Supporting the maturation of child´s immune system

Overall aim is to obtain a better understanding of the child’s maturing immune system and the influencing factors.


Viitaharju et al. Improved breast milk proteome coverage by DIA based LC-MS/MS method. Proteomics. 2024 Jul;24(14):e2300340. 

Soukka et al. The Effect of a Fish Oil and/or Probiotic Intervention from Early Pregnancy Onwards on Colostrum Immune Mediators: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blinded Clinical Trial in Overweight/Obese Mothers. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research. 2023 Aug;67(15):2200446.


Jenni Viitaharju BSc, Medical student, PhD candidate
University of Turku, Institute of Biomedicine