ImmuDocs Board

The ImmuDocs Board is responsible for evaluating the Doctoral Education Pilot Projects and ensuring the feasibility of the projects within three years. The Board will make final funding decisions for ImmuDocs Doctoral Researcher positions at the University of Turku. It will also play a role in the funding decisions of the other consortium universities in different ways.   

The initial period of operation of the ImmuDocs Board is from March 1 to December 31, 2024. 

Member / Deputy Member: 

Academician Sirpa Jalkanen UTU / Professor Anne Roivainen UTU 

Professor Marko Salmi UTU / Senior Research Fellow Tapio Lönnberg UTU 

University Teacher Jukka Alinikula UTU / Clinical Lecturer Kati Elima UTU 

Professor of Practice Timo Veromaa UTU / Professor Mika Rämet TUNI

Professor Juhani Knuuti Varha / Professor Antti Saraste Varha

Professor Cecilia Sahlgren ÅAU / Professor Timo Hautala UO

Professor Seppo Meri UH / Professor Tuure Kinnunen UEF


UTU University of Turku
TUNI Tampere University
UH University of Helsinki
UEF University of Eastern Finland
UO University of Oulu
Varha The wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland
ÅAU Åbo Akademi University