, Hakyemez-Paul S, Pihlaja P. Formal and informal sources of paternal support in early parenthood. Early Child Dev Care 2017;189:1786-1799.

Julkaisut vuonna 2014-2016

Korpilahti P, Kaljonen A, Jansson-Verkasalo E. Identification of biological and environmental risk factors for language delay: the Let’s Talk STEPS study. Infant Behavior and Development 2016; 42:, 27–35. doi.org.10.1016/j.infbeh.2015.08.008

Korpilahti P, Kaljonen A, Jansson-Verkasalo E. Population-Based Screening for Language Delay: Let’s Talk STEPS Study. Psychology, 2016;7: 205-214. doi: 10.4236/psych.2016.72023.

Karppinen S, Toivonen L, Schuez-Havupalo L, Waris M, Peltola V. Interference between respiratory syncytial virus and rhinovirus in respiratory tract infections in children. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2016;22:e1-208 doi: 10.1016/j.cmi.2015.10.002.

Junttila N, Aromaa M, Rautava P, Jorma P, Räihä H. Measuring Multidimensional Parental Self-Efficacy of Mothers and Fathers of Children Ages 1.5 and 3 Years. Family Relations 2015;64, 665-680.

Junttila N, Ahlqvist-Björkroth S, Aromaa M, Rautava P, Piha J, Räihä H. Intercorrelations and developmental pathways of mothers’ and fathers’ loneliness during pregnancy, infancy and toddlerhood–STEPS study. Scand J Psychol. 2015;56:482-8. doi: 10.1111/sjop.12241

Toivonen L, Schuez-Havupalo L, Rulli M, Ilonen J, Pelkonen J, Melen K, Julkunen I, Peltola V, Waris M. Blood MxA protein as a marker for respiratory virus infections in young children. J Clin Virol. 2015;62: 8-13. (doi: 10.1016/j.jcv.2014.11.018)

Matarma T, Koski P, Löyttyniemi E, Lagström H. The factors associated with toddlers’ screen-time change in the STEPS study: a two-year follow-up. Prev Med. 2016;84:27-33 28. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2015.12.014.

Korpilahti P, Kaljonen A, Jansson-Verkasalo E. Identification of biological and environmental risk factors for language delay: the Let’s Talk STEPS study. Infant Behav Dev 2016;42:27-35. doi: 10.1016/j.infbeh.2015.08.008

Knaapila AJ, Sandell M, Vaarno J, Hoppu U, Puolimatka T, Kaljonen A, Lagström H. Food neophobia associates with lower dietary quality and higher BMI in Finnish adults. Pub Health Nutr 2015;18:2161-2171.

Vaarno J, Niinikoski H, Kaljonen A, Aromaa M, Lagström H. Mothers restrictive eating and food neophobia and fathers’ dietary quality associates with breastfeeding duration and introduc-tion of solid foods – the STEPS study. Publ Healt Nutr 2015;18:1991-2000.

Korja R, Piha J, Otava R, Lavanchy-Scaiola C, Ahlqvist-Björkroth S, Junttila N, Aromaa M, Räihä H & the Steps Study group. Parents´ Psychological Well-Being and Parental Self-Efficacy in Relation to the Family´s Triadic Interaction. Infant Mental Health Journal 2015;36:298-307.

Mäkelä J, Vaarno J, Kaljonen A, Niinikoski H, Lagström H.Maternal overweight impacts infant feeding patterns – the STEPS study. Eur J Clin Nutr 2014;68:43-49. doi: 10.1038/ejcn.2013.229.

Holmlund S, Kaljonen A, Junttila N, Räihä H, Mäkinen J, Rautava P. Psychological ill-being experienced by first-time mothers and their partners in pregnancy after abortion: a cohort study. J Psychosom Obstet Gynaeco  2014;34:132-139.

Tuominen M, Kaljonen A, Ahonen P, Rautava P. Relational continuity of care in integrated maternity and child health clinics improve parents’ service experiences. Int J Integr Care. 2014;14:e029. doi: 10.5334/ijic.1451.

Toivonen L, Schuez-Havupalo L, Rulli M, Ilonen J, Pelkonen J, Melen K, Julkunen I, Peltola V, Waris M. Blood MxA protein as a marker for respiratory virus infections in young children. J Clin Virol 2015;62:8-13. doi: 10.1016/j.jcv.2014.11.018. Epub 2014 Nov 18.

Gröndahl-Yli-Hannuksela K, Vuononvirta J, Peltola V, Mertsola J, He Q. Lack of association between mannose binding lectin and antibody responses after acellular pertussis vaccinations. Plos One 2014;9:e88919. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0088919.

Mäkelä J, Vaarno J, Kaljonen A, Niinikoski H, Lagström H. Maternal overweight impacts infant feeding patterns – the STEPS study. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2014 Jan;68:43-9. doi: 10.1038/ejcn.2013.229.

Schuez-Havupalo L, Karppinen S, Toivonen L, Kaljonen A, Jartti T, Waris M, Peltola V. Association between infant swimming and rhinovirus induced wheezing. Acta Paediatr 2014;103:1153-1158. DOI: 10.1111/apa.12736.

Linderborg KM, Kalpio M, Mäkelä J, Niinikoski H, Kallio HP, Lagström H. Tandem mass spectrometric analysis of human milk triacylglycerols from normal weight and overweight mothers on different diets. Food Chemistry 2014;146:583-590.

Julkaisut 2013 ja aiemmin

Junttila N, Ahlqvist-Björkroth S, Aromaa M, Rautava P, Piha J, Vauras M, Lagström H, Räihä H. Mothers’ and Fathers’ Loneliness During Pregnancy, Infancy, and Toddlerhood. Psychology and Education Journal 2013;50:98-104.

Karppinen S, Vuononvirta J, He Q, Waris M, Peltola V. Effects of rhinovirus infection on nasopharyngeal bacterial colonization in infants with wild or variant types of mannose-binding lectin and Toll-like receptors 3 and 4. J Pediatr Infect Dis Soc 2013;2:240-247.

Lagström H, Rautava P, Kaljonen A, Räihä H, Pihlaja P, Korpilahti P, Peltola V, Rautakoski P, Österbacka E, Simell, O, & Niemi P. Cohort Profile: Steps to the Healthy Development and Well-being of Children (the STEPS Study) International Journal of Epidemiology 2013;42:1273-1284.

Mäkelä J, Linderborg K, Niinikoski H, Yang B, Lagström H.Breast milk fatty acid composition differs between overweight and normal weight women: the STEPS Study. Eur J Nutr 2013;52:727-735.

Mäkelä J, Lagström H, Kaljonen A, Simell O, Niinikoski H. Hyperglycemia and lower diet quality in pregnant overweight women and increased infant size at birth and at 13 months of age -STEPS Study.  Early Hum Dev 2013;89:439-444.

Nuolivirta K, Vuononvirta J, Peltola V, Koponen P, Helminen M, He Q, Korppi M. Toll-like receptor-2 subfamily genotypes are not associated with severity of bronchiolitis or post-bronchiolitis wheezing in infants. Acta Paediatr 2013;102:1160-1164.

Vuononvirta J, Peltola V, Mertsola J, He Q. Risk of repeated Moraxella catarrhalis colonization is increased in children with Toll-like receptor 4 Asp299Gly polymorphism. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2013;32:1185-1188.

Mäkelä J, Linderborg K, Niinikoski H, Yang B, Kallio H, Lagström H. Breast milk fatty acid composition differs between overweight and normal weight women. Eur J Nutr. 2012;52.727-735.

Tuominen M, Kaljonen A, Ahonen P, Rautava P. Does the organizational model of the maternity health clinic have an influence on women’s and their partners’ experiences? A service evaluation survey in Southwest Finland. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2012;12:96. doi:10.1186/1471-2393-12-96.