Photographer and Copyright: Lotta Luhtala



Please contact Markku Lehtimäki and Arja Rosenholm , the principal investigators of  The Changing Environment of the North (CEN), directly about project related inquiries.


Principal Investigators

Markku Lehtimäki
Professor of Comparative Literature
School of History, Culture and Arts Studies
FI-20014 University of Turku, Finland
GSM work: +358 29 450 4864 / +358 50 355 0498
E-mail: markku.lehtimaki(at)

Arja Rosenholm
Professor of Russian Language and Culture
FI-33014 Tampere University, Finland
GSM work: +358 (0)50 3181245
GSM home: +358 (0)50 3774840
E-mail: arja.rosenholm(at)

 Photographer and Copyright: Lotta Luhtala


Lotta Luhtala
School of History, Culture and Arts Studies/Comparative Literature
University of Turku, Finland
E-mail: lotta.h.luhtala(at)