Doing an internship in 2023?

Doing an internship is by far the most efficient way of finding future employment in Finland. This applies to all languages and nationalities. So, if you have been actively looking for an internship and are lucky (of course, you need skills and the right mind-set too, but luck plays a role) to sign an internship employment contract this year, please remember to also fill in the university’s Internship Commitment form. Why? 

  1. The internship subsidy is granted through the Internship Commitment. The university offers all degree students the possibility to use an internship subsidy once during their studies. This subsidy, a lump sum of 1800 euros, is paid to your employer in order to cover some of your salary costs (min. 1331/month in 2023, the Career Services does not recommend unpaid internships).
  2. If you are doing a paid internship that does not require the university’s subsidy – great! And even if you are doing an unpaid internship in Finland, please fill in the Internship Commitment form, since we would like to know how many of our international students get the chance to do an internship.
  3. Give us feedback – through the internship commitment form you will have the chance to provide us with valuable feedback regarding your internship experience and our support in internship matters.

You can find instructions and the link to the actual form on the university’s intranet.

If you are still looking for an internship and want to enhance your possibilities of finding one, check out our career courses and other services.

Want to know how others did it? On the Career in Southwest Finland site you’ll find many stories of international people finding a job in Finland.