Fiscal policy response during COVID-19 in GermanyJens Boysen-Hogrefe, Professor, Dr., Deputy Head of the Research Center Business Cycles and Growth, The Kiel Institute for the World…
The Baltic Sea in Russia’s maritime StrategyMichael B. Petersen, Director, Russia Maritime Studies Institute, United States Naval War College, USA
Germany: A global trader with a European focusKari Liuhto, Professor, Pan-European Institute, Turku School of Economics, University of Turku, Turku, Finland
Finnish challenges in doing business with GermanyChristopher M. Schmidt, Professor of German language and literature, Åbo Akademi University, Finland
Enhancing military confidence between NATO and RussiaAlexander Graef, Dr., Researcher, Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy, University of Hamburg (IFSH), Germany
Maintaining economic growth: The internationalization of Germany’s professional footballSebastian Uhrich, Ph.D., Professor of Sport Business Administration, German Sport University Cologne, Germany
Germany’s Coal Exit Law: Too late and too expansivePao-Yu Oei, Dr., Head, Research Group CoalExit, TU Berlin, Germany
The EU and weaponised economic interdependenceChristian Bluth, Dr., Senior Expert (for Globalisation, International Economics and Trade Policy), Bertelsmann Stiftung, Germany
Historical roots of alcohol mortality in RussiaAlexander Libman, Professor of Russian and East European Politics, Free University of Berlin, Germany Vladimir Kozlov, Associate Professor, National Research…