Diagnostics, activities and evaluation
The diagnostics, activities and evaluation of empowering patient education are focused on different clinical fields. Currently, the fields include cancer care, orthopaedic care, people with long-term health problems, mental health promotion of adolescents, and other clinical fields.
Empowering patient education in cancer care
Effect of 360-degrees virtual education tool on the anxiety and knowledge of patients with cancer
Doctoral researcher: Siret Kivistik, MSc, Department of Nursing Science, University of Turku,
The aim is to develop a 360-degree non-immersive virtual education tool and assess its effect on anxiety and perceived knowledge of radiotherapy among patients with breast cancer.
Digital Skills Training for Health Care Professionals in Oncology
Principal investigator in University of Turku:
Heli Virtanen, Docent, PhD, RN, Department of Nursing Science, University of Turku
Research assistant:
Jenna Poraharju, MHSc, RN, Department of Nursing Science, University of Turku
Group members:
Helena Leino-Kilpi, Professor emerita and nurse director, PhD, RN, Department of Nursing Science, University of Turku, and Turku University Hospital
Leena Salminen, Docent, PhD, Professor, Department of Nursing Science
The project aims at up-skilling and re-skilling the health care workforce in the cancer care setting.
The consortium consists of the following partners: Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finnish Institute of Health and Welfare (THL), University of Turku, European Oncology Nursing Society, European Cancer Organisation, University of Galway, Tallinn Health Care College, Turku University Hospital, Varsinais-Suomen hyvinvointialue, Institute Oncologic “Prof. Dr. Ion Chiricuta” Cluj-Napoca, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Catalan Institute of Oncology, National Cancer Control Programme Ireland, Cancer Society of Finland CSF, Health Campus Turku and FICAN West.
For more information, please visit the main website of the project project website: DigiCanTrain
Tuominen, L., Leino-Kilpi, H., Poraharju, J., Cabutto, D., Carrion, C., Lehtiö, L., Moretó, S., Stolt, M., Sulosaari, V. & Virtanen, H. Interactive digital tools to support empowerment of people with cancer: a systematic literature review. Support Care Cancer 32, 396 (2024). DOI: 10.1007/s00520-024-08545-9
Tuominen, L., Poraharju, J., Carrion, C., Lehtiö, L., Leino-Kilpi H., Moretó, S., Stolt, M., Sulosaari, V. & Virtanen, H. Digital skills of health care professionals in cancer care: A systematic review. DIGITAL HEALTH. 2024;10. DOI: 10.1177/20552076241240907
Knowledge expectations of patients with cancer during the illness trajectory
The goal of this study was to develop a model for empowering patient education praxis for adult cancer patients during their illness trajectory. The model had two parts: a self-report instrument for identifying and communicating cancer patients’ knowledge expectations during illness trajectory; and an inter-professional screening instrument for cancer patients’ education process (patients’ cognitive resources, knowledge expectations, comprehension outcomes during illness trajectory).
This study combines several datasets from both cancer patients’ and health care professionals’ points of view.
Vaartio-Rajalin, H., Huumonen, T., Iire, L., Jekunen, A., Leino-Kilpi, H., Minn, H., Paloniemi, J., & Zabalegui, A. (2016). Development of an inter-professional screening instrument for cancer patients’ education process. Applied Nursing Research, 29, 248–253. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apnr.2015.07.002
Doctoral theses
Tuominen, L. (2023). Empowering education in patients with colorectal cancer.
Siekkinen, M. (2014). Quality of radiotherapy care by development of e-feedback knowledge.
Master's theses
There are several master’s theses conducted in this field. See the list of publications.
Recent master’s theses:
Honkonen, A. (2017). Traumaperäinen kasvu interventioiden yhteydessä syöpäpotilailla: systemaattinen kirjallisuuskataus RCT-tutkimuksista [Posttraumatic Growth within Interventions in Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review of RCTs]. University of Turku, Department of Nursing Science. Turku, Finland. (Master’s thesis)
Empowering patient education in operational care
Patient empowerment and recovery in orthopaedic care
Doctoral researcher: Arja Pekonen, MNSc, RN
Helena Leino-Kilpi, Professor emerita and nurse director, PhD, RN, Department of Nursing Science, University of Turku, and Turku University Hospital
Petri Virolainen, hospital director, Turku University Hospital.
The purpose of this follow-up study is to evaluate patients’ recovery after short-stay orthopedic surgery and recognize factors that are connected to recovery, especially how patients’ knowledge and their own action are associated with recovery. The results of this study can be used to develop short-stay orthopaedic patients’ care and improve the quality of care.
Pekonen, A., Eloranta, S., Stolt, M., Virolainen, P., & Leino-Kilpi, H. (2020). Measuring patient empowerment – A systematic review. Patient Education and Counseling, 103(4), 777–787. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pec.2019.10.019
Empowering surgical orthopaedic patients through education
Principal investigator: Kirsi Valkeapää (ex-Johansson), Docent, PhD, RN
The focus of the “Empowering Surgical Orthopaedic Patients through Education” project is on the education of osteoarthritis patients in the surgical context and it includes collaboration between researchers in health care and nursing science in seven European countries (Finland, Cyprus, Greece, Iceland, Lithuania, Spain and Sweden). This project aims to a) strengthen the theoretical basis of empowering patient education, b) identify and explain the differences between patient education in various countries, b) construct practice-oriented patient education models including those factors promoting best practices for orthopaedic patients in the surgical context and c) test and validate instruments used in evaluating patient education.
In this project, the theoretical basis lies in empowering patient education that emphasizes the power of patients and their self-management as a goal of patient education. In empowering patient education, it is essential to be aware of patients’ knowledge expectations and to measure the knowledge received. The basic assumption is that the closer patients’ expectations and received knowledge are, the more empowered they will be, and thus possibilities for self-management are created.
In the orthopaedic surgical context, knowledge of patients’ expectations and received care has been studied on the national level. “Empowering Surgical Orthopaedic Patients through Education” – the project is a step toward an international perspective on orthopaedic patient education. This project has already been started by a) making the research plan and establishing the international research team, b) preparing, testing and validating the instruments and c) planning the sample and data collection. Empirical data has been collected in seven participating countries. The data (N=1634) has been collected in all countries among surgical orthopaedic patients (n=172-279/country) and their significant others (n=1097) in connection with knee or hip replacement. Data collection points have been at admission, at discharge and 6-7 months after surgery. Nurses (n=317), caring for these patients, have also evaluated the quality of the education received by these patients. At this point, the data is under reporting.
The ultimate goal of these international analyses and comparisons is to construct the best educational practices internationally for supporting patients’ self-management in the orthopaedic surgical context.
This project has scientific, societal, clinical and educational outcomes.
Doctoral theses
Master's theses
There are several master’s theses conducted in this field. See the list of publications.
Recent master’s theses:
Sibakov, P. (2018). Ohjausmateriaalin hyödynnettävyys ortopedisen leikkauspotilaan kokemana [Orthopedic patients’ experiences of the usefulness of education material]. University of Turku, Department of Nursing Science. Turku, Finland. (Master’s thesis)
Empowering patient education of people with long-term and other health problems
Effectiveness of nurse-led home-based empowering patient education on self-management of patients with type II diabetes in rural communities
Doctoral researcher: Samina Yasmeen, MSN(AKU), BSN, RM,RN sayazz(a)utu.fi
Heli Virtanen, Docent, PhD, RN, Department of Nursing Science
Sanna Koskinen, Docent, PhD, RN, Department of Nursing Science
This research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of nurse-led, home-based empowering patient education interventions on the self-management of patients with Type II diabetes in rural communities. The study focuses on improving patients’ self-management skills, enhancing their health-related quality of life, and reducing the long-term complications associated with diabetes.
The study employs a mixed-methods design (Systematic Review, RCT, and qualitative inquiry).
Patient education of people with chronic kidney disease
Research team:
Helena Leino-Kilpi, Professor emerita, Nurse director, PhD, MEd, RN, FAAN, FEANS, MAE,
Department of Nursing Science, University of Turku
Turku University Hospital
Saija Inkeroinen, Doctoral researcher, MHSc, BHSc, PHN, RN, Department of Nursing Science, University of Turku
Jenni Koskinen, MNSc student, BHSc, RN, Department of Nursing Science, University of Turku and Turku University Hospital
Vanesa Numanovic, MNSc, Helsinki University Hospital
Pauli Puukka, MSocSc, Department of Nursing Science, University of Turku
Riitta Tuominen, MNSc, Turku University Hospital
Heli Virtanen, Docent, PhD, RN, Department of Nursing Science, University of Turku
Partners in Turku University Hospital:
Mia Karlsson, RN
Senni Kiukainen, RN
Johanna Laulaja, RN
Partners in Turku City Welfare, City of Turku:
Taina Kilpi, RN
Partners in Helsinki University Hospital:
Ros-Marie Taponen, BSc
Research on patient education of patients with chronic kidney disease focuses on the usefulness and sufficiency of patient education. Research is done in collaboration with Turku University Hospital and Helsinki University Hospital.
Inkeroinen, S., Koskinen, J., Karlsson, M., Kilpi, T., Leino-Kilpi, H., Puukka, P., Taponen, RM., Tuominen, R., & Virtanen, H. (2021). Sufficiency of Knowledge Processed in Patient Education in Dialysis Care. Patient Preference and Adherence, 15, 1165-1175. https://doi.org/10.2147/PPA.S304530
Inkeroinen, S., Numanovic, V., Karlsson, M., Kiukainen, S., Koskinen, J., Leino-Kilpi, H., Puukka, P., Taponen, R. M., Tuominen, R., & Virtanen, H. (2021). Voimavaraistumista tukevassa potilasohjauksessa välitetyn tiedon hyödyllisyys: Pre- ja kotidialyysihoidossa olevien potilaiden näkökulma. In: Eskolin S. E., Inkeroinen, S., Riuttaskorpi, M., & Virtanen, H. (eds.) Terveyttä edistävä ohjaus. University of Turku, Department of Nursing Science, Research reports, A: 84/2021. Turku, Finland: University of Turku, 32–45.
Inkeroinen, S., Leino-Kilpi, H., Tuominen, R., & Virtanen, H. (2021). Munuaissairautta sairastavat kokevat tietonsa riittäväksi ja hyödylliseksi. Elinehto, 50(3), 31.
Inkeroinen, S., Virtanen, H., Kilpi, T., Laulaja, J., Puukka, P., Tuominen, R., & Leino-Kilpi, H. (2020). Relationship between sufficiency and usefulness of patient education: A cross-sectional study of patients with chronic kidney disease. Nursing & Health Sciences, 22(4), 846–853. https://doi.org/10.1111/nhs.12770
Virtanen, H., Tuominen, R., Kiukainen, S., Koskinen, J., Koskenniemi, J., Laulaja, J., Numanovic, V., & Leino-Kilpi, H. (2019). Experiences of safety among patients receiving home dialysis therapies. Journal of Renal Care, 45(4), 223–231. https://doi.org/10.1111/jorc.12298
Doctoral theses
Master's theses
There are several master’s theses conducted in this field. See the list of publications.
Recent master’s theses:
Samola, T. (2018). Asiakkaan terveydenlukutaito suunterveydenhuollossa [Health literacy of oral health care clients in Finland]. University of Turku, Department of Nursing Science. Turku, Finland. (Master’s thesis)
Numanovic, V. (2017). Äitiys- ja neuvolaterveydenhoitajien tieto raskaana olevan naisen ja neuvolaikäisen lapsen suun terveydestä [Finnish maternity clinic and child welfare clinic nurses’ knowledge about oral health during pregnancy and children under school age]. University of Turku, Department of Nursing Science. Turku, Finland. (Master’s thesis)
Nurminen, M. (2017). Suun terveyden merkitys nuorille [Meaning of oral health to adolescents]. University of Turku, Department of Nursing Science. Turku, Finland. (Master’s thesis)
Mental health promotion of adolescents
Adolescents' mental health needs assessment in the community
Principal investigator: Evanthia Sakellari, post-doc researcher, PhD, MSc, RHV
Members of the research team:
Helena Leino-Kilpi, PhD, RN, Professor emerita, University of Turku, Department of Nursing Science
Andre Sourander, MD, PhD, Professor, University of Turku, Faculty of Medicine, Research Centre for Child Psychiatry
Christina Athanasopoulou, PhD Candidate, MAed, BScOT, University of Turku, Department of Nursing Science
Pinja Kokkonen, MNSc, RN, University of Turku, Department of Nursing Science
Jouko Katajisto, Statistician, University of Turku, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Adolescents are the future adults and their mental health is important for promoting community health and healthy societies. In order to meet the adolescents’ needs and develop mental health promotion programmes, adolescents must be heard. Empowerment is a key tool and a core concept for mental health promotion programmes.
The aim of the study is to assess the adolescents’ mental health needs, determine the factors that are connected with those needs and further, identify the resources they use in order to address those needs. The ultimate goal is to assist health professionals to promote mental health among adolescents in different European countries. Thus, the study will provide a framework to gain a better understanding of the mental health needs among adolescents. The findings of this study will have a scientific as well as societal impact on community health for adolescents.
The results from this study will be used to develop a model for mental health promotion among adolescents within the community including school-based intervention strategies which can be used by health professionals, policymakers and stakeholders. This model will focus on the factors related to mental health needs and more importantly on the resources the adolescents depend on to address their own mental health needs as well as activities and actions for supporting/improving their mental health.
The study is taking place in Finland and Greece, enabling cross-cultural comparisons. The Greek collaborating organisation is the Department of Public and Community Health at the University of West Attica (Athens, Greece), where the post-doctoral researcher is an Assistant Professor.
The research team has conducted a systematic literature review which is published here. Data has been collected in Finland among secondary school pupils and in Greece among adolescent service users, while it is planned to conduct the study in the general population too. The study has resulted in the validation of the Youth Efficacy / Empowerment Scale-Mental Health (YES-MH) scale in both Finnish and Greek.
Publications by Evanthia Sakellari et al.
Konstantopoulou, S., Sakellari, E., Triantafyllou, K., Leino-Kilpi, H., Sourander, A., & Kolaitis, G. (2023). Adaptation and Psychometric Properties of the Greek version of Youth Efficacy/Empowerment Scale–Mental Health. Children and Youth Services Review, 107233. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2023.107233
Kokkonen, P., Athanasopoulou, C., Leino-Kilpi, H. Puukka, P., Sakellari E. (2023). Adolescents’ difficulties, strengths and feelings of insecurity: a cross-sectional descriptive survey in Finland. Discover Mental Health, 3(17). https://doi.org/10.1007/s44192-023-00043-4
Kokkonen, P., Athanasopoulou, C., Leino-Kilpi, H., & Sakellari, E. (2021). Secondary School Pupils’ Mental Wellbeing Is Associated with Belonging to a Perceived Minority and Experiencing Discrimination. Children (Basel, Switzerland), 8(2), 71. https://doi.org/10.3390/children8020071
Sakellari, E., Athanasopoulou, C., Kokkonen, P., & Leino-Kilpi, H. (2020). Mental Health Needs of Adolescents Assessed During the Years of Global Financial Crisis: a Systematic Review. Medical Archives, 74(4), 298–304. https://doi.org/10.5455/medarh.2020.74.298-304
Sakellari, E., Athanasopoulou, C., Kokkonen, P., Sourander, A., & Leino-Kilpi, H. (2019). Validation of the Youth Efficacy/Empowerment Scale – Mental Health Finnish version. Psychiatriki, 30(3), 235–244. https://doi.org/10.22365/jpsych.2019.303.235
Master's theses
There are several master’s theses conducted in this field. See the list of publications.
Recent master’s theses: