EKKO-hankkeen symposiumi AILA 2023 konferenssissa Lyonissa

Hankkeellamme on symposiumi AILA 2023 maailmankonferenssissa Ranskan Lyonissa 17. – 21.7.2023. Aiheenamme on kestävyys kieltenopetuksessa (Sustainability in Language Teaching). Haku symposiumiin on parhaillaan auki ja tarkemmat ohjeet löytyvät täältä.

Sähköinen alusta abstraktien jättämistä varten avautuu 13.6.2022.

Kutsumme symposiumiin ehdotuksia esityksistä, jotka linkittyvät jollain tavalla kestävyyskasvatukseen, kestävyysaiheisiin tai kestävän kehityksen aihepiireihin kieltenopetuksessa. Abstraktien viimeinen jättöpäivä on 3.7. 2022.

Symposiumimme tarkemmat tiedot saat täältä.

Symposiumin sisältö ja perustelut löytyvät kokonaisuudessaan alla olevan linkin kautta! Englanninkielinen tiivistelmä on näkyvissä linkin alla.

Sustainability in Language Teaching – symposium

Sustainability in language teaching has become topical due to the requirements to integrate
education for sustainable development (ESD) in the curricula. Sustainable development is a
complex issue, and a holistic approach addressing the environmental, economic, social, and
cultural dimensions of sustainability has been suggested to enable its learning process.
However, there is no consensus on the integration of ESD in language teaching, and various
methods, such as interdisciplinary teaching of transversal competencies, have been applied
in different countries and educational systems. In addition, modern theories of language as
dynamic and adaptive, and language learning as a continuous reciprocal process have also
altered the field of language education. Consequently, there is a growing need to understand
the ESD-related attitudes and views of both in-service and pre-service teachers and to
evaluate their educational demands. This symposium brings forth recent advances in the study
of sustainability and its implementation in language teaching and opens a discussion
concerning what aspects of language teaching already are sustainable and could be promoted
and further developed to support both the global sustainability goals and the future demands
of language education.