Past Events – 2023



Monday, 11 December at 14-16, Cultural Memory and Social Change TeamUp
Aistikattila, Medisiina D, Kiinamyllynkatu 10 On-site event only Strategic research and education profile Cultural Memory and Social Change organizes a TeamUp event to gather together people with common research interests. You will have an excellent opportunity to network over mulled wine and to hear interesting presentations related to this thematic research area. Everyone interested in the topics of the seminar is welcome to join! The event is in English.


Opening words
Hanna Meretoja, Professor, Literary Studies and Creative Writing
Trauma fiction and social change 
Liisa Merivuori, Doctoral Researcher, Literary Studies and Creative Writing
Finding spirituality: interpretations from the personal archives of Kalevala women’s association’s founder Elsa Heporauta
Mila Santala, Doctoral Researcher, Study of Cultures
Functional differentiation of society, markets and stakeholders in value cocreation – Social systems theoretical insights for service-dominant logic
Otto Rosendahl, Doctoral Researcher, Marketing
Human diversity as a window into our past, present and future – cascading effects of human encounters into genetic and cultural legacies
Aïda Nitsch, Postdoctoral Researcher, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology & Jenni Santaharju, Postdoctoral Researcher, Finnish Language and Finno-Ugric Languages Mulled wine and snacks served at the event.


Monday, 6 November at 3-4 pm, Cultural Memory and Social Change Webinar
Link to the Zoom meeting: Aesthetics and politics of remembering in contemporary Nordic documentary film Niina Oisalo, Doctoral Researcher, Art History, Musicology and Media Studies, University of Turku Chernobyl visual lexicon: exploring the visual framing of toxic heritage from the point of view of participatory culture Veera Ojala, Doctoral Researcher, Digital Culture, Landscape and Cultural Heritage, University of Turku
Tiistai 21.11. klo 17.30-20.30, ”Minulle tuli tyhjästä outo ajatus” – tutkimusmatka suruun
Tutkimusmatka suruun -tilaisuudessa taiteilijat Warda Ahmed, Krista Launonen, Hanna Meretoja ja Astrid Swan esittävät suruun ja suremiseen liittyviä otteita kirjallisesta ja musiikillisesta tuotannostaan. Illassa luetaan myös katkelmia Susanna Lehmuskoskelta teoksesta Kesken kaiken (otsikon lainaus: Susanna Lehmuskoski). Matkalla hyödynnetään taiteen mahdollisuuksia sekä kirjallisuus- ja taideterapeuttisia välineitä. Ilta jakautuu neljään temaattiseen jaksoon Alma Meretojan soittamien pianokappaleiden kautta.
Ilta on osallistava kokemustapahtuma, jossa hyödynnetään Ars Moriendi -työryhmän kehittämää kellunta-menetelmää, joka luo tilan yhteiselle assosioinnille. Tapahtuman osallistujat saavat ilmaista tilassa koetun – ääneen luettujen tekstien, musiikin, ympäröivän museotilan – itsessä herättämiä tuntoja ja ajatuksia, mutta kaikki osallistuminen on vapaaehtoista. Tilassa saa myös vain olla, puhumatta mitään.
Tilaisuuden ohjaavat Lauri Jäntti, Helena Krohn & Päivi Kosonen.
Paikat (max. 30) täytetään ilmoittautumisjärjestyksessä. Tapahtuma on maksuton. Ilmoittaudu:…/
Tilaisuudessa on teetarjoilu. Ota mukaan oma teemuki ja halutessasi lämmin viltti.
Lisätietoa: Päivi Kosonen (
Friday, 24 November at 12.00–13.30, Guest Lecture about Comics and Holocaust Testimony
University of Turku, Arcanum, A270
Brett E. Sterling: Holocaust Testimony in Word and Image: The Comics Anthology But I Live (2022)
In the 2022 anthology But I Live, an international team of scholars paired artists from Canada, Germany, and Israel with four child survivors of the Holocaust to create comics based on the survivors’ lived experiences. Rather than merely illustrating these experiences, the artists collaborated directly with survivors to co-create their history in works that navigate memory, witnessing, and commemoration. Through a comparative analysis of each comic, this talk explores how the co-creation of these narratives between artist and survivor constitutes a form of collaborative testimony, while asking how the artists’ formal interventions attempt to create something new and distinct from verbal or textual testimony.
About the lecturer: Brett E. Sterling is Associate Professor of German at the University of Arkansas. His research and teaching interests include the intersection of literature and political engagement, diversity and multiculturalism in German-speaking Europe, German-language comics, and the works of Austrian exile author Hermann Broch. He has published and presented widely on German-language comics, including the work of Jens Harder, Nicolas Mahler, Barbara Yelin, Ulli Lust, and Birgit Weyhe. With international colleagues, he founded and served as co-organizer of the Comics Studies Network in the German Studies Association. His first book, Hermann Broch and Mass Hysteria: Theory and Representation in the Age of Extremes (Camden House, 2022), was awarded the 2023 Radomír Luža Prize for Best Manuscript in Austrian/Czechoslovak Studies in the World War II era by the American Friends of the Documentation Center of Austrian Resistance and the German Studies Association. His current book project, Contemporary German-language Comics: A History, is under contract with The Ohio State University Press.
Thursday, 30 November at 15-16.30, Presentation: Freedom for the Philosopher: Lina Tumanova’s Scholarship and Human Rights Activism in the Late USSR
University of Turku, Arcanum, A229 Dear colleagues, We are pleased to invite you to our first seminar of the series Women’s agency during wars and social conflicts: new sources and a fresh look at Eurasian history. 
Our guest is Dr Tatiana Levina, Associate Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities (KWI), Essen, Germany. Her presentation is: Freedom for the Philosopher: Lina Tumanova’s Scholarship and Human Rights Activism in the Late USSR.
The seminar will be held on 30 November, 2023, in A229, 2th floor, Arcanum.
The program:
15.00-16.00 Presentation
16.00-16.10 Coffee & tea
16.10-16.30 Discussion
The seminar is organized with the financial support of the University of Turku research theme “Cultural memory and social change”. The contact person is Olga Simonova, Turku Institute for Advanced Studies (
Synopsis of the paper by the speaker: “Lina Tumanova (1936 – 1985) was a philosopher, human rights activist, translator of Alfred North Whitehead, researcher of Hegel’s logic, Leibniz’s and Spinoza’s philosophy, and colleague of Vladimir S. Bibler at the “Dialogue of Cultures” seminar. A samizdat writer, she contributed to “Bulletin V“, the Fund for the Support of Political Prisoners, and also spoke in defense of those persecuted for political reasons. Detained in the KGB’s Lefortovo pre-trial detention unit in 1984, she was released as being hopelessly ill after a short (two-month) stay in Lefortovo prison. The book “Freedom and Reason. Selected Philosophical Works” was published by Lina’s colleagues in 2010. Svetlana Neretina, a friend, writes about the two modes of her life: “A quiet philosophising, as if not looking back at the political situation, and a rigid commitment to ethical principles, which forced her to get involved in the political situation”. Unfortunately, Tumanova’s work has hardly been discussed either in the context of philosophy or in the context of dissident practice. In my talk, I will examine her philosophical path, her research work, and her involvement in the practices of the “Dialogues of Culture” seminar, which focused on the themes of freedom and rationality. In the second part, I will consider Tumanova’s human rights activism, which developed after the Prague Spring of 1968. I will comment on her defense of Ukrainian political prisoners: Dmitry Mazur, Vasily Ovsienko, Stepan Sapelyak, and analyze her open letters in defense of Ivan Kovalev, Anatoly Marchenko, Alexey Smirnov. At the end of my talk, I will sketch the research on women dissidents and how the practices of their memorisation took place in Russia before 2022 and elsewhere.”


Monday, 2 October at 3–4 pm, Cultural Memory and Social Change Reading Group
Link to Zoom meeting: Matt Howard (2023): Law’s Memories. Palgrave Macmillan, 15-44. Text in Volter database Chair Hanna Malik, Postdoctoral Researcher, Laws,University of Turku
Thursday 12th October 2023, 16:00-18:00 (EEST / UTC+03:00), Seminar: Narratives of illness and recovery
Zoom (
Seminar series Current Intersections of Culture, Language and Wellbeing presents:
Narratives of illness and recovery
The theme of our next seminar is Narratives of illness and recovery. In this seminar, we ask from a multidisciplinary perspective how people talk about different, sometimes contested, illnesses. How do we construct and share narratives related to illness and recovery? What do these narratives do and what is their role in different fields of interaction and communication?
In the seminar, two scholars will explore illness and recovery narratives from various perspectives. We will hear about and discuss recovery narratives as well as the experience of endometriosis and how it is shared in social media.
The seminar series Current Intersections of Culture, Language and Wellbeing is a multidisciplinary online seminar organized by three networks from the University of Turku, Finland: the Cultural Interaction Researcher Network KULTVA, the Centre of Language and Wellbeing (LaWe), and the Research Center for Culture and Health (KTT). The aim of the seminar is to foster international networking and research collaboration between social sciences, humanities, and linguistics, focusing on topics related to health and wellbeing.
Avril Tynan (University of Turku, Finland): Recovery Narratives: From Illness to Health?
Since trauma studies cemented the role of narrative as medicine and cure in the process of recovery from both psychic and physical illness, narrative has framed recovery as an objective event marked by the absence of symptoms or pathologies. This project aims to challenge how narrative is instrumentalized, commodified, and operationalized as evidence of recovery. One fundamental aspect of this work is to examine more closely how recovery itself does not relate a direct journey from illness to health (often framed as a story of “tragedy to triumph”) but problematizes understandings of illness and health in themselves.
Ida Melander (Örebro University, Sweden): Patient narratives on Instagram: sharing the experience of endometriosis
Traditionally, illness narratives have been approached through patient records or in researcher-elicited interviews. Recent changes in how we communicate about health and illness have, however, made experiences of being ill available to wider audiences. In this way, illness has become an increasingly public topic, discussed and shared in a multitude of settings. My presentation will focus on health communication in the form of illness narratives on a shared, activist Instagram account, where five women suffering from endometriosis narrate their illness. In the presentation, I will discuss these illness narratives in relation to both the multimodal affordances of the social media format, and the account’s organization as a shared space.



4th September at 3-4 pm, Cultural Memory and Social Change Webinar
Zoom Intersectional cultural memory Kaisa Ilmonen, University Lecturer, Comparative Literature, University of Turku Bald women in Finnish culture and society Johanna Latva, Doctoral Researcher, European Ethnology, University of Turku


29th August, Elämästä kertominen ja etiikka (in Finnish)
Tuesday, 29th August, 16-20
Turun yliopiston SELMA-tutkimuskeskus ja Tarinoiden lehto -hanke järjestävät elokuun lopussa Turussa Manillan Vanhalla Viinatehtaalla tapahtuman, jossa pohditaan menneistä elämistä kertomista tieteen ja taiteen keinoin. Iltapäivällä alkavan ohjelman puitteissa pääsemme kuulemaan tutkijoiden ja taiteilijoiden puheenvuoroja sekä näkemään L. Onervasta kertovan Sekasointuja-musiikkimonologin. Tapahtuman päätteeksi järjestämme tilassa vielä runoillan, jossa kuulemme tilaisuuden aiheeseen liittyviä esityksiä.


5th June, Cultural Memory and Social Change Reading Group
Monday, 5 June at 3–4 pm Material: Mihai, Mihaela. 2022. “Tracing the Double Erasure.” In Political Memory and the Aesthetics of Care: The Art of Complicity and Resistance, 22–45. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
Chair: Ksenia Fiaduta, Doctoral Researcher in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature, Autonomous University of Barcelona If you would like to participate, please email Ksenia ( or Jonna Paavilainen ( for access to the book chapter. Link to Zoom meeting:
5th June, INTERACT seminar: Studying Activism. Activism in Research and Reading
Arcanum A112 and on Zoom, 5 June 2023, 13–17 Originating from the long tradition of Black feminist social movements and literature, intersectionality today is a research tool that conceptualizes multiple, relational and complex workings of power connected to factors that are relevant to our socio-cultural experience. According to Patricia Hill Collins (2016), intersectionality is both a critical inquiry and a critical practice. In this seminar we focus on intersectional practices, activism and the dialogue between academy and activism. We warmly welcome everybody to join our biannual discussion forum for intersectionality, reading, social justice, and activism. Our project tackles the challenge of inequality by concentrating on intersectional forms of activism and their potential in increasing social justice and educational democracy. See full programme and links for registration here. The event is for registered participants only, but registration is free of charge.

Within the project “Instrumental Narratives” we wish to welcome you to the 11th Narrative Matters conference at Tampere. The conference positions narrative scholars in the midst of the storytelling boom. Everyone is urged to share their story today, from consumers to multinational corporations, from private citizens to nation states. Storytelling consultants are thriving in today’s storytelling economy, but where are narrative scholars? Do the professional analyzers and theorizers of narrative have a say in the current storytelling boom? How to engage in a societal dialogue and debate as a narrative scholar?

Pre-conference workshops, hosted by Jens Brockmeier, Alexandra Georgakopoulou, Stefan Iversen & Ann Phoenix, will take place on Wednesday, June 14th. More information on registration and participation will be available by the end of September 2022!



 4 – 5 th May, Kirjallisuudentutkimuksen päivät 2023: Kokemus/Erfahrenhet/Experience
University of Turku & Åbo Akademi
The 2023 annual conference of the Finnish Literary Research Society will be organized 4–5 May in Turku. The conference is a hybrid event. A dissertation workshop for doctoral students will be held on May 3rd. The theme of the conference is EXPERIENCE.
The Finnish Literary Research Society’s annual conference is organized by the literary studies programmes at the University of Turku & the Comparative Literature Department at Åbo Akademi in collaboration with The Finnish Literary Research Society (KTS).
Keynotes: Colin Davis is Emeritus Professor of French and Comparative Literature at Royal Holloway, University of London, UK, having previously held posts in Cambridge, Oxford and Warwick He has also been Visiting Professor at the Ecole Normale Supérieure – Lettres et Sciences Humaines, Lyon, France, the University of Indiana, Bloomington, USA, and the University of Turku. In 2021 he was appointed as Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes académiques by the French government.
His research focuses mainly on connections between literature, film and philosophy, with particular interests in the modern French novel, ethics, ethical criticism, philosophical approaches to literature and film, hermeneutics, literary theory, cultural memory, trauma studies and Holocaust literature.
His most recent books are Traces of War: Interpreting Ethics and Trauma in Twentieth-Century French Writing (2018), The Routledge Companion to Literature and Trauma, co-edited with Hanna Meretoja (2020), and Silent Renoir: Philosophy and the Interpretation of Early Film (2021).
Viola Parente-Čapková is Professor at the Department of Finnish Literature at the University of Turku, Finland, and she is also Associate Professor of Theory of Literature at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. She is the leader of the research projects “Texts on the Move: Reception of Women’s Writing in Finland and Russia 1840– 2020” and “Struck by the Unknown: Fiction as a promoter of the Finnish language among adults with im/migrant background”.
Her research interests include the theory of literary history, feminist literary theory, fin de siècle literature, transnational literary studies, digital humanities, and cultural language learning.
Lovisa Andén is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Tromsø, the Arctic University of Norway. Her research examines questions of representation, truth, and experience in testimonial literature. She is currently conducting the research project, Muted Memoirs and Silenced Stories: Memoirs by Women of the Gulag Archipelago, at Åbo Academy University. She has previously worked on the relation between literature, experience and meaning in the phenomenology of Maurice Merleau-Ponty.
In 2017, she defended her thesis, “Litteratur och erfarenhet i Merleau-Pontys läsning av Proust, Valéry och Stendhal, at Södertörn University/Uppsala University”. Together with Franck Robert and Emmanuel de Saint Aubert, Andén has transcribed, edited, and published Merleau-Ponty’s handwritten manuscripts to his course at the Collège de France 1953-1954, “Sur le problème de la parole” (On the Problem of Speech), published by MetisPress 2020. 
5th May, Creating Time in Narrative Nonfiction
One-day Symposium, 9.00-17.00 Auditorium Helikon, Arken, Åbo Akademi University
The event seeks to account for the recent popularity of narrative nonfiction, from fact-based/true crime podcasts to the deceptively real cinéma verité (including “docudramas”). The organizers are interested in how certain aspects of our immediate reality—for instance familiar places and events—are portrayed in stories advertised as “real”: the emphasis on authenticity appeals to the bias that “real stories” have more intrinsic worth than fiction, particularly when the latter term is associated with “fake news.” But such clear-cut distinctions between fiction and fact are not always logically deduced; the perceived value of “real stories” may be derived, instead, from popular preconceptions relating to certain familiar spatial and temporal experiences.
In narrative nonfiction, though, familiar and unfamiliar (i.e. marginalized) social experiences stand one next to another, such that narrative time becomes rather more inclusive. Generally speaking, we wish to examine how veracity—a new kind of literariness comparable to but different from realism—is usually established in contemporary literature; but we will focus on non-fictional documentations of time as relating to cultures, nation(-alism)s and, correspondingly, spaces, especially where conflicts and contradictions arise. The event is funded by the Åbo Akademi University Foundation.
9.00–9.15 Welcome and introduction Ann Tso, Jason Finch
9.15–10.15 Keynote address: Temporalities of Afroeuropean Mobility in Non-fictional and Fictionalized Narratives Anna-Leena Toivanen (University of Eastern Finland)
10.15–10.30 Break
10.30–12.00 Panel 1: “Time, Memoir, and the City”
Adam Borch (ÅA): Trams, Time and Narrative: Peter Dürrfeld’s Linie 4 og andre historier (1984) and Mine sporvogne – alle 18 linier! (2022)
Jason Finch (ÅA): Central Corridor, Marginal Housing: St Louis in Black Autobiography
Ann Tso (ÅA): Commemorating the Time after the End: Karen Cheung’s The Impossible City: A Hong Kong Memoir (2022)
12.00–13.00 Lunch Reserved seating at Café Arken
13.00–14.00 Keynote address: The Mundanity of Heartbreak: Time in Sophie Calle’s Exquisite Pain and Annie Ernaux’s Simple Passion
Karen Cheung (Royal Holloway)
14.00–15.00 Getting Brexit Done: Fabricating the Narrative of National Authenticity
Martin Gill (ÅA)
15.00–15.30 Coffee
16.30–16.30 Keynote: Temporalities of Advocacy Writing: Between Autobiography of the Past and Activism in the Present Lena Englund (University of Eastern Finland)
16.30–17.00 Closing discussion
Ann Tso, Jason Finch
8th May, Cultural Memory and Social Change Webinar
3 to 4 pm, Zoom Teija Rantala, Postdoctoral Researcher, Turku Institute for Advanced Studies (TIAS) Olga Simonova, Collegium Researcher, Turku Institute for Advanced Studies (TIAS)
11th May, Pre-Texts: The Arts Teach (Everything). A Guest Lecture by Professor Doris Sommer (Harvard University)
4 to 5pm, Zoom, Doris Sommer is Ira and Jewell Williams Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures and of African and African American Studies at Harvard University. She is founder of “Cultural Agents”, a platform and an NGO that brings together academics, artists, community leaders and active citizens to revive the civic mission of the Humanities. Her academic and outreach work promotes human and social development through arts and humanities, specifically through “Pre-Texts”, a pedagogical method that stimulates literacy, close reading, critical thinking, creativity, and civic development. Among her books are Foundational Fictions: The National Romances of Latin America (1991), Proceed with Caution when Engaged by Minority Literature (1999), Bilingual Aesthetics: A New Sentimental Education (2004) and The Work of Art in the World: Civic Agency and Public Humanities (2014). Join us on May 11 for Prof. Doris Sommer lecture “Pre-Texts: The Arts Teach (Everything)”. All welcome!

19th May,  Pre-Texts Workshop: Stories for the Future

What words, stories, images and concepts do we need for the future? Should we recover them from the past or should we reimagine the world anew? How can literature and the arts help us imagine what doesn’t have a name yet? In this workshop we will creatively explore these questions through the Pre-Texts method, developed by Harvard professor and literary scholar Doris Sommer. Pre-Texts is a pedagogical tool that fosters creative reading, critical thinking, civic development, creativity and collective imagination. By using literary texts as vehicles for art-making and collective collaboration, in this workshop we will engage creatively with literature to activate our capacity to imagine new stories of a livable future and more hospitable world. UNESCO recognizes Pre-Texts method as “Education for Peace”. Date: Friday, 19 May 2023 //15-18 EEST Venue: Online, Zoom Facilitators: Ksenia Fiaduta and Liisa Merivuori (SELMA research centre, University of Turku) For more information on Pre-Texts: Questions? Contact Ksenia at  


3rd April, Cultural Memory and Social Change Reading Group
Chair: Liisa Merivuori, Doctoral Researcher in Comparative Literature, University or Turku Material: Laura Brown – Not Outside the Range: One Feminist Perspective on Psychic Trauma (American Imago 48:1, 119–133)
21 – 22th April, Environmental Narratives: History, Memory, Trauma
University of Turku

Environmental Narratives: History, Memory, Trauma is a two-day symposium of presentations and discussions on experiencing, narrating, and remembering places in natural environments. The symposium’s theme is closely related to the interdisciplinary research conducted in SELMA, which explores the interrelations between storytelling, experientiality, and cultural memory. We are especially interested in contributions examining traumatic histories of natural sites, people’s ways of experiencing and narrating specific places in nature, memories of water, forests and other natural environments, water and forests as poetic spaces of mind and memory, and representations of nature and the environment in literature and other media, and of the environmental change in the age of the Anthropocene. The concepts we are interested in exploring range from Simon Schama’s “landscape and memory” to Timothy Morton’s “ecological trauma”. We invite papers on these and related topics in fiction and non-fiction, film, poetry, cultural narratives, history, and folklore.

The symposium’s keynote speaker is Professor Helena Duffy (University of Wrocław, Poland/University of Warwick, UK) and the title of her talk is “We Are Not out of the Woods Yet: The Forest as a Site of Polish Holocaust Memory in Paweł Pawlikowski’s Ida”.


Raha Sabet Sarvestany, Postdoctoral Researcher, Turku Institute for Advanced Studies (TIAS) Riikka Taavetti, University Lecturer, Gender Studies, University of Turku
8th March, Culture, Sustainability and Social Change Seminar
14.15–16:00, Main Building, Säästöpankkisali, University of Turku
Thematics Talk Together -seminar series addresses topical and interesting themes from the different points of view of the six strategic research and education profiles of the University of Turku. The theme of the seminar series for the academic year 2022–2023 is Sustainability.
The theme of the next seminar is Culture, Sustainability and Social Change. Culture plays a key role in sustainability. Sustainability transformation entails profound changes to the social, political, economic and cultural structures, worldviews, and ways of life. It also requires us to rethink our theoretical models and conceptions as well as their practical implications. How can we move towards more sustainable societies and futures? What kinds of social and cultural changes or preservations do we need in order to live in a more sustainable manner? How should we rethink our conceptions of the “good life”, and the associated institutions and imaginaries, in the sustainability transformation?
Researcher Paavo Järvensivu from BIOS Research Unit will open the event with a keynote speech on Cultural Thinking in a Sustainability Transformation. Järvensivu has written a book which merges economics, ecological and cultural research, called Rajattomasti rahaa niukkuudessa [Endless Money in Scarcity]. At the BIOS Research Unit he has dealt particularly with the practices and developmental paths of public and private economy.
14th March, Life-Writing-käsitetyöpaja (in Finnish)
3 to 5 pm, University of Turku, Arcanum ARC229 and Zoom Käsitetyöpajassa pohditaan käsitteen life-writing käyttöä eri tieteenalojen näkökulmista ja osana suomalaista tutkimuskenttää. Pohdimme yhdessä erilaisia tapoja suomentaa käsite sekä sen erilaisia määrittely- ja käyttötapoja. Tilaisuus on avoin kaikille kiinnostuneille. Voit tulla vain kuuntelemaan tai osallistua keskusteluun kertomalla, miten olet itse käyttänyt käsitettä tutkimuksessasi. Tervetuloa mukaan!
15.15 Hanna Meretoja: Avaussanat ja kertomuksen tutkijan pohdintoja elämänkirjoittamisesta
15.25 Astrid Joutseno: Life Writing: Elämäkirjoitus ja käsitteen sukupuolentutkimuksellinen tulkinta
15.40 Päivi Kosonen: Elämänkerronta (Life Writing) omaelämäkerran lajihistorioitsijan näkökulmasta
15.55 Maarit Leskelä-Kärki: Kulttuurihistorioitsija elämänkerronnan äärellä
16.10-17 Keskustelua 
25th March, Taivaan ilmiöt 1800-luvun ihmisten kirjeissä (in Finnish)
4 to 6.30 pm, Helsingin observatorio (Kopernikuksentie 1, 00130 Helsinki) “Auringonpimennys on nyt ohi. Se vasta oli jotakin. Valkoinen aurinko oli musta kuin yö, ja kun menin ulos sillalle, kohtasin Danten helvetin. Kaikki elämä oli vaiennut. Koski indigonmusta, puut smaragdinvihreitä.” (Ellen Thesleff 11.7.1945) Miten taivaan ilmiöitä on kuvailtu vanhoissa kirjeissä? Millaisia astronomisia havaintoja teki 1800-luvulla syntynyt taidemaalari tai työmies? Ja mitä syntyy, kun kirjeisiin yhdistetään viulu ja ripaus kulttuurihistoriaa?
Tervetuloa kaikille avoimeen yleisötapahtumaan Helsingin Observatorioon. Tapahtuma alkaa kirjeiden luvulla vanhan havaintosalin hämärässä. Tämän jälkeen seuraa esitelmä, jossa tähtitiedettä tarkastellaan kulttuurihistorian näkökulmasta. Välissä kuullaan fragmentteja Toivo Kuulan, Agnes Tschetschulinin, Erik Tulinbergin ja Ida Mobergin sävellyksistä. Tapahtuman esiintyjät ovat viulisti Mirka Malmi, kulttuurihistorioitsija Hannu Salmi, kuvataiteilija Elina Saloranta, taidehistorioitsija Hanna-Reetta Schreck ja koreografi Jaakko Simola. Järjestäjiin kuuluvat Taideyliopiston Tutkimusinstituutti ja Turun yliopiston tutkimuskeskus SELMA (Centre for the Study of Storytelling, Experientiality and Memory). 


2nd – 3rd February, Out of the USSR: Travelling Women, Travelling Memories
University of Turku, organised by the research project Texts on the Move: Reception of Women’s Writing in Finland and Russia 1840–2020 (Emil Aaltonen Foundation)

More information HERE. 

Travelling has always been connected with fundamental social and political changes taking place in societies. Throughout history, one of the countries that people have chosen to leave, move away or have been expelled from, but also a country which they have been going back to, is Russia/the Soviet Union. There is an obvious link between the large transformations that have taken place in Russia since the time of perestroika in the 1990s until the ongoing war in Ukraine and the restrictions of civil rights such as freedom of speech, and the increased mobility out of Russia.

The conference takes these transformations as starting points in examining how individuals reflect on and recall the Soviet/Russian home country in literary presentations, addressing the history of mobility, emigration, family, gender, ethnic or religious background in face of their collective memory in their new place of residence. The meeting points for the proposals are the concepts of travelling/mobility/exile and (post-, trans-/cross-cultural) memory. The focus is on women’s fictional texts and memories from the 1980s until today that allow the presentations to address and to acknowledge [e]migrating women writers as mediators of ideas and memories in trans-/cross- cultural contexts. The aim of the conference is to focus on gender in the process of the transformation of cultures through ideas that travel, and to pay special attention to women’s contribution to the cultural transfer and mobility of ideas and memories which have not been sufficiently studied and documented.

The conference has its background in the research project “Texts on the Move” , and it is organised by Texts on the Move: Reception of Women’s Writing in Finland and Russia 1840–2020 (Emil Aaltonen Foundation),  University of Turku, and Tampere University. The organizers plan to publish an edited collection of papers presented at the conference.