Baltic herring research
About the Baltic Herring Research Project
Welcome to the Baltic Herring Research Project’s website! Our primary focus revolves around understanding the reproductive biology of Baltic herring (Clupea harengus membras) and the many processes and factors that influence clupeid fish in the Baltic Sea. The research started at the University of Turku in the beginning of the 1980s. Since then, it has continued in the form of several scientific and monitoring sub-projects, which have been carried out in the northern Baltic Archipelago Sea area and especially in the vicinity of the city of Turku (Finland) where we find some of the most important reproductive areas for herring.
These pages present some results of the project, and also offer information about the Baltic herring in the northern Baltic Sea. While these fish may be small in size, they play an important role in both the Baltic ecosystem and the region’s fisheries.
Watch an edited clip of a herring spawning shoal in the inner archipelago, recorded in May 2024 using an ROV (remotely operated vehicle) camera. The footage provides unique insight into the reproductive behavior of herring in the area and offers information on the condition of the spawning sites.
Key contributors to our research over the years:
We are grateful for the support provided by the following organizations, foundations and individuals over the years:
- Lieto Savings Bank Foundation
- Sakari Alhopuro Foundation
- Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation
- Finnish Cultural Foundation
- Turku University Foundation
- Saaristomeren kalatalouden toimintaryhmä (Skärgårdshavets Fiskeleader)
- Nagu Rotaryklubb
- Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland
- Southwest Finland ELY-centre
- European Maritime and Fisheries Fund
- Finnish Nature Resources Research Fund
- Finnish Foundation for Nature Conservation
- Turku Finnish University Society
- Olvi Foundation
- Professional fishermen who have provided samples over the years
- Archipelago Research Institute, University of Turku
- Department of Biology, University of Turku
Recent news and events
- 6.10.2024: Katja Mäkinen will give a public presentation on the Baltic herring at the Silakkasoutu event in Helsinki.
- 10.9.2024: Katja Mäkinen will give a presentation on the Baltic herring at the Vesiviljelyn ympäristösuojelun neuvottelupäivät event, in Turku.
- 8.8.2024: Herring day (Silakkapäivä) -event at Seili, See more information and program!
- 17-27.4.2024: Katja Mäkinen visits prof. Karin Limburg’s lab at SUNY-ESF, in Syracuse, NY, USA
- 11.4.2024: Katja Mäkinen will give a public presentation on the Baltic herring at the Main Library of Turku. The lecture is part of the Biodiversity Unit’s lecture series.
- 9.4.2024: Saara Miinala received a 1000 euro personal working grand for her master thesis from the Finnish Foundation for Nature Conservation’s Baltic Sea fund
- 2024: Two new bachelor theses finished by Laura Lammi and Eino Nousiainen on Mysid ecology and Baltic herring male characteristics.
- 6.3.2024: Lieto Savings Bank Foundation awarded the Archipelago Research Institute a 25 000 euro subsidy. Part of the subsidy will be used to employ two research assistants to the Baltic herring project in 2024!
- 26.2.2024: The Baltic herring project visits SLU in Öregrund, Sweden
- 5.12.2023: “Onko runsain merikalamme silakka vaikeuksissa?” Suomen Luonto 10/2023.
- Katja Mäkinen will give a presentation on the Baltic herring research at the 2nd Annual Science Day of the Faculty of Science 14.12.2023.
- 31.10.2023: Marjut Rajasilta & Katja Mäkinen: “Silakkakantojen säilyminen elinvoimaisena riippuu ennen muuta lisääntymisen onnistumisesta” – Turun sanomat, Alio.
- 28.9.2023: Marjut Rajasilta interviewed in Suomen Kuvalehti article “Kamppailu silakasta“
- 1.9.2023: Jari Hänninen interviewed in Yle News: “Tutkijat moittivat komission esitystä silakan kalastuskiellosta: Täyskielto olisi kalastajille katastrofi” – Yle News.
- 11.8.2023: Our latest publication, “Effects of incubation temperature and maternal phenotype on Baltic herring (Clupea harengus membras) eggs and larvae: An experimental study” has been accepted for publication in the Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
- 25.5.2023: Katja Mäkinen gave an oral presentation related to maternal effects in the Baltic herring at the Baltic Sea Science Congress on Friday, August 25th, in Helsinki, Finland.
- 13.7.2023: Our latest publication, “The prevalence of Corynosoma parasite worms in the Baltic herring and the great cormorants in the northern Baltic Sea, Finland” has been accepted for publication in the International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife.
- 15.6.2023: Olvi-foundation awarded a 15 000 euro working grant for Johannes Sahlsten’s PhD research.
- Katja Mäkinen interviewed in Yle News on 26.5. and Helsingin Sanomat on 1.2.2023.
- Herring research featured in Arja Renell’s art work at John Nurminen Foundation’s “Tuntematon Itämeri” exhibition at Suomenlinna, Helsinki, from 17.5 to 15.9.2023.
- 20-21.3.2023: Katja Mäkinen gave a poster presentation at the “Kansalliset kalatutkimuspäivät” event, organized by the University of Jyväskylä in Jyväskylä.
- 1.3.2023: A two-year collaborative project (2023-2024) with the National Resources Institute Finland begins. The project is funded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
- 23.1.2023: The ELY-Centre of South-West Finland (VARELY/Kalatalousvarat) grants financial support (15 653 euros) for the Baltic herring survey for the upcoming summer season in 2023.