Professori Friederike Lüpke esitelmöi

20.05.2021 15:00 - 16:30

Hei kaikki,

toivotan kaikki tervetulleeksi kuulemaan professori Friederike Lüpken esitelmää African multilingualisms and ideas of owning and sharing languages (ks. abstrakti alla).

Zoom-linkin seminaariin saa pyydettäessä Minna Maijalalta, minmai(at)

Kaikki kielen oppimisen tutkijat ja muutkin monikielisyydestä ja Afrikan kielellisestä monimuotoisuudesta kiinnostuneet ovat lämpimästi tervetulleita seminaariin!

Minna Maijala & Ilmari Ivaska


Friederike Lüpke: African multilingualisms and ideas of owning and sharing languages

With ca. 2,700 named languages, Africa is one of the global hotspots of multilingualism and linguistic diversity. Ideas of language and ways in which named languages are construed, owned and shared are equally diverse and not matched by ontologies and categories stemming from European nationalist language ideologies exported in the wake of colonisation, although these ideas have left traces in (re)imaginations of languages and identities and underpin official language policies. In this talk, I offer insight into language ideas and their correlations with particular patterns of language use through a number of case studies, exploring how they challenge received Northern notions such as ’mother tongue’, ’heritage language’, ’L1’, ’ethnic language, etc., but focussing on alternative imaginations grounded in African experiences.