Book Discussion: ‘Grievance Formation, Rights and Remedies’

20.03.2024 14:15 - 16:15

Hybrid (On-site & Zoom).
On-site: Porthania, University of Helsinki (room TBA)

Welcome to the discussion seminar, dedicated to Assistant Professor Daniela Alaattinoğlu’s newest book Grievance Formation, Rights and Remedies (CUP 2023). The book provides a socio-legal analysis of grievance formation, rights development and remedial cultures in the context of Nordic sterilisation and castration policies in the period of 1930s-2020s. In the last century, the treatment of victims of involuntary sterilisation and castration in Nordic countries has varied drastically from state-to-state, across time and victim groups. Considering why this is the case, Daniela Alaattinoğlu investigates how laws and practices of involuntary, surgical sterilisation and castration have been established, abolished and remedied in three Nordic states: Sweden, Norway and Finland. Employing a vast range of primary and secondary sources, Alaattinoğlu traces the national and international developments of the last 100 years. Developing the concept of grievance formation, the book explores why some states have claimed public responsibility while others have not, and why some victim groups have mobilised while others have remained silent. Through this pioneering analysis, Alaattinoğlu illuminates issues of human and constitutional rights, the evolution of the welfare state and state responsibility in both a national and global context. The book makes contributions especially to sexuality, gender, social movements, and legal mobilization.

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