Project Partners & Contacts

Project leader is Adjunct Professor Katriina Siivonen at the Finland Futures Research Centre, University of Turku.

Project partners are the Faculty of Science and Forestry, School of Forest Sciences, University of Eastern Finland, Professor Teppo Hujala and the Finnish Forest Museum Lusto, Development Director, Adjunct Professor Leena Paaskoski.

Funders: Sitra, Bildung+ project and the Finnish Heritage Agency (Ratkaisuriihi-funding).


Contact us:

Katriina Siivonen
Katriina Siivonen Adjunct Professor

Finland Futures Research Centre, University of Turku

+358 50 322 8015
Teppo Hujala
Teppo Hujala Professor

Faculty of Science and Forestry, School of Forest Sciences, University of Eastern Finland

+358 50 336 7457
Leena Paaskoski
Leena Paaskoski Development Director, Adjunct Professor

Lusto – The Finnish Forest Museum

+358 50 366 9552