


  • Taina Syrjämaa: “Anthropocentric legacies vs. multispecies well-being”,
    TalkTogether: From global ecological crisis towards multispecies well-being, seminar hosted by the Biodiversity and Sustainability -strategic profile, University of Turku 26.10.2023.
  • Janne Mäkiranta: Animal Agency and the History of Veterinary Medicine. Esitelmä valtakunnallisilla nuorten tutkijoiden Oppihistorian päivillä 26.1.2023


  • Janne Mäkiranta: Kotieläinten stressi ja sen hoito 1960-luvun Suomessa. Esitelmä Lääketieteen historian seuran syysseminaarissa 29.11.2022.


  • Taija Kaarlenkaski: Affective Human-Cattle Relationships on Contemporary Technologized Dairy Farms. Presentation in the conference “Encountering Emotions in Folk Narrative and Folklife. 18th Congress of the International Society of Folk Narrative Research.” Zagreb (online event), September 5–9, 2021.
  • Otto Latva: The Shared History of Humans and the Baltic Sea Marine Life. Presentation in the “STREAMS – Transformative Environmental Humanities” conference. Stockholm (online event), 5.8.2021.
  • Taina Syrjämaa: The historical and cultural crux of sustainability. ”Multidisciplinary Approaches to Sustainability”, University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University, 13.4.2021.
  • Taija Kaarlenkaski: Perspectives on Human-Animal Studies: Multispecies Approaches to Theories and Methodologies. Invited talk in the seminar of the research project “The layered cake of neighborness” Russia, Finland, and neighboring relations at different scales. Centre for Independent Social Research, St. Petersburg, March 24, 2021 (remote connection).


  • Otto Latva: Ihmisten ja eläinten jaettua menneisyyttä Suomen meri- ja rannikkoalueilla (The Shared Past of Humans and Animals in the Finnish Sea and Coastal Areas). Presentation in the  Environmental History Day of Finland. University of Helsinki, 13.10.2020.
  • Taina Syrjämaa: Ihmiset ja muut eläimet. Kestämättömän kehityksen historiasta kestävään tulevaisuuteen? (From the history of unsustainability to a sustainable future?) Sustainability is ME!, University of Turku 1.10.2020.
  • Taija Kaarlenkaski: Lehmisavuilta lypsyrobottiin: suomalaisen karjanhoidon teknologisoituminen 1800-luvun lopulta tähän päivään (From Smudge Fires to Milking Robots: Technologization of Finnish Dairy Husbandry from the 1900th Century to the Present Day). Talk at the Studia Generalia lecture series of Pohjois-Karjalan historiallinen yhdistys (Historical Association of North Karelia), Joensuu, January 29, 2020.
  • Otto Latva & Taina Syrjämaa: The project presentation in the research day of the history and archaeology in the University of Turku on January 23, 2020
  • Tuomas Räsänen: Merellisen ympäristökriisin vuosisataiset juuret (Historical Roots of the Marine Environmental Crisis). Presentation at the meeting of the Finnish Association for the Maritime History, Helsinki 4.12.2019.
  • The UnSus project was presented in the meeting of TYKE on December 3, 2019.


  • Otto Latva (teacher): the Seminar of Environmental and Marine History at the University of Turku, 5 ECTS, Spring 2021.
  • Otto Latva (teacher): Sea, Nature and Finnish Culture course. The course is a part of the Finnish Culture and Society Non-Degree Program at the University of Turku, 5 ECTS, autumn 2020.
  • Taija Kaarlenkaski (teacher): Ihmiset ja eläimet kulttuurin ja historian rakentajina (Humans and animals as constructors of culture and history), European and World History, University of Turku, 5 ECTS, autumn 2020.

Appearances in media:

Other activities:

  • Taija Kaarlenkaski participated in the workshop “Bovine Regimes: When Animals Became Technologies” in Berlin in the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, September 20–24, 2021.
  • Taija Kaarlenkaski participated “Bovine Scholarship Workshop” (online event), October 5–6, 2021.
  • Taija Kaarlenkaski, Taina Syrjämaa and Otto Latva participated in the arrangements of a webinar of TYKE (Turun yhteiskunnallisen ja kulttuurisen eläintutkimuksen verkosto), October 6, 2020.