
Vierailuluento / Guest Lecture (April 18, 2024): Prof Iwona Kowal: Syntactic complexity in advanced learners of Swedish – individual differences or level differences? -
Ali Reza Majlesi (University of Stockholm): Ethnomethodological Conversation Analytic Approach to Human-Robot Interactions: A Multimodal Approach -
Amanda Hoskins & Silvia Kunitz (Linköping University): Task-based language teaching: From task design to the analysis of students’ talk -
Prof. Clara D. Martin on Thursday, November 16, at 15:15. -
Saksan kielen juhlaluento ke 11.10.2023 klo 14.15-15.45/Minna Ålander -
Seminar: Pauliina Peltonen: “L1 and L2 fluency in monologue and dialogue speech: Insights from the FDF2 project” -
Professor Carolyn McKinney (University of Cape Town, South Africa): ‘Coloniality of language and pretextual gaps: a case study of emergent bilingual children’s writing in a South African school and a call for ukuzilanda’ -
Training for peer interaction: The impact of interactional instruction on primary school learners’ attitudes and use of interactional strategies by Dr Alexandra Vraciu
Prof. Juhani Järvikivi (University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada) will give a talk on Personality, politics, and language processing on Thursday, November 3, at 15:15 (-17.00)
Promoting pre-service student teachers’ language and language teacher proficiencies through writing by Dr Meameno Shiweda
Guest talk by Dr Anna Jarosz (University of Łódź): Raising phonetic awareness in the pronunciation course
Sujuvuutta suulliseen kielitaitoon – Opetushallituksen rahoittamaa täydennyskoulutusta kieltenopettajille -
Guest lecture by Luke Plonsky (Northern Arizona University): Methodological reform in the quantitative applied linguistics research -
Teemaseminaari GGXLog-näppäintallennusohjelman mahdollisuuksista
Tervetuloa julkistamistilaisuuteen!
Prof. Friederike Lüpke (University of Helsinki) visits Leala -
Professori Friederike Lüpke esitelmöi -
EKKO – Eettisesti kestävä kielten opetus -hankkeen esittelytilaisuus -
Online workshop on the concepts comprehensibility, intelligibility, accentedness -
Utulingin oppimisen tutkimuksen teemaseminaari, Anna von Zansen -
Juhlaluento: lähes 100 vuotta saksan kielen korkeinta koulutusta Turun yliopistossa -
FM Pauliina Peltosen väitös -
Professori emerita Hannele Dufvan vierailuluento
Utulingin oppimisen tutkimuksen ryhmä -
Verkostoitumisseminaari II -
Utulingin oppimisen tutkimuksen ryhmä -
Utulingin oppimisen tutkimuksen ryhmä -
Kieli- ja käännöstieteiden laitoksen robottipäivä -
Verkostoitumisseminaari -
Dr Sandra Götzin vierailuluento -