Next EPE programme meetings:
- 26.9.2024 at 14-16 (Master’s thesis plans)
- 27.9.2024 at 9-11 (Master’s thesis plans)
- 30.9.2024 at 14:15
- 28.10.2024 at 14:15
- 25.11.2024 at 14:15
- 17.12.2024 at 14:15
If you did not get an invitation, please contact doctoral researcher Saija Inkeroinen.
Proudly representing EPE at the 24th International Nursing Ethics Conference in London
Doctoral researchers Silja-Elisa Eskolin and Saija Inkeroinen presented at the recent International Nursing Ethics Conference held at Brunel University, London on 30 and 31 August 2024. Silja-Elisa’s topic was the power of adults with non-communicable diseases in the patient-professional relationship. Saija’s presentation was about measuring patients’ right to know about their health and care. It was an inspiring experience to connect with global experts in the field and contribute to the essential conversation on how we can better support and advance nursing during these challenging times.
EPE researchers presented their work at the National Nursing Science Conference
A great number of EPE researchers participated in the National Nursing Science (HTTS) Conference in Tampere, Finland on 11-12 June 2024.
Current topics in patient education and health promotion were discussed in the Patient Education Theme Day
The Patient Education Theme Day (Potilasohjauksen teemapäivä) was successfully organized online on 30 May 2024. The chair of the day, doctoral researcher Silja-Elisa Eskolin, guided the participants through various topics presented by experts. These topics included empowering patient education of patients with cancer, orthopedic patients’ experiences of recovery at home, patient education of older people in psychiatric care, health promotion by schools, power in patient-professional relationships, patient education competence, and administration of patient education.
The theme day is organized annually. It is in Finnish, free, and open for all who are interested in empowering patient education.
EPE research sparks interest
Elina Linnavuori’s and others’ recently published research article ‘Delivering Patient Education in Healthcare Organizations: An Integrative Review of the Nursing Administrative Actions’ just reached 500 views. Read it in the Journal of Nursing Management here.
EPE visited Greece
The Empowering Patient Education (EPE) research subprogram embarked on an enriching journey to Athens, Greece on 8-12 April. Invited by PhD Evanthia Sakellari, an active member of the EPE team, we were graciously hosted by The Laboratory of Hygiene and Epidemiology at the Department of Public and Community Health, University of West Attica.
Throughout the week, we engaged in a series of activities aimed at fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange. Together, we had insightful presentations highlighting the essence of both programs, a visit to a children’s hospital, seminars tailored for doctoral researchers and master’s students, and fruitful discussions about future collaborations.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to PhD Evanthia Sakellari for her warm invitation and to our gracious hosts at the University of West Attica for their hospitality and enthusiasm. We are looking forward to innovative ideas and joint endeavours that promise to advance patient education and support the empowerment of communities.
The application time for the EPE course 2024 is open
Welcome to the Empowering Patient Education (EPE) course (5-25 ECTS). The course provides insight into empowerment and empowering patient education from theoretical, clinical and research perspectives. You can complete all or choose from 5 interactive modules with a variety of themes.
- Dates: from 2 September to 11 December 2024. On request, the intensive period (9-11 December) is in person in Turku, Finland
- Price: Free for students in master and PhD programmes. Price for others: 500 €
- Application by 18 August: and UTU students via Peppi
- The brochure of EPE course 2024
More information from PhD Heli Virtanen. We are looking forward to meeting you in the EPE course!
Tervetuloa Potilasohjauksen teemapäivään // Welcome to the Patient Education Theme Day (in Finnish)
Potilasohjauksen teemapäivä järjestetään jälleen 30.5.2024 etätapahtumana ja sen ohjelma on julkaistu. Teemapäivä on kaikille avoin ja ilmainen tilaisuus, jossa kerrotaan viimeisimmästä potilasohjaukseen liittyvästä tutkimuksesta ja ajankohtaisista aiheista. Kohderyhmänä ovat kaikki potilasohjauksesta kiinnostuneet sosiaali- ja terveysalan ammattilaiset, opiskelijat ja palvelujen käyttäjät. Ilmoittautuminen on auki 27.5.2024 asti. Lisätietoa väitöskirjatutkija Saija Inkeroiselta.
A new article explores nursing administrative actions in patient education
In a recent integrative review, EPE researchers delved into nursing administrative actions related to patient education. The study highlights the critical role of nurse administrators in strengthening commitment, ensuring necessary resources, and enhancing patient education policies. The findings underscore the need for further research to assess the impact of these actions and provide valuable insights for healthcare organizations.
Teaching samples for the nursing science docent
PhD Evanthia Sakellari, an active member of the EPE, gives a public teaching sample on Monday 8 April 2024 at 10 at Skooppi 2, Medisiina D, Kiinamyllynkatu 10, Turku, Finland. The teaching sample is aimed at the basic education level and its topic is Mental Health Promotion in Schools. The duration of the teaching sample is 20 minutes. After this sample, PhD Olivia Numminen gives her teaching sample on the topic of Moral courage in nursing – from theory to practice. Welcome!
Empowering Patient Education 15th Anniversary Symposium: An international celebration of empowerment
The Empowering Patient Education 15th Anniversary Symposium was held on 14 December. This international scientific event was organized in collaboration with the Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland. The symposium celebrated the 15th anniversary of the annual Empowering Patient Education (EPE) course and marked the culmination of the 2023 course, a journey that unfolded throughout the autumn.
The event was a joyous celebration of empowering care, featuring insightful presentations, discussions, and collaboration on an international scale. We’re grateful to all participants, speakers, and collaborators for contributing to the success of this milestone occasion.
EPE research unveils insights on empowering healthcare through user feedback
A recently published retrospective study, based on 26,374 systematically collected service-user feedback entries from a Finnish university hospital district, sheds light on the multidimensionality of empowering knowledge expressed by patients and their significant others. The findings reveal active evaluations of biophysiological and cognitive knowledge areas in care and services, emphasizing the pivotal role of service users in shaping educational practices and advancing the quality of healthcare.
EPE:n tutkijat saavat tunnustusta syöpää sairastavien hoidon ja kotiutumisen edistämisestä (FI)
EPE:n tutkijat edistävät syöpää sairastavien hoitoa muutenkin kuin tutkimuksella. Lounais-Suomen syöpäyhdistys antoi TtT Mervi Siekkiselle viirin tunnustuksena hänen toiminnastaan eri tavoin syöpää sairastavien hoidon ja kotiutumisen edistämiseksi. Mervi on Läntisen syöpäkeskuksen kehittämispäällikkö ja EPE-tutkimusalaohjelmassa erityisesti syöpää sairastavien ohjausta kehittämässä.
Professori Leino-Kilpi on Moikoisten syöväntutkimussäätiön hallintoneuvoston puheenjohtaja.
EPE master’s student earns thesis award
Master’s student Minna Vikman has received a thesis award from Taja for her outstanding work. Minna’s bachelor’s thesis is titled “Potilaiden kokemuksia ortopedisen leikkauksen jälkeisestä toipumisesta kotona – kuvaileva kirjallisuuskatsaus” (Patients’ Experiences of Recovery at Home Following Orthopedic Surgery – A Descriptive Literature Review). Congratulations to Minna Vikman for this well-deserved honor!
A new article about youth empowerment
Exciting News! The publication of a new article highlighting the validation of the Youth Efficacy/Empowerment Scale – Mental Health (YES-MH) in a Greek context. This 20-item instrument, designed to assess the confidence and efficacy of young service users facing mental difficulties, demonstrated a three-factor model fit in psychometric testing, indicating excellent internal consistency and validity. The YES-MH holds great potential, not only for clinical professionals but also as a valuable tool for youth to express opinions, needs, and feelings regarding mental health service development. Access the full article here.
The program is published and registration is open for the EPE symposium
Welcome to the Empowering Patient Education 15th Anniversary Symposium. The event offers interesting discussions in the field of patient education, health promotion and citizen empowerment on Wednesday, 13 December 2023 in Turku, Finland.
The event aims to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange in the topical themes of patient empowerment while celebrating the 15th anniversary of the annual Empowering Patient Education (EPE) course. Participation is free of charge.
Registration is open until 4 December:
The symposium website:
More information: Doctoral researcher Saija Inkeroinen,
A new doctoral thesis on empowering patient education
MHSc Leena Tuominen defended her thesis ”Empowering patient education in patients with colorectal cancer” on Friday 6 October 2023 with docent Päivi Kankkunen (University of Eastern Finland) as an esteemed opponent and professor Helena Leino-Kilpi from the Department as a custos.
Congratulations to a new PhD!
Health discussion at the Faculty of Medicine’s anniversary week
On 2 October 2023, the How to live a healthy life discussion session, opening the 80th-anniversary celebration of the University of Turku’s Faculty of Medicine, sparked profound reflections on the building blocks of health and well-being. Professor Katja Joronen from the Department of Nursing Science served as the panel moderator, and doctoral researcher Saija Inkeroinen was among the panelists discussing the importance of information, communication, and patient-centered care in healthcare.
A public defense
Master of Health Sciences Leena Tuominen defends the doctoral thesis Empowering patient education in patients with colorectal cancer on 6.10.2023 at 12-16 o’clock at the University of Turku, Medisiina C, Osmo Järvi Auditorium, Kiinamyllynkatu 10, Turku. You can also follow via Echo360. Esteemed opponent is Docent Päivi Kankkunen (University of Eastern Finland) and the custos Professor Helena Leino-Kilpi (University of Turku). Languge of the event is Finnish.
Continued collaboration with inspiring visits and future endeavours
The collaboration with BA MSc Mariella Seel from Austria remains strong and fruitful. Earlier this year, Mariella visited EPE, and now Saija Inkeroinen, a doctoral researcher, has completed a 2-week Erasmus+ Staff Mobility Exchange with the Department for Evidence-based Medicine and Evaluation at the University of Krems. Both visits have been highly inspirational, and we are enthusiastic about the prospect of continuing and expanding this successful collaboration.
New study reveals insights into adolescents’ emotional well-being and insecurity factors
A recent study conducted by EPE researchers Kokkonen and others sheds light on adolescents’ emotional and behavioural strengths and difficulties, as well as their feelings of insecurity. Notably, the research highlighted an inverse relationship between strengths and difficulties and insecurity factors, suggesting valuable insights for mental health professionals working with adolescents and the potential for tailored mental health promotion interventions at both individual and community levels.
EPE research on patients’ ethical knowledge was presented at the International Nursing Ethics Conference
EPE research titled “Ethical Knowledge Expressed by Patients in Feedback” was presented by doctoral researcher Saija Inkeroinen on 14 and 15 July 2023 in Genoa, Italy. The audience of the 23rd International Nursing Ethics Conference participated in a lively discussion evoked by the presentation, which shed light on ethical elements of patient education and knowledge management in hospitals as expressed by patients.
A new scientific article finds empowering education positively impacts patients’ knowledge of malnutrition, reduces healthcare contacts, and lowers costs
A recent study on patients with colorectal cancer suggests that empowering education can significantly enhance their knowledge of malnutrition and decrease the need for additional healthcare visits, leading to potential cost savings. Doctoral researcher Leena Tuominen and other authors recommend further investigations to explore the potential of empowering education in self-care practices.
The abstract submission is open for the EPE 15th Anniversary Symposium
We invite researchers and professionals from various disciplines to submit abstracts for the upcoming Empowering Patient Education 15th Anniversary Symposium on Wednesday 13 December 2023 in Turku, Finland. This event aims to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange in the field of patient education, health promotion and citizen empowerment. This event celebrates the 15th anniversary of the annual Empowering Patient Education (EPE) course.
Join us at the Symposium in Turku, Finland to share your work, network with peers, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in empowering patient education. Participation is free of charge. We look forward to your valuable contributions! For more information, take a look at the abstract call, visit the symposium website or contact the doctoral researcher Saija Inkeroinen.
EPE as the trump card for university supervision and guidance (EN/FI)
The researchers from EPE unveil invaluable strategies of empowering patient education in the context of university supervision, guidance, and counselling. The blog post is part of the supervision theme year 2023 of the University of Turku and is available on the Intranet.
Blogiteksti voimavaraistumista tukevasta potilasohjauksesta tarjoaa oivalluksia EPEn linkittymisestä ohjaukseen yliopistossa. Postaus on osa Turun yliopiston Ohjauksen teemavuotta 2023 ja luettavissa Intranetistä.
The head of the EPE was appointed as a University Lecturer
Docent Heli Virtanen, who is a head of the EPE programme, was appointed as a University Lecturer in the Department of Nursing Science, at the University of Turku. Congratulations!
EPE student receives the Student of the Year award
Minna Vikman, a member of the EPE Research Team, has been rewarded as the Department of Nursing Science’s Student of the Year. Minna’s dedication has earned her this well-deserved recognition, inspiring us all in EPE. Congratulations Minna!
A recap of our enlightening Patient Education Theme Day (FI/EN)
Potilasohjauksen teemapäivässä 23.5. nautittiin mielenkiintoisista esityksistä ja käytiin merkityksellistä keskustelua potilasohjauksesta ja siihen läheisesti liittyvistä aiheista. Lämpimät kiitokset puhujille ja päivään osallistuneille. Seuraava teemapäivä järjestetään keväällä 2024.
The Patient Education Theme today 23 May offered engaging presentations and meaningful discussions about patient education and related topics. Many thanks to all speakers and participants. The next day will be organized in spring 2024.
EPE mukana syövän sairastamista koskevassa yhteistyökokouksessa
EPE-tutkijat osallistuivat Läntisen Syöpäkeskuksen ja Lounais-Suomen sekä Satakunnan ja Pohjanmaan Syöpäyhdistysten yhteistyökokoukseen Meri-Karinassa 10.5.2023. Kokouksessa pohdittiin tutkimusyhteistyötä sekä syöpää sairastavan potilaan psykososiaalisen tuen että ammattilaisten osaamisen alueilla. Yhteistyön suunnittelu jatkuu samalla foorumilla syksyllä 2023. Mukana olivat Heli Virtanen, Mervi Siekkinen ja Helena Leino-Kilpi.
EPE-tutkimusalaohjelman tutkijoita Päättäjäseminaarissa 26.4.2023
Sairaanhoitajien koulutussäätiö, Hoitotyön tutkimussäätiö Hotus ja Duodecim/Suomen Lääkäriliitto järjestivät seminaarin päättäjille hoitosuositusten tärkeydestä yhdenvertaisen ja vaikuttavan hoidon perustana. EPE-tutkijoista Helena Leino-Kilpi korosti alustuksessaan väestön ja potilaiden luotettavan tiedon merkitystä ja väitöskirjatutkija Silja-Elisa Eskolin puolestaan luennoi kokemusasiantuntijana tutkitun tiedon merkityksestä palvelun käyttäjälle yhdenvertaisuuden ja luottamuksen näkökulmista. Molemmissa alustuksissa korostui systemaattisten ja luotettavien hoitosuositusten merkitys.
EPE at Brain Week event and neurological nurses’ journal
In a recent event held during Brain Week in March 2023, EPE graduate, Master of Health Sciences (Nursing Science) Maria Riuttaskorpi spoke about the importance of empowering patient education for those with cerebrovascular disturbance. The event was hosted at Turku University Hospital.
Maria also published an article based on her master’s thesis about patient guidance that supports empowerment and its implementation in the field of surgical nursing. The article was published in the journal of the Finnish neurological nurses’ association. Her research is part of the research field of Competence of EPE. The importance of patient education in comprehensive neurological care cannot be overstated, and as the field continues to evolve, it will remain a critical component.
Tervetuloa Potilasohjauksen teemapäivään / Welcome to the EPE Theme day (in Finnish)
Kaikille avoin ja ilmainen Potilasohjauksen teemapäivä järjestetään 23.5.2023 klo 10-15. Teemapäivässä esitellään ajankohtaisia aiheita ja viimeisintä tutkittua tietoa ohjauksesta eri näkökulmista ja konteksteissa. Teemapäivä järjestetään etätapahtumana Zoom-yhteydellä. Ilmoittaudu viimeistään 19.5. Lisätietoja väitöskirjatutkija Saija Inkeroiselta.
Visitor from Austria
Doctoral student Mariella Seel from Austria spend this week in the Department of Nursing Science. She visited the EPE research subprogram to exchange experiences and find a common research interest. We are happy to have her join the leadership research field. We looking forward to future collaboration with Mariella.
Instruments for empowering patient education competence have been reviewed
A new EPE publication: Eskolin and others identified validated self-reported instruments that measure nurses’ competence in empowering patient education, described their development and main content and critically appraised and summarized the quality of the instruments. This publication is part of the research field of EPE investigating the competence of empowering patient education.
Application time for EPE course 2023 is open
Welcome to the Empowering Patient Education (EPE) course (5-25 ECTS). The course provides insight into empowerment and empowering patient education from theoretical, clinical and research perspectives. You can complete all or choose from 5 interactive modules with a variety of themes.
- Dates: from 4 September to 13 December 2023. On request, the intensive period (11-13 December) is in person in Turku, Finland
- Price: Free for students in master and PhD programmes. Price for others: 500 €
- Application: On the website by 15 August 2023
We are looking forward to meeting in the EPE course!
A new EPE publication about patients’ right to know
In a recently published article, we reviewed the current state of research (including its quality and methods) on patients’ right to know. This is part of the research field concentrating on the theoretical basis of empowering patient education. The article is an open-access publication in the Journal of Clinical Nursing.
Professor Helena Leino-Kilpi’s career and achievements were celebrated
Professor Helena Leino-Kilpi has significantly contributed to nursing science both nationally and internationally. She is also a founder and in a key position in building the EPE research subprogram. Her career and promotion to emerita professor was celebrated in an invitation-based seminar on 16 December in Turku. The Department of Nursing Science prepared professor Leino-Kilpi a book to honour her career. The book contains a section relevant to and partly based on the EPE research. We thank professor Leino-Kilpi for creating and working on EPE and look forward to future activities.
With this news, we wish everyone happy holidays!
The final day of the intensive period concluded the EPE course 2022
The EPE course has been progressing throughout the autumn semester. Today was the final day of the intensive period, which concluded this year’s course. Thanks to all participants and speakers of the course.
The application time for the 2023 course begins in the spring semester.
Conference presentations
EPE was represented at the Advances in Health Care Sciences: Health Promotion conference in Klaipeda, Lithuania on 22 and 23 November 2022. Ethical perspective to health promotion was a keynote speech by professor Helena Leino-Kilpi (presented by professor Natalja Istomina) and research methods in patients’ right to know was a topic for oral presentation by doctoral researcher Saija Inkeroinen.
Visiting the Western Finland Cancer Center
Senior researcher in EPE, PhD Mervi Siekkinen kindly welcomed researchers in the Western Cancer Center, where she is the Head of Development. Mervi and others introduced the center and its strategic and operational administration and operations to the international visitor of the Department PhD Şeyda Can and doctoral researcher Saija Inkeroinen.
Read about the experiences of an international intern Paula
We had the pleasure to have Bachelor student Paula Kreuzer from Charité-Universitätsmedizin, Germany, complete her internship in the Empowering Patient Education (EPE) research subprogram. We will continue our cooperation with Paula with a shared research project. In the meantime, read a post about her experiences from the department’s blog.
EPE research presented internationally and in Finland
This week, there were conference presentations on EPE research both internationally and nationally. Internationally, the multidimensionality of knowledge of patients in their feedback was presented in the virtual European Nursing Congress on 4-7 October. In Finland, patients’ knowledge-related contacts with patient ombudsmen were discussed from the point of view of patient safety in Terveyssosiaalityön päivät 2022 on 7 October in Tampere.
Conference presentations at the HTTS conference
Many researchers and students from EPE participated and presented their work at the Finnish national nursing science conference, HTTS conference (XVII Kansallinen hoitotieteellinen konferenssi) on 22 and 23 September 2022 at Oulu, Finland.
A new doctoral researcher
The semester has started for doctoral researchers: yesterday was the first postgraduate seminar. MHSc Silja-Elisa Eskolin participated in the seminars for the first time, as she started as a doctoral researcher in EPE. The seminar group continued their time together at dinner.
An intern in EPE
Nurse and Bachelor student of Science (Public Health) Paula Kreuzer from Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany started her internship in EPE. She will be staying at the Department of Nursing Science until the end of October. We are looking forward to working with Paula!
20.7.2022, edited 22.7.2022
The EPE-doctoral researcher started the EANS summer school
Doctoral researcher Taina Heinonen started an international summer school by the European Academy of Nursing Science (EANS). The summer school is a three-year training for European nurses undertaking PhD studies. This year was organized in Vilnius, Lithuania, and the next year will be in Oslo, Norway. The aims of the summer school are to equip the early-stage nursing researchers with knowledge and expertise in research methods and research in nursing, as well as to enhance the opportunities for doctoral researchers to study, work and undertake research in another European State.
Masters of Health Sciences were celebrated
The first Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty of Medicine after the pandemic started was held on 1 June in Logomo, Turku. From EPE, the participants were Masters of Health Sciences Minna Richards, Maria Riuttaskorpi and Saija Inkeroinen. Congratulations to all graduates!
30.5.2022, edited 7.6.2022
The Ceremonial Conferment of Doctoral Degrees of the University of Turku was arranged on 27 May 2022
The University of Turku celebrated its new doctors in the traditional conferment festivities. The conferrer of the medical faculty was the head of EPE, professor Helena Leino-Kilpi. The conferred doctor of EPE was PhD Jukka Kesänen who defended his thesis in 2018. He has now the right to use the symbols of a doctoral degree, the hat and the sword. Congratulations!
Patient Education Theme Day
The Patient Education Theme Day was organized today in TYKS’s Johan Haartman lecture hall and via Zoom by EPE. We had presentations and lively discussions about patients’ knowledge, empowerment, and empowering patient education. We would like to thank every speaker and participant who joined the theme day.
A whole-day EPE workshop
Members of the EPE spent a whole-day workshop in an inspiring, pier-themed conference room. While sitting in boats, we discussed past and present research and activities as well as planned the future of EPE.
We had an international visitor
On Thursday 7 April, we had the pleasure of meeting an EPE course alumni Anita Kidritsch from St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Austria, at our department. She met for example professor Helena Leino-Kilpi and PhD candidate Saija Inkeroinen. We visited the department premises and had fruitful discussions about research and education. Thank you Anita for visiting us and we look forward to our future cooperation.
A presentation about knowledge from the perspective of patient feedback
Organizers of the Clinical nursing science theme day invited a presentation from each of the research programmes of the Department. PhD candidate Saija Inkeroinen represented EPE with a presentation about knowledge from the perspective of patient feedback.
Poster presentation at a conference in Portugal
Doctoral candidate Saija Inkeroinen participated in the 14th World Conference on Bioethics, Medical Ethics and Health Law on 7-10 March 2022 in Porto, Portugal. She had a poster presentation about patients’ right to know and patient ombudsmen. The conference was the first face-to-face event for her since the pandemic started, highlighting the excitement for presenting the work and meeting people all around the world.
Tervetuloa Potilasohjauksen teemapäivään // Welcome to the Patient education theme day (in Finnish)
EPE-tutkimusalaohjelman organisoima Potilasohjauksen teemapäivä järjestetään 12.5.2022 klo 9:30-15. Tänä vuonna teemana on Voimavaraistumisen tuki hoitotyön käyttöön. Ohjelmaan voi tutustua klikkaamalla tästä. Teemapäivä on kaikille avoin ja ilmainen, ja se järjestetään hybridinä Turussa ja Zoom:n kautta.
Ilmoittautuminen on auki 9.5. asti osoitteessa: Lisätietoja tohtorikoulutettava Saija Inkeroiselta (saanin(a)
EPE Course 2022: The registration is open
The annual, award-winning EMPOWERING PATIENT EDUCATION (EPE) COURSE is now accepting participants. EPE Course 2022 is perfect for you if you are looking for:
- A deeper understanding of empowerment and empowering patient education
- Skills to apply the concepts and methods of empowering patient education to your clinical work or research
- Meeting and making contacts with people from all over the world and different fields of health care and health sciences
EPE Course 2022 is an online course targeted at Master and PhD students in nursing and health Sciences, advanced practice nurses, and health care professionals interested in patient education. It is organized from 5 September to 14 December 2022 in 5 modules (5 ECTS each). We recommend participating in the whole course (25 ECTS) or you can make a study plan that fits best for your interests.
Register here before 15 August. The EPE Course 2022 is free for Master and PhD students (others 500 €).
More information from the brochure, website, or docent Heli Virtanen (hetuvi(a) Warmly welcome to the EPE Course 2022!
Suotuisa kirja-arvostelu Terveyttä edistävä ohjaus -teoksesta // A book review of the EPE’s edited book (in Finnish)
EPE:ssa koottu Terveyttä edistävä ohjaus -teos on arvosteltu uusimmassa Sairaanhoitaja-lehdessä (2.2022). Teosta kuvaillaan sen tyyppiseksi, josta “jokainen saa jotain … Itselleni kirkastui esimerkiksi se, miten yksilöllinen jokainen ohjaustilanne on niin päämääriltään, olosuhteiltaan kuin tiedontarpeiltaankin.”
Teoksen on toimittanut Silja-Elisa Eskolin, Saija Inkeroinen, Maria Riuttaskorpi ja Heli Virtanen. Se on saatavilla UTUshopista.
Season’s greetings
The last EPE meeting of 2021 was held today. We had a Christmas party and celebrated our 2021’s achievements. Happy holidays to everyone!
The EPE course 2021 came to an end
The annual, international Empowering Patient Education (EPE) course (25 ECTS) ended on 10 December. We spend the last intensive week with high-quality seminars of international participants of the course and inspiring lectures by the experts of empowering patient education. We warmly thank all the participants and lecturers.
Application time for the next EPE course begins in spring 2022.
Terveyttä edistävän ohjauksen menetelmiä ja kokemuksia on koottu kirjaksi // A new edited book is published (in Finnish)
Turun yliopiston hoitotieteilijöiden uudessa teoksessa paneudutaan terveyttä edistävään ohjaukseen. Tutkijoiden mukaan pitkäaikaissairauksien lisääntyminen ja yksilöiden kasvava vastuu omasta terveydestä luovat jatkuvaa kehitystarvetta ennaltaehkäisevään terveystyöhön.
Turun yliopiston hoitotieteen laitoksen alatutkimusohjelman Voimavaraistumista tukevan potilas- ja palveluohjauksen (Empowering Patient Education, EPE) tutkijat ja opiskelijat ovat toimittaneet teoksen Terveyttä edistävä ohjaus, joka kokoaa yhteen ajankohtaisia näkökulmia terveyttä edistävästä ja voimavaraistumista tukevasta ohjauksesta. Aihetta lähestytään eri terveysongelmien ja ohjausmenetelmien näkökulmista sekä ihmisten eri elämänkaaren vaiheilta.
Teoksessa kuvataan väestön kokemuksia ja menetelmiä terveyden edistämisestä sekä potilas- ja palveluohjauksesta.
– Teoksen tarkoituksena on tuottaa tietoa terveyttä edistävän ja voimavaraistumista tukevan ohjauksen moninaisista näkökulmista sekä menetelmistä kaikille aiheesta kiinnostuneille ja herättää keskustelua erityisesti ohjauksen jatkokehittämisestä, sanoo hoitotieteen laitoksen johtaja, professori Helena Leino-Kilpi.
Hoitotieteen laitoksen johtaja, professori Helena Leino-Kilpi (vas) sekä teoksen toimittajat Heli Virtanen, Silja-Elisa Eskolin, Maria Riuttaskorpi ja Saija Inkeroinen.
Terveyden edistäminen ja siihen oleellisesti kuuluva terveysongelmia ennaltaehkäisevä sekä hyvinvointia tukeva ohjaus on ollut keskeistä terveydenhuollossa jo 1970-luvulta saakka.
– Monet haasteet, kuten pitkäaikaisten terveysongelmien kanssa elävien määrän lisääntyminen ja yksilöiden kasvava vastuu omasta terveydestään sekä terveysongelmiensa hallinnasta, luovat jatkuvasti kehitystarpeita terveyttä edistävään ohjaukseen ja koskettavat niin yhteiskuntaa, yhteisöjä kuin yksilöitä, Leino-Kilpi jatkaa.
Turun yliopiston hoitotieteen laitoksen julkaisusarjassa julkaistun teoksen ovat toimittaneet Silja-Elisa Eskolin, Saija Inkeroinen, Maria Riuttaskorpi sekä Heli Virtanen. Teos on saatavilla UTUShopista osoitteesta:
Kirjan kansi:
Lisätietoa: Saija Inkeroinen, saanin(a)
Poster presentations at the ICN Congress
Silja-Elisa Eskolin and Saija Inkeroinen participated in the virtual ICN Congress on 2-4 November 2021, organized by the International Council of Nurses. They both had poster presentations in the congress: Silja-Elisa’s & Heli Virtanen’s poster was about empowering patient education of adults with type 1 diabetes and Saija’s & others’ about patient education and patient safety.
A new article published about empowering patient education of people with diabetes T1
Silja-Elisa’s dog Loitsu is reading a Finnish article about empowering patient education of people with diabetes T1. This article by Silja-Elisa Eskolin and Heli Virtanen can be read from the latest journal of Diabetes ja Lääkäri by Finnish Diabetes Association.
Introduction to the results of the study on patients with chronic kidney disease published
In the latest issue of Elinehto journal by the Finnish Kidney and Liver Association, the results of the study on patients in dialysis care and their knowledge processed in patient education were summarized. The online version of the issue is open access.
A new article about an empowering educational nursing intervention
Tuominen and others published a research protocol article about a study assessing whether nurse-led empowering education using the teach-back method is effective on self-care activity among patients with colorectal cancer. The article can be accessed here.
Greetings from an online conference
Professor Helena Leino-Kilpi and doctoral candidate Saija Inkeroinen participated in the 24th International Philosophy of Nursing Conference on 16.-18.6. online. Professor Leino-Kilpi was a speaker in the opening session of the second day, called “Symposium: Nursing philosophy in the Nordic context”. As for Saija, she presented a poster discussing inequity in the realization of patients’ right to know.
A new article about knowledge of patients in dialysis care is published
An EPE research team studying patient education of patients with chronic kidney disease has published a new article. Based on the article, it seems that patients’ knowledge, either subjective or objective, is not sufficient. The article is open access and can be read here.
EPE Theme Day was organized today
Today was the very first Empowering Patient Education Day on Zoom. The theme of the day was Patients’ empowering knowledge – Research knowledge for patient education. The theme was approached from several perspectives: different patient groups, empowering patient education competence, patients’ experiences, and material and methods. Warm thanks to all speakers and participants!
EPE presentation
PhD Heli Virtanen was a speaker in the Cardiovascular nurses’ webinar on 26 April. She had a presentation about remote empowering patient education from the perspective of cardiovascular nursing.
Application time for the EPE Course 2021 is now open
Annual, award-winning EMPOWERING PATIENT EDUCATION (EPE) COURSE 2021 is now accepting participants. EPE course (25 ECTS) is targeted at master and PhD students in Nursing/Health Sciences (for free) and Advanced Practice Nurses (500 €).
EPE course is organized online in 2 parts (including 5 flexible study modules) from 6 September to 10 December 2021. This is a great opportunity to learn about empowerment and empowering patient education, to make international contacts, and support your development in health care practice, management, and research.
Please register here by 15 August 2021. Warmly welcome to the EPE Course 2021!
11.2.2021, edited 17.2.2021/19.4.2021
EPE Theme Day on 10 May 2021
Welcome to the very first EPE Theme Day: Potilasohjauksen teemapäivä: Tieto potilaan voimavarana – Tutkimustietoa potilasohjaukseen We are proud to present a great variety of speakers from the field of patient education and health promotion. The theme day is held online via Zoom in Finnish. The day is open and free for everyone. Please register here by 7 May. Welcome!
A new article about adolescents’ mental wellbeing is published
Pinja Kokkonen et al. report that worse family relations and belonging to a perceived minority due to appearance, sexual orientation, and/or chronic disease were associated with worse mental wellbeing. You can read the full article here. This study is part of Adolescents mental health need assessment in the community by principal investigator Evanthia Sakellari.
2020 and earlier
Merry Christmas and a happy new year
Today we had the last EPE meeting of the year. We had a pre-Christmas party and we celebrated our 2020 achievements. We would like to wish everyone Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
Thanks to all the participants of EPE Course 2020
The final, intensive module of Empowering Patient Education (EPE) Course 2020 ended today. We thank all the participants and speakers of the course. We are looking forward to your achievements in the field of empowering patient education and hopefully, we have a possibility to collaborate in future projects.
Registration for the next EPE Course will begin the next summer 2021.
7.12.2020, edited 10.12.2020
Welcome to the pre-Christmas party on 15.12.
We will have an online pre-Christmas party via Zoom on 15.12.2020 at 14:00. Bring your own santa hats and mulled wine (glögi) with you. If you have not received an invitation, but you would like to join, please send an e-mail to research assistant Saija (saanin(a) New bachelor students are warmly welcome!
Our article was Editor’s Recommendation in the latest issue of Nursing & Health Sciences
The editor of Nursing & Health Sciences journal has chosen EPE article as Editor’s Recommendation in their latest issue. The article is based on research about patient education of patients with chronic kidney disease. It shows that sufficiency and usefulness have a strong correlative relationship, suggesting implications in the evaluation of patient education. The research was conducted in cooperation with the Department of Nursing Science (University of Turku), Turku University Hospital, and Helsinki University Hospital.
Article about the EKhp and RKhp instruments is published
Long-awaited article by Leino-Kilpi et al. about the Expected Knowledge (EKhp) and Received Knowledge of Hospital Patients (RKhp) instruments has been published as an open-access article. Ekhp and RKhp have been developed in relation to EPE, to measure empowering knowledge of patients. These instruments have been in wide use, and now their psychometrics have been evaluated with international data. The article can be accessed here. If you are interested in the instruments, you can apply for permission to use them.
A new article is published!
Results show that patients undergoing elective knee or hip replacement surgery for osteoarthritis improve their emotional status during hospitalization, with fewer negative emotions at discharge. You can find the article here: This study was part of the international Empowering Surgical Orthopaedic Patients through Education project in EPE.
20.5.2020, edited on 8.7.2020
Welcome to EPE course 2020!
Annual, award-winning EMPOWERING PATIENT EDUCATION (EPE) COURSE 2020 is now accepting participants. EPE course (25 ECTS) is targeted for master and PhD students in Nursing/Health Sciences and Advanced Practice Nurses. More information:
What’s new?
EPE course 2020 goes fully online! We wanted to make it possible for everyone from all over the world to join the entire course. Flexible learning is organized in 5 online modules from 31st August to 11th December 2020.
Registration is now open: (deadline 15th August). Price for the course is 500 €. Course is free of charge for students in Master or PhD programmes.
– Enhance your understanding about empowerment and empowering patient education
– Gain skills to apply the concepts and methods of empowering patient education to your clinical work or research
– Lecturers are experienced researchers and experts in the field of empowering patient education
– Meet students, health care professionals and researchers online from different fields of health care and health sciences
– Gain confidence in communicating in English with people all over the world
Department of Nursing Science, University of Turku, Finland warmly welcomes you to the EPE course 2020!
Last EPE meeting of this extraordinary academic year of 2019–2020 was held yesterday. EPE research programme would like to wish everyone a happy summer. See you in autumn semester!
EPE has made it to the headlines. Professor Helena Leino-Kilpi was interviewed and the importance of past and ongoing research in EPE was discussed in article by Hospital District of Southwest Finland. Furthermore, Mediuutiset highlighted research of EPE in their article about research and their funding in Hospital District of Southwest Finland.
13.3.2020, edited 23.3.
Next EPE meetings (17.3. and 2.4.) and Patient Education Theme Day (27.4.) are cancelled due to the situation with corona virus (COVID-19). Apologies for the inconvenience. If you need any kind of help, you can always contact research assistant Saija (saanin(a) or your supervisor.
A brand new theme day, Potilasohjauksen teemapäivä: Tieto potilaan voimavarana – Tutkimustietoa potilasohjaukseen (Patient Education Theme Day), will be held in 27.4.2020 in Turku, Finland (in Finnish). Programme presents excellent speakers with specialized knowledge about patient education. Theme day is free! More information available from the website or from research assistant Saija. Registration is now open. Welcome!
All bachelor and master students are encouraged to take part in testing of computer simulation of empowering patient education. More participants are needed. Instructions can be found in Moodle (Ajankohtaiset perusopiskelijoille, Uutiset, 21.1.) or in mail by Saija Inkeroinen (22.1.). Remember to fill the questionnaire after testing the simulation.
This year’s Empowering Patient Education (EPE) course (25 ECT credits) ended on 13.12.2019. Last week of the course was an intensive week in Turku, Finland, when we enjoyed seminars, Finnish food, Turku sightseeing and international company. We would like to thank every participant and lecturer who joined the course this year. Next EPE course will start in fall 2020.
MSc FangFang Zhao, a member of EPE research programme, defended her doctoral dissertation “The diabetes-related self-care activities of people with type 2 diabetes: Their level and associated factors” on 4.12.2019. The opponent was professor Eija Paavilainen (University of Tampere) and presiding official was professor Helena Leino-Kilpi (University of Turku).
The annual, award-winning course “Empowering Patient Education” is currently running!
EPE course (25 ECTS credits) is designed for master students and doctoral candidates in nursing and health sciences as well as advanced practice nurses. It is free for master students and doctoral candidates. You can find more information from EPE course website.
The next course will take place in autumn 2020.
We would like to thank you for attending the EPE2018 Symposium “Visualizing the Innovations of Empowering Patient Education.” We hope you had fun, and look forward to seeing you in future events. Thank you!