Upper secondary level

About us

About us

Turun normaalikoulu has two missions that
are closely intertwined. Firstly, we provide
high quality education and secondly, we
are a part of the Faculty of Education of
Turku University playing a central role in
the training of prospective teachers. Turun
normaalikoulu has about 100 teachers (also
acting as teacher educators) and 300
teacher trainees working on the same
premises. Turun normaalikoulu has been a
UNESCO-school since 1999.

The school

The school is located in an urban
environment three miles from the centre of
the city. The surrounding community is
economically and culturally diverse.
Students taking the national curricula
typically come from the local community,
but the IB Diploma Programme serves a
wider region.


The Finnish national upper secondary
curriculum is an academically challenging
three-year programme preparing the
students for national matriculation
examinations to pass the secondary
education diploma (Ylioppilastutkinto). The
annual intake is 52.
For the IB Diploma Programme the annual
intake is 30. The IB Diploma
Programme is preceded by a one-year PreDP Programme. We offer the following
subjects: Finnish, English, Swedish, German,
French, Spanish, economics, history, psychology,
business management, biology, chemistry,
physics and mathematics.

In addition, we offer business studies for all
of our students