

The course LiDAR -Based Approach on Glacial Landscapes (5 ECTS) enables the students to be able to take advantage of the new possibilities of laser scanning (LiDAR) in order to interpret the evolution of the Finnish landforms and soil. The course is arranged annually, previously in 2019 and 2018.

Bachelor’s and Master’s thesis

MUST members support students who work with murtoo/geomorphology/LiDAR-related topics in their Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis.

Finished B.Sc. and M.Sc. thesis related to murtoos:

Kautto, Juulia (2022). The genesis of polymorphous mounds and ridges along the subglacial meltwater route of Sääksjärvi, SW Finland. Master’s Thesis, 73 pp., 8 app. [In Finnish]. University of Turku, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Department of Geography and Geology.

Porkka, Jutta (2019). Viuhkamurrosten morfologia ja suhde subglasiaalisiin sulamisvesireitteihin ja murtoo-muodostumiin (The morphology of fan shaped hollows and their relation to subglacial meltwater routes and murtoos). Bachelor’s thesis, 38 pp, 6 app. [In Finnish] University of Turku, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Department of Geography and Geology.

Tuunainen, Aleksi (2018). Effects of subglacial lakes on glacier dynamics in Southwest Finland?  Master’s Thesis, 110 pp., 1 app. [In Finnish] University of Turku, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Department of Geography and Geology.