Perhetutkimuksen päivät 2022

10.-11.11.2022 Turku

Finnish Family Research Conference 2022

Families, close relationships and resilience

This year, the Finnish Family Research Conference is being organized in cooperation with the Discipline of Psychology at the University of Turku and the Association for the Study of Families and Close Relations. The conference is open to all researchers and students interested in the topic and to professionals working with families.

Four distinguished researchers in the field will be offering keynote speeches: Professor Michael Ungar, Dalhousie University, Canada; University Lecturer David Pålsson, the University of Stockholm, Sweden; Assistant Professor Linnea Karlsson, University of Turku, Finland; and Assistant Professor Noona Kiuru, University of Jyväskylä, Finland.

The Family Research Conference will focus on families, close relationships, and resilience. “Resilience” has many definitions, but most often, it refers to the ability of an individual, community, and system to adapt, survive, and recover from crises and change. Today, the concept of resilience is used in many ways. For example, “family resilience” has been defined from a systemic perspective as a family’s ability to cope with challenging life situations.

The aim of the conference is to reflect on resilience in family and close relationships from the perspectives of different disciplines and orientations and to increase multidisciplinary dialogue. The importance of resilience has become a central topic, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, when exceptional circumstances have required flexibility, the rapid introduction of new solutions, and optimism. Through keynotes and presentations, the following example questions will be touched on during the days: How does resilience appear in studies of families and relationships? How can resilience be enhanced through interventions for individuals themselves, their families, close relationships, or communities? How can a changing service system for families and intimacy take advantage of perspectives in resilience research? What new insights have the recent crises brought to light on the importance of resilience for the survival or well-being of families?

Picture: Turku Convention Bureau


Welcome to Turku and the Family Research Conference!



the Association for the Study of Families and Close Relations

Department of Psychology and Speech-Language Pathology, University of Turku

Sote Academy



ITLA, Children’s Foundation



University of Turku, Publicum


Thursday, November 10, 2022

 10:00-12:00 – Publicum

  • Registration

 12:00 – 12:15  – Pub1

chair Sari Ahlqvist-Björkroth

  • Opening of the Family Research Conference 2022
  • Opening speech by Anna-Maija Castrén, University of Eastern Finland, assistant professor, chairman of the board of the Association for the Study of Families and Close Relations

12:15 – 12:25 – Pub1   

  • Greetings from the University of Turku / vice-rector Kalle-Antti Suominen

12:25 – 12:45 – Pub1

  • Speech and announcement of the winner of the Lea Pulkkinen Award: Child’s Status in Family Research by Professor Lea Pulkkinen

12:45 – 13:00 – Pub1  

  • Acceptance speech by the award winner

13:00 – 13:45 – Pub1

chairs Rosi Enroos and Miika Vuori

  • Keynote speaker: “Privatization of out-of-home care for children – Current situation and implications,” Lecturer and Researcher David Pålsson, Stockholm University, Sweden

13:45 – 14:00

  • Discussion

14:00 – 14:45   

  • Coffee break

14:45 – 15:30 – Pub1

chairs Jaanet Salminen and Kaisa Malinen

  • Keynote speaker: “EduRESCUE: Oppilaiden hyvinvointi ja oppiminen koti- ja kouluympäristöissä,” Apulaisprofessori Noona Kiuru, Jyväskylän yliopisto

15:30 – 15:45   

  • Discussion

15:45 – 16:15   

  • Coffee break

16:15 – 18:00 – Publicum 

19:00 – 21:00 – Publicum

  • Evening party:
    • Welcome / Paula Salo, professor, University of Turku
    • Evening buffet
    • Music
    • Surprise program
    • Socializing 


Friday, November 11, 2022

9:00 – 11:00 – Publicum and Educarium      

11:00 – 12:00 – Pikku Maccia

  • Lunch

12:00 – 12:45 – Pub1

chairs Riikka Korja and Niina Junttila

  • Keynote speaker: “Systemic approaches to nurturing resilience among children, youth, and families with complex needs,” Professor Michael Ungar, Dalhousie University, Canada

12:45 – 13:00   

  • Discussion

13:00 – 13:30   

  • Coffee break

13:30 – 14:15 – Pub1

chairs Eeva-Leena Kataja and Miia Tuominen

  • Keynote speaker: “Hyvä ja paha stressi: mikä suojaa ja mikä altistaa stressin terveyshaitoille?” Apulaisprofessori Linnea Karlsson, Turun yliopisto

14:15 – 14:30   

  • Discussion

14:30 – 15:15 – PUB1 Sari Ahlqvist-Björkroth and Riikka Korja

  • Panel discussion

15:15 – 15:30   

  • End of the Finnish Family Research Conference 2022



Participating remotely

Participating remotely

The Finnish Family Research Conference 2022 will be organized as a hybrid event, so it will be possible to participate remotely via Zoom. The main speeches can be observed through one Zoom link, and for each workshop, there will be a separate link. Specific Zoom links and more details will be published later.

NOTE! For those, who participate remotely, specific Zoom links will be delivered beforehands by email . If you have not received the Zoom links, please contact


Michael Ungar, Ph.D., Family Therapist and Professor of Social Work at Dalhousie University

Dr. Ungar holds the Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Child, Family and Community Resilience. Dr. Ungar holds an MSW from McGill University and a PhD in Social Work from Wilfrid Laurier University. Since 2002, Dr. Ungar has directed the Resilience Research Centre, designing multisite longitudinal research and evaluation projects in more than a dozen low, middle, and high-income countries, with much of that work focused on the resilience of marginalized children and families, and adult populations experiencing mental health challenges. Building on his work as both a researcher and clinician, Dr. Ungar has published over 200 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters on the subject of resilience and is the author of 17 books for mental health professionals, researchers and lay audiences. These include an edited volume titled Multisystemic Resilience: Adaptation and Transformation in Contexts of Change, and his 2019 release, Change Your World: The Science of Resilience and the True Path to Success, a book for adults experiencing stress at work and at home. His blog, Nurturing Resilience, can be read on Psychology Today’s website.

Systemic Approaches to Nurturing Resilience Among Children, Youth and Families with Complex Needs

When working with children, youth and families who experience multiple challenges (whether from addictions, mental health problems, or social marginalization caused by poverty, family violence, racism, and other factors), providers of mental health and social services can have a greater influence when they focus less on problems and more on the factors that promote resilience. In this engaging, story-filled presentation, Dr. Ungar will show that resilience is a process that is nurtured by service providers who match their interventions to the needs of families, negotiating to make services culturally and contextually relevant. This presentation will discuss a multisystemic approach to service design and delivery that makes mental health and social services strengths-focused and resistance-proof, drawing on the capacity of a client’s friends, extended family members, teachers and community as potential sources of support. Attendees will learn how to identify and encourage nine factors associated with resilience. The core principles of the approach, navigation and negotiation, will be discussed in relation to several service design principles that combine clinical work with advocacy and case management to create effective services that families value. Several themes will be discussed with regard to service design, including coordination of services for families across “silos”, continuity of services over time, the need for cultural sensitivity, and how services can demonstrate effectiveness.


David Pålsson, PhD, is a lecturer and researcher at the Department of Social Work, Stockholm university. His research interests concern child welfare, in particular foster and residential care. He has conducted research regarding for example privatisation, inspection, local supervision and children’s participation.

Privatisation of out-of-home care for children – current situation and implications

During the latest decades, Nordic child welfare has undergone New Public Management reforms and there is more private provision (often for-profit) of services. The lecture will discuss outsourcing of out-of-home care, both private foster care agencies (who recruit and support foster homes) as well as residential care units (who provide care and treatment to children and adolescents). Based on Swedish and Nordic studies, the lecture will reason about the background, development, implications and questions of principle that the development raises for the quality of care for children and families.


Linnea Karlsson, apulaisprofessori, on toinen FinnBrain Cohort Study -tutkimuksen perustajista ja toimii hankkeen varajohtajana ( FinnBrain on syntymäkohorttitutkimus, joka selvittää raskaudenaikaisen ja varhaislapsuuden stressialtistuksen vaikutuksia lapsen aivoihin ja psykososiaaliseen kehitykseen. Linnea Karlsson on lasten- ja nuorisopsykiatrian erikoislääkäri ja hänellä on pitkäaikainen kokemus kliinisestä työstä Turun yliopistollisessa keskussairaalassa. Tällä hetkellä hän toimii tenure track -professorina Turun yliopistossa ja apulaisjohtajana Turun yliopiston ja Varsinais-Suomen sairaanhoitopiirin Väestötutkimuskeskuksessa, jossa on useita edustavia väestön terveyteen liittyviä pitkittäishankkeita. Hän toimi Mannerheimin Lastensuojeluliiton puheenjohtajana vuosina 2015-2017 ja on tällä hetkellä Suomen Aivosäätiön hallituksen jäsen.

Hyvä ja paha stressi: Mikä suojaa ja mikä altistaa stressin terveyshaitoille?

Stressi kuuluu jokapäiväiseen elämäämme, eikä kaikki stressi suinkaan ole vahingollista tai terveydelle haitallista. Jos stressiä kuitenkin on liikaa tai kuormitus on liian pitkäkestoista suhteessa yksilölliseen vastustuskykyymme (resilienssi) nähden, stressi voi muuttua toksiseksi. Altistuminen kielteisille elämäntapahtumille on yhteydessä useiden eri sairauksien riskiin elämänkaaren eri vaiheissa. Resilienssi on osittain perimän ohjaamaa, mutta monet ympäristötekijät vaikuttavat siihen merkittävästi. Esimerkiksi lapsen ja vanhemman välinen vuorovaikutus tai muiden ihmissuhteiden laatu voi toimia stressin haittoja puskuroivana tekijänä. Tämänkin vuoksi vanhemman terveydentilasta huolehtiminen on mielekäs toimenpide, kun halutaan tukea lapsen kehitystä. Lapsen omien stressinsäätelykeinojen tukeminen ja toksiselta stressiltä suojeleminen on myös tärkeää.


Noona Kiuru, PsT, kehityspsykologian apulaisprofessori, psykologian laitos, Jyväskylän yliopisto

Noona Kiuru on nuorten oppimista, hyvinvointia ja onnistuneita koulusiirtymiä tutkivan TIKAPUU-pitkittäistutkimuksen sekä nuorten hyvinvointia edistämään pyrkivän Nuorten Kompassi -interventiotutkimushankkeen johtaja. Lisäksi hän toimii varajohtajana Suomen Akatemian yhteydessä toimivan strategisen tutkimusneuvoston rahoittaman EduRESCUE-Resilientti koulu ja koulutus -hankkeen työpaketissa 2, jossa tarkastellaan oppilaiden hyvinvointia ja oppimista koti- ja kouluympäristöissä ennen, jälkeen ja koronapandemian aikana.

EduRESCUE: Oppilaiden hyvinvointi ja oppiminen koti- ja kouluympäristöissä

Tutkin lasten ja nuorten hyvinvoinnin ja oppimisen kehitystä eri kasvuympäristöissä sekä tätä kehitystä ennakoivia riski- ja suojaavia tekijöitä. Esityksessäni kerron etenkin Suomen Akatemian yhteydessä toimivan strategisen tutkimusneuvoston rahoittaman PANDEMIC-ohjelmaan kuuluvan EduRESCUE-Resilientti koulu ja koulutus -hankkeesta ( Kyseessä on monitieteinen tukimus- ja kehittämishanke, jossa tutkitaan laaja-alaisesti COVID-19-pandemian vaikutuksia kouluihin, oppilaisiin, huoltajiin, opettajiin ja rehtoreihin. Hankkeessa etsitään ratkaisuja siihen, miten vahvistamme suomalaisen koulutusjärjestelmän resilienssiä ja parannamme yhteiskuntamme kykyä selviytyä kriiseistä tulevaisuudessa. Hankkeessa kehitetään toipumisen tiekartta kuvaamaan toimia, joita resilientimmän koulutusjärjestelmän rakentaminen edellyttää. Tarkemmin kerron EduRESCUE-hankkeen työpaketista 2, jossa tarkastellaan oppilaiden hyvinvointia ja oppimista koti- ja kouluympäristöissä ennen, jälkeen ja koronapandemian aikana.


Collection of Abstracts: ABSTRAKTIKOOSTE


1) Muuttoliike ja perheiden resilienssi

2) Moninaiset isät ja isyydet

3) Varhainen vuorovaikutus ja perhesuhteet lapsen kehitystä suojaavana tekijänä

4) Institutionaalinen neuvottelu lapsen ja vanhemman suhteista

5) Toimijuus ja läheissuhteet elämänkaaren murroskohdissa

6) Yksilölliset ja puolisoiden väliset kehitys- ja oppimisprosessit varhaisvanhemmuuden resilienssin lähteenä

7) Suhdeperustaisuus lapsi- ja perhepalveluissa

8) RESPA – Resilienssin edistäminen palveluiden tavoitteena ja perheenjäsenten osallisuus palvelujärjestelmissä

9) Vanhemmuuden resilienssitekijät

10) Keskosena syntyneen lapsen ja hänen perheensä resilienssin tukeminen

11) Avoin työryhmä

12) Current perspectives on family research

This workshop will be held in English.

Saana Raittila-SaloEthnographic network research: Mapping socializing and caregiving for people of Mozambican background living (well) with dementia in rural South Africa
Ryo ItoshimaAssociation between COVID-19 restriction measures in neonatal intensive care units and mothers’ postpartum depressive symptom
Johanna Järvinen-Tassopoulos, Henna Pirskanen & Virve MarionneauAddictive relationships in families suffering from gambling problems during the COVID-19 pandemic
Gill ThomsonResilience and post-traumatic growth in the transition to motherhood during the COVID-19 pandemic:  A qualitative exploratory study
Annika LehtonenNavigating family interdependence of street-connected children in Recife, Brazil

Abstract submission

The abstract submission is closed. Thank you for sharing your work with us!


Submit your registration here: Registration

Attendance fees

The registration fee includes attendance in the scientific programme, congress materials, coffee and lunch as marked in the programme. Note! The evening party has a separate fee, 30,00 eur (incl. VAT 24 %), including buffet dinner and drinks.

Member price *160 EUR
Participant, non-member190 EUR
Undergraduate students40 EUR
Postgraduate students70 EUR
Working group leaders60 EUR
Remote participation, member120 EUR
Remote participation, non-member150 EUR

* The membership price applies to members of the Perheiden ja läheissuhteiden tutkimusseura (PELS,


The registration fees are invoiced by Aboa Congress and Event Services (VAT FI2805028-8) on behalf of the local organiser University of Turku  (VAT FI0245896-3 ) whose scientific conferences are exempted from VAT, except for possible additional social programme tickets.


 Methods of payment

1) Credit card payment.
On the registration form, choose the credit card payment and fill in the payment card details. Payment service provider Paytrail Plc.*

2) Online bank payment (for Finnish/Nordic banks only)
On the registration form, choose your bank, and you will be forwarded to the payment service. Payment service provider Paytrail Plc.*

3) PDF invoice (payment with bank transfer). No invoicing fee.
A PDF invoice will be sent to your e-mail address after you have submitted your registration. Terms of payment: 14 days net.

4) E-invoice (for Finnish organisations only). No invoicing fee.
An e-invoice will be sent to the e-invoicing address provided. Terms of payment: 14 days net.

* Paytrail Plc (FI2122839-7) acts as a collecting payment service provider in cooperation with Finnish banks and credit institutions. Paytrail Plc is authorized payment institution. Paytrail Plc appears as the payee on the bank statement or card invoice and forwards the payment to the event organizer. In case of reclamations, please contact the event organizer.



Cancellation of registration must be made in writing (email) to before 10 October 2022. No fees will be refunded after this date (participation can be transferred to another person).  A processing fee of EUR 50 will be deducted from all refunds.

In the event that the meeting is cancelled by the Meeting Organisers, or cannot take place for any reason outside the control of the Meeting Organisers, the registration fee shall be refunded in full. The liability of the Meeting Organiser shall be limited to that refund.


Participating remotely

The Finnish Family Research Conference 2022 will be organized as a hybrid event, so it will be possible to participate remotely via Zoom. The main speeches can be observed through one Zoom link, and for each workshop, there will be a separate link. Specific Zoom links and more details will be published later.

NOTE! For those, who participate remotely, specific Zoom links will be delivered beforehands by email . If you have not received the Zoom links, please contact



23.5.-20.6.2022 Workshop submission open
27.6.2022Acceptance of workshops
15.8.-23.9.2022Abstract submission
29.6.2022-4.11.2022Conference registration open
3.10.2022Acceptance of abstracts
10.-11.11.2022Finnish Family Research Conference


The University of Turku

Publicum and Educarium, Assistentinkatu 5 ja 7

Picture: Noora Mela, The University of Turku / Mediabank



Picture: Pekka Vallila / Turku Convention Bureau

The oldest city in Finland has much to offer!

The leisurely flowing Aura River is the heart and living room of Turku and an important element in Turku’s image. A five-kilometre-long pe-destrian and cycling route follows the river on both banks, travelling through the Finnish national landscape. At the end of the harbour, passers-by have a lovely view of Turku Castle, while walk-ing towards the upper reaches of the river will take them to Turku Cathedral. Along this route, there are various market squares, such as Varvintori Square, Vähätori Square, Cathedral Square and the Old Great Square. Most of the city’s museums, restaurants, hotels and attractions can also be found on the banks of the Aura River.

Text: Turku Convention Bureau



The conference is organized in co-operation with the Discipline of Psychology in the University of Turku and the Association for the Study of Families and Close Relations.

Conference committee

Sari Ahlqvist-Björkroth, postdoctoral researcher, University of Turku

Niina Junttila, professor, University of Turku, University of Jyväskylä, Councellor of education, National board of education

Oona Ylönen, specialist social worker, professor of practice, University of Turku

Miia Tuominen, research manager, University of Turku

Johanna Lindstedt, doctoral researcher, University of Turku

Riikka Korja, professor, University of Turku

Jussi Mertsola, adjunct professor, University of Turku

Miika Vuori, specialist researcher, University of Turku

Rosi Enroos, university lecturer, University of Tampere

Eeva-Leena Kataja, postdoctoral researcher, University of Turku

Jaanet Salminen, university lecturer, University of Turku



NOTE! Temporary traffic arrangements for the rail services between Turku and Helsinki! From 15 August 2022, the end stop of the Helsinki–Turku–Helsinki train will be in Kupittaa.


Conference guests can book their accommodation themselves. We offer some options to consider, please read through the following and choose the best for you.

1) Scandic Julia

110 € Standard room for one person (incl. breakfast) / night
130 € Standard room for two persons (incl. breakfast) / night

You can make your reservation directly at:

You can book using the reservation code BTUR091122 also by phone and by email. Rooms are available until 26.10.2022.


2) Sokos Kupittaa

95€ Standard room for one person (incl. breakfast) / night
115 € Standard room for two persons (incl. breakfast) / night

Choose hotel: Sokos Kupittaa

Enter the reservation code: BPERHE2022

You are able to check if rooms with special price are available and book your stay.





Sari Ahlqvist-Björkroth, Ph.D, postdoctoral researcher


Johanna Lindstedt, MA, doctoral researcher