Flavoria Flex

Business Finland Research to Business

Flavoria Flex

Flavoria Flex investigates the information production capabilities of imaging technologies to monitor individual’s food choices and dietary intake in a restaurant, retail and care services and preparations to commercialize the whole concept.

Flavoria Flex is aimed at monitoring of individuals’ food choices and it scales to the needs of different size food service companies. Intelligent Flavoria Flex solution will be developed to meet the needs of food sector and consumer in collecting detailed information on the amount and quality of consumers’ food selection choice.

Visit the Flavoria Flex website for more information >

Key partners

The project is coordinated by the Nutrition and Food Research Center (NuFo). The research is based on the previous work done in the Flavoria Research Restaurant. Flavoria Flex is Research to Business funded project by Business Finland with 60 t€. The project takes place in 2023-2025.


Tuomas Mäkilä
Assistant Professor