Mental Health Week’s program
On my mind project aims to promote togetherness and openness when it comes to discussing about mental well-being. On my mind project is part of Mental Health Week together with our amazing support students! We have chosen “Student well-being and work ralated questions” as our theme for the week. From the schedule down below, you’ll find all sorts of events happening on campus (Turku).
Enjoy and get inspired by mental health!

Day by day schedule for Mental Health Week:
1) 11.00-13.00 Well-being support services: Smooth flow of studies, Campus Sport, Educarium library
Well-being support services introduced at a pop-up stand in Educarium library.
2) 13.00-14.00, RekryChat, online
Career Services offer low threshold support for all students on campus. Ask anything work related.
Find chat on their site at the bottom right corner: Rekry – Turun yliopiston työelämäpalvelut | Rekry – Turun yliopiston työelämäpalvelut (
3) 13-14 Meet Friendly dogs at Feeniks library
1) 11.00-13.00 Well-being support services: Smooth flow of studies, FSHS & University Chaplains, Educarium library
2) 13.15-14.00, Campus Sport Move your body, Tuomaanpuisto Kasarmikatu 7
NB! From Mon 4. to Fri 8., Kisälli restaurant is having a vegetable themed week!
1) 11.00-13.00, Well-being support services: Smooth flow of studies, Study Psychologists & Oma Koutsi service, Educarium library
2) 12.00-13.00, Meet friendly dogs at Feeniks library
3) 13.00-14.00 RekryChat, online
Career Services offer low threshold support for all students on campus. Ask anything work related.
Find chat on their site at the bottom right corner: Rekry – Turun yliopiston työelämäpalvelut | Rekry – Turun yliopiston työelämäpalvelut (
4) 13.15-15.00 On my mid project is organizing a discussion around student well-being. This event is only in Finnish unfortunately.
1) 11.00-13.00, Well-being support services: Smooth flow of studies,Accessibility Planning Officer, Educarium library
2) 18.00 Sustainable Development Week: Finding FairBook documentary screening and discussion (in Finnish), sign up.
1) 11.00-13.00, Well-being support services: Smooth flow of studies,Support services for well-being & Early Support for Students (OpintoVartu) & Tsemppari & Back to working life project, Educarium library
Read more about Tsemppari: Monipalvelukeskus TSEMPPI
Read more Back to working life project: Monipalvelukeskus TSEMPPI
2) 11-13 Let’s dream together -workshop by Student Union’s Suvituuli Lundmark & hot chocolate in the entrance hall of Publicum
Don’t forget to participate in our “FIND A FRIEND” -campaign on instagram!
You can for ex. suggest a date in to this workshop!
a positive message
inside course books
written by your fellow students!
On On my mind project's intagram account (@mielen_paalla) starting from Mon 4. Oct. you can participate in a "Find a frien" -campaign! Just leave a comment under our photo introducing yourself (we'll post this photo before noon!) and come on Friday in to our dream-workshop with your new friend!