Support Services

This page is designed to inform you about different support services available in the University of Turku and about support services such as helplines or chats in general. You’ll find more information about each service by following the link.

In addition, we have gathered some useful guides for, for example, student tutors!

Service cloud (2021)

The university of Turku will support you throughout your studies. To help you find the best support, On My Mind project has created a Service Cloud figure to clarify the support offered to a student on and off campus. When in need of peer support, you can reach out to one of our support students through “Shall we talk?” form .

Crisis Helpline 0925250113

You can call the Helpline anonymously and confidentially.

Support Services

Support for students offered by the University

Student Union of the University of Turku

  1. TYYs Specialist in Social Affairs, harrasment contact
  2. TYYs Specialist in Academic Affairs:
  3.  International Affairs,TYYs harrasment contact person:
  4. TYYs legal advice:
    • TYY lawyer: On Tuesdays from 6 to 7 PM, 045 843 3428
    • The Legal Aid Commission organised by the Association for Law Students in Turku, Lex, provides legal aid service on Wednesdays from 6 to 8 pm.Legal advice is free-of-charge for the members of TYY.
  5. TYYs hobby organizations
  6. Subject organization activity
  7. Student nation activity


For Doctoral researchers

  1. University of Turku Graduate School has collected links to services supporting the well-being of the Doctoral Researcher:

Services near student in the everyday life on campus

  1. Mentors
  2. Aikuiskaverit TSE Alumni activity to enhance the mental wellbeing of students
  3. University chaplain
  4. FSHS  Finnish student health service
  5. Kela the Social Insurance Institution of Finland
  6. TYS Turku Student Village Foundation

Information and help: Association and third sector parties:


  1. Mieli ry. The Mental Health Association of Finland
  2. Nyyti ry.  Mental Wellbeing for Students
  3. Surunauha ry. Peer support after a loved one’s suicide
  4. Ehyt ry. Finnish Association Substance Abuse Prevention
  5. Yeesi ry. Youth Mental Health Association
  6. Seta ry LGBTI rights in Finland
  7. Miessakit ry. Association established to support the mental, psychological and social growth of men.


  1. Turun turvakoti When your home is no longer a safe place, for all the genders. Adress: Luolavuorentie 7 b, 20810 Turku. 
  2. Turun tyttöjen talo /House for the girls of Turku: a meeting place for all girls and young women aged 12 to 28.
  3. Tietovuotoapu Help and advice for victims of data breaches
  4. Divorce and family
  5. Red Cross Friend Service
  6. Red Cross Lounge
  7. Limitless gaming, tackling problematic gaming habits
  8. A-Clinic Foundation
  9. Hivpoint Education about sexual health


Chat services

  1. Chat by Nyyti ry (Group chats are about different topics that affect the student’s everyday life.)
  2. MieliChat  (hosted by FSHS)
  3. Sekasin chat (hosted by Mieli ry)
  4. SYLI-chat (hosted by the Eating Disorder Association of Finland)
  5. Kysy rahasta -chat  (for anyone who has issues with money)
  6. Nollalinja chat (for anyone who has experienced violence)

Guides for tutors

  1.  EHYT the Finnish Association for Substance Abuse Prevention
  2.  KyKy-project to promote ability and community:
  3. Quit smoking -The Organisation for Respiratory Health in Finland