Centre for the Study of Storytelling, Experientiality and Memory
The research centre SELMA explores the interrelations between storytelling, experientiality and memory. The Centre is based at the School of History, Culture and Arts Studies at the University of Turku, Finland.

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Uusia teoksia SELMAn tutkimusteemoista Turun yliopiston viestintä kävi tekemässä jutun SELMAn kirjajulkkareista Julkaistut teokset: Kaisa Kaakinen: Comparative Literature and the Historical Imaginary: Reading Conrad,...
TRANSEUROPA OPEN FESTIVAL In collaboration with University of Turku and University of Applied Sciences, SELMA and our students are organizing a festival of...
Trauma, Memory, and Art: SELMA taking part in Change2017 ”You must be the change you wish to see in the world”. Change2017 has been a project connecting art...
HANNAH ARENDT WORKSHOP The workshop will explore Hannah Arendt’s thinking particularly from the perspective of life narratives. The day will consist of...
WITH LOVE, SELMA I met Selma in spring, six years ago. It was merely seven in the morning, and she...
SELMA’s Autumn 2017 programme You are warmly welcome to attend SELMAs seminars, workshops and other events – information will be updated and you will...