Fully trained new teachers!

Teacher training

  • Turun normaalikoulu is the teacher training school of Turku University and the Pedagogical Faculty.
  • It provides teacher training for class, subject and adult teacher trainees as part of their pedagogical studies.
  • Normaalikoulu also arranges in-service training both in Finland and abroad in co-operation with University of Turku and Faculty of Education. ​

Class teacher training

Class teacher trainees take part in three separate guided training periods in Turun normaalikoulu at different stages of their university studies: Being a teacher and an educator I, Being a teacher and educator II and Intensified subject and weekly practice (III). You are also offered a long-term thematic option to be completed with us.

The aim of teacher training is to support those who wish to become professional teachers by helping them to combine theory to actual work in class and to develop and apply their personal views on education and up-bringing students in real practical learning situations.

You can get more information on teacher training in Norssi on the web pages of the Pedagogical Faculty of Turku and in Moodle once you have been accepted to do the training with us.

The training takes place alongside with your university studies at specific intervals. First you study theory, get to know how a modern school functions and in the final stage you will plan and have your own lessons, get feedback on them and design more demanding projects. You will be supported by teacher trainers from Norssi througout the time. He/She will guide your planning, observe your lessons and give feedback on them.


Subject teacher training

Subject teacher entrance interviews are held in April or May and you have to register for them in advance.The Pedagogical Faculty provides more information on the procedure. In most cases the training lasts a full year and you will be studying at the university and do a lot of practical training in Turun normaalikoulu.

In subject teacher training/practice (= AO) we use Moodle and this platform provides you with specific information on procedures and contents of the training. You will get access to these pages once you have been accepted to do the one-year training.

Adult-oriented teacher training

Pedagogical studies for those aiming at teaching adults

The training takes place during the autumn term 2019.

More information will be provided in Moodle at the beginning of the school year in August.

In-service training in Finland

In-service training provided by Turun normaalikoulu

In-service training means training teachers who already have a lot of experience but wish to update their knowledge in the field. In-service training is provided by Norssi for both Finnish and foreign teachers.

In-service training abroad

Turun normaalikoulu works in close contact with Finland University to provide in-service training for foreign teachers both in Finland and abroad.

What is Finland University

Finland University combines the power of leading Finnish research universities: the universities of Eastern Finland, Tampere, Turku, and Åbo Akademi, each in the top 2% of global university rankings. Together the universities have 78 500 full-time degree students, thousands of teachers and 900 professors.

Turun normaalikoulu is closely working in co-operation with Finland University by arranging school visits and actual in-service training in our school. The visits can be tailored in length and content from a few hours to several months. Many of our teachers have also been training teachers abroad in countries like China, Thailand, Saudi Arabia and Oman.

More information on Finland University  teacher in-service training services.