Call for ImmuDocs Projects

Instructions on how to apply for the ImmuDocs Doctoral Education Pilot Project

The ImmuDocs Doctoral Education Pilot at the University of Turku will recruit 30 new Doctoral Researchers for 3-year doctoral positions next autumn. For this purpose, a call for 30 new ImmuDocs Projects has now been opened. The call will end on August 11, 2024.

In this call the ImmuDocs Doctoral Education Pilot is seeking a broad range of top-quality pilot project proposals in the fields of immunology, immunology-based drug development, and immunology-based diagnostics. The immunological research can be basic, translational, and/or clinical.

NOTE! Each main supervisor (PI) may submit up to two ImmuDocs Project Proposals if they did not receive a pilot project earlier this spring. If the main supervisor already has an accepted pilot project from the previous ImmuDocs Project call, only one ImmuDocs Project Proposal can be submitted.

Doctoral Research candidates will apply for the selected ImmuDocs project positions, which will start on January 1, 2025. To be eligible for these positions, an applicant’s study right for a doctoral degree must not have been granted earlier than November 1, 2023.

Candidates who do not yet possess a study right at the University of Turku need to apply for it when the university opens an additional call for applications for doctoral studies. Instructions on how to apply for doctoral study right will be provided to the project’s Principal Investigator (PI) following conditional funding decisions by the ImmuDocs Board. The study right will be granted by the faculty, and the applicant should have a relevant higher university degree by December (to be updated) in the Faculty of Medicine, December (to be updated) in the Faculty of Technology or by November 15 in the Faculty of Science to be eligible to start in the ImmuDocs funded position on January 1, 2025.

Schedule of ImmuDocs autumn calls (subject to change)


4.6.-11.8.2024             Call for ImmuDocs Projects

Week 34                      Decisions on the accepted ImmuDocs projects by the ImmuDocs Board

26.8- 24.9.2024          Call for Doctoral Researchers for the accepted ImmuDocs projects

26.9.-22.10.2024         Selection processes and interviews by the main supervisors

25.10.2024                   ImmuDocs Board meeting and approval of the selected candidates

28.10.-8.11.2024           Additional call for a study right for a doctoral degree

1.1.2025                         Candidates start their 3-year ImmuDocs doctoral positions.

A new doctoral programme for ImmuDocs is expected to launch in 2025, and all ImmuDocs Doctoral Researchers are expected to be transferred to the new doctoral program.

Please note the new features of the ImmuDocs Doctoral Education Pilot:

  • The Doctoral Researcher and Supervisor should be dedicated to following the ImmuDocs 3-year project plan.
  • The 3-year doctoral studies will be conducted within the scheduled ImmuDocs training framework.
  • The Doctoral Researcher will have an individual competence plan for methodological, theoretical, and transferable skills. This will be regularly monitored using logbooks and self-evaluation.
  • A minimum of two supervisors are required for each Doctoral Researcher.
  • The follow-up committee for Doctoral Researchers should include at least two external members, of whom at least one is recommended to be from the private/non-university sector. The committee will meet twice a year, and these meetings are monitored by the ImmuDocs administration.
  • In addition to the official supervisors and follow-up committee, Doctoral Researchers will have 1-2 mentors (e.g. postdocs or senior scientists) during their studies.
  • Mobility related to the project is an integral component of the ImmuDocs doctoral studies. Doctoral Researchers are expected to undertake visits to a company, research institute, or hospital when relevant to their projects. Assistance in identifying a suitable host will be provided by the ImmuDocs administration.
  • At the final stage, ImmuDocs Doctoral Researchers must complete their thesis writing within two months. Supervisors will create a plan with each Doctoral Researcher, provide support, and monitor progress weekly to ensure timely completion.

Candidates have two pathways to apply for the ImmuDocs positions

PATHWAY1 specifications:

The candidate has completed a relevant higher university degree or the applicant’s stage of studies allows the candidate to be awarded a study right for a doctoral degree before (to be updated) (Faculty of Medicine), (to be updated) (Faculty of Technology) or November 15 (Faculty of Science).

  1. The PI drafts the ImmuDocs project proposal using the provided template and submits it by August 11 on Webropol.
  2. The ImmuDocs Board evaluates the proposals and selects those to be opened for recruitment.
  3. The applicant applies for specific project(s) provided by the PIs and selects a maximum of three projects in the order of priority.
  4. The project PI reads the applications, selects the applicant for the project and submits the selection for the ImmuDocs Board. The conditional funding decision is made by the ImmuDocs Board.
  5. The funded applicant applies for a study right for a doctoral degree at the University of Turku between 28.10. – 8.11.2024. The position will start on January 1, 2025.

PATHWAY2 specifications:

The candidate’s study right for a doctoral degree has been granted after November 1, 2023 at the University of Turku or an unregistered candidate has worked in the PI’s research group and now intends to continue as a Doctoral Researcher in the same group.

  1. The PI drafts the ImmuDocs project proposal from the candidate’s current project using the provided template and submits it by August 11 on Webropol.
  2. The ImmuDocs Board evaluates the proposals and selects the projects suitable for the ImmuDocs Pilot.
  3. The internal call for applications is opened, and the candidate applies for the ImmuDocs funded position.  If the applicant has a study right for a doctoral degree, they must submit an updated 3-year research plan. If the applicant does not have the study right for a doctoral degree yet, they may submit a research plan or a short idea paper on a research topic for which they are applying, briefly describing how they plan to implement the chosen doctoral project. Please note that a research plan is required for the call for applications for doctoral studies at 28.10. – 8.11.2024.

The funding decision is confirmed by the ImmuDocs Board or the funded applicant applies for a study right for a doctoral degree at the University of Turku in May. The positions will start on January 1, 2025.

Selection criteria

The project plans applicable to the ImmuDocs Pilot will be approved by the ImmuDocs Board. The review criteria are high-quality immunological research, feasibility of the project within three years and main supervisor’s previous publication record and experience in immunology, immunology-based drug development, or immunology-based diagnostics. PI will receive an email notification after the decision has been made and the project is accepted for the recruitment process.

Support for the preparation of an ImmuDocs Project Plan

If requested, support will be provided to the PI for the preparation of the proposals so that they can meet the requirements of a 3-year doctoral dissertation. Please contact InFLAMES Research Manager Jarkko Koivunen ( for advice on drafting the ImmuDocs Project Proposal.

If you have questions about the application process, please contact ImmuDocs Coordinator Marja Peura ( or InFLAMES Project Manager Kaisa Hakkila (