Latest news

Stay up-to-date with the latest happenings from the Baltic Herring Research Project. Here, we share research milestones, upcoming events, and recent media appearances.


  • December: Donations to support herring research have been received from Paraisten kaupunki, Salmonfarm ab, Selkämeren Jää oy, Uudenkaupungin kaupunki, Uudenkaupungin Kalanlajittelukeskus, Taivassalon kunta, Kustavin kunta, and Suomen Ammattikalastajaliitto. Thank you for this valuable support!
  • 2 December: Marjut Rajasilta gives a presentation on the herring research at TEKS meeting in Turku.
  • 21 November: Weisell Foundation awarded €88501 to support the 1st year of our research project focusing on herring migration, natal origins and stock structure.
  • 6 October: Katja Mäkinen presented the latest findings on Baltic herring at the Silakkasoutu event in Helsinki.
  • 10 September: Katja Mäkinen presented the latest findings on Baltic herring at the Vesiviljelyn ympäristösuojelun neuvottelupäivät event in Turku.
  • 8 August: Herring Day (Silakkapäivä)– event was organized at Seili. See the program for details.
  • 17-27 April: Katja Mäkinen conducted a research visit to Prof. Karin Limburg’s lab at SUNY-ESF, Syracuse, NY, USA.
  • 11 April: Public lecture on Baltic herring at the Main Library of Turku, part of the Biodiversity Unit’s lecture series.
  • Two new bachelor theses finished by Laura Lammi and Eino Nousiainen on Mysid ecology and Baltic herring male characteristics.
  • 9 April: Saara Miinala received a €1,000 grant for her Master’s thesis from the Finnish Foundation for Nature Conservation’s Baltic Sea Fund.
  • March: Lieto Savings Bank Foundation awarded €25,000 to support the Baltic Herring Project, funding two research assistant positions.
  • February: Team visit to the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Öregrund, Sweden.


Earlier highlights (Selected examples)