
3D digital environments – six key factors for sustainability
Exemplary outputs from some of the macro and micro scale metrics calculated with 3D PPGIS data.
How to analyze PPGIS data collected in 3D?
Framework for developing and reporting 3D visualisations for communicative urban and landscape planning.
Review of 3D visualisations for communicative urban and landscape planning – we suggest a reporting framework for the heterogenous field
Pandemic urban resilience in the Nordic context: a cross-city analysis on associations between outdoor recreation and green infrastructure
How to generate synthetic PPGIS data – and why?
GreenPlace seminar in June 2022 offered inspiration for future work
How passive and active sensing systems should be harnessed to secure an inclusive, sustainable and resilient urban transformation?
Online 3D-based participatory mapping for urban planning – pilot case shows usability challenges exist especially with smart phones
Statistically significant clusters of outdoor recreation sites offering multiple (hot spots) and few (cold spots) ecosystem service benefits. Percentage denotes confidence level of clusters.
During the pandemic, outdoor recreation increased at sites offering multiple cultural ecosystem service benefits in Turku
Karttakyselyllä kerätään ideoita Aninkaisten konserttitalon korttelin kehittämiseksi (Ideas collected for future development of the Aninkainen concert hall area in Turku)
A view of the mall in Puhos 3D.
Using 3D geovisualization for communication in urban planning – what can we learn from sense of presence and sense of place?
Turkulaiset ulkoilivat koronakeväänä tavanomaista enemmän (Turku citizens spent more time outdoors during corona spring 2020)
Picture of three people standing on top of a hill and watching sunset
Not all pleasant – Taking the eudaimonic view on nature and well-being
Map-based survey finds out how corona situation has changed people’s outdoor activities in Turku
Path in a forest in sun light
Lockdown highlights the importance of green spaces and nature to human wellbeing in cities
Tree on a meadow
Local places in landscapes are essential for people’s wellbeing