Publications, projects and tools
Publications by authors
WellWe- HyväME
The aim of WellWe/HyväMe project is to develop and evaluate a gamified application for pre-school aged children, their families and healthcare professionals at child health clinics. WellWe-application is concentrating on promoting family’s healthy nutrition, physical activity and resources needed to support their wellbeing in their daily life. PI: Anni Pakarinen
The aim of FUN project was to evaluate feasibility and effectiveness of active video games related to the promotion of physical activity and motor performance in children with cancer. PI: Lotta Hamari. More information:
Louhi project
The goal in the project is to assist health care personnel when they document care and to support the re-utilization possibilities of the recorded data through the methods of text mining. The focus of the project is on the patient records of intensive care and occupational health care.
Smart medication dispenser project
The purpose of the project is to develop new innovations in medication dispensing in order to allocate resources more efficiently in a holistic way, using smart technologies such as embedded and context-aware systems. The ultimate goal is to develop a medical dispenser system combining a tablet computer and a sensor-enhanced medication tray.
Patient instructions project
The project aims at improving the accessibility and quality of written patient instructions. There are guidelines for writing high-quality documents but common writing tools do not provide support this particular application. Current research focuses on using an ontology to model the purpose and content of patient instructions and developing machine-learning techniques to provide intelligent tools that aid authors to produce more consistent, fluent, and understandable documents.
Clinical language management for improvement of utilization and usability of patient journals
The project aims at improving the usability and utilization of the narrative text of patient journals. In the project we shall produce novel information on clinical documentation and forecast value of results criteria in health care (pain and wound as well as infection care and clinical decision-making) care through content analysis of narratives, language technology, as well as multicultural comparison.
Mobile and environment integrated dictation and communication application for health care, Mobster
The general purpose of the project is through a broad-based and multidisciplinary consortium to develop know-how for firms to produce reliable and user-friendly dictation and communication applications for physicians and primary care personnel
EmpowerKids project
A gamified intervention to promote health of children (6-13 y) was developed during ERDF funded cross-border project (EmpowerKids 2016-2018). Intervention was found to be a feasible and potential method to promote the health among Finnish, Latvian and Estonian children. PI: Anni Pakarinen. Find out more:
PARAS project
PARAS-project was Funded by Business Finland Co-creation (1.3.-31.10.2021) and carried out together with Department of Computing, University of Turku, and the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences, University of Jyväskylä. PARAS project proposed an ambitious solution for providing state-of-the-art playful health, learning and social content following the principles of platform economy. PI: Anni Pakarinen
Movenator project
During the Movenator project, a mobile game intervention was developed. Intervention aims to promote pre-adolescents’ physical activity and physical activity self-efficacy. We are currently reporting the results from the pilot RCT, intervention study among school-aged children. PI: Anni Pakarinen.
Qvalio is a web-based tool for the evaluation and validation of higher education courses. It aims to improve the quality of higher education courses by ensuring that they are designed in a holistic way, considering different aspects and perspectives. It’s also designed to increase the transparency of quality work and criteria. While the tool can be used within a single university, it’s also intended to support collaboration between different universities, also internationally. It can be used for both new and existing courses.
Qvalio consists of 114 statements in 14 different categories. The statements are divided among four different roles: study officer, teacher, student, and stakeholder. These roles complement each other and provide a more objective view of the course being validated.
You can visit the Qvalio website from here:
Qvalio has been developed as part of the study “Development of a validation tool for course planning and evaluation at university level” in the Department of Nursing Science in the University of Turku. The team behind Qvalio is: Sanna Salanterä, Reetta Mustonen
Maiju Kuusniemi and Tero Vesanen.
The statements in Qvalio are formulated with reference to several documents and recommendations at EU level. The references used are listed below:
Council of European Union. 2022. The European approach to microcredentials. 10.2.2023
De Montfort University, Leicester, United Kingdom. 2022. A Guide to Validation, edition number 10, 10.2.2023
Esteetöntä opiskelua korkeakoulutuksessa (ESOK) -verkosto. 2021. Accessibility criteria. 10.2.2023.
European Commission, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport, and Culture. 2017. ECTS users’ guide 2015, Publications Office, 10.2.2023
European University Association (EUA). 2021. Information provision on recognition of qualifications. A practical guide for Higher Education Institutions. 10.2.2023
Higher education course approval & modification procedures, BIMM University. 10.2.2023
Huhtanen A. 2019. Verkko-oppimisen muotoilukirja. 10.2.2023
Korkeakoulujen auditointikäsikirja 2019-2024, KARVI. 10.2.2023
Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG). 2015. Brussels, Belgium. 10.2.2023
The European Recognition Manual for Higher Education Institutions. 10.2.2023
Validation events: Guidance for Departments and Panel members, Appendix A, University of Essex. 10.2.2023
Varonen, M & Hohenthal T. 2020. eAMK Verkkototeutusten laatukriteerit. 10.2.2023