PTA (Parent-Teacher Association)
What is the PTA?
The PTA, or a Parent-Teacher Association, is driven by the mission to make the school a better place for children to learn.
The PTA provides an opportunity for families to come together to build community and support TIS teachers. We hold seasonal social events including a Back-to-School picnic, a fall costume party, a winter solstice party, and a summer/end-of-school get-together.
The PTA provides support to our school and teachers. Through our fundraising, we have contributed to special events and field trips and given thank-you gifts to our hard-working teachers.
We hold meaningful discussions with parents and staff regarding pertinent issues such as safety, bullying, and other topics relevant to families.
There are numerous ways to be involved in the PTA:
- Attend meetings (scheduled twice a year, and are either on Zoom or in person, at the school).
- Attend and/or volunteer at our social events (dates are publicized through the bulletins sent out in Wilma).
- Contribute baked goods to our semi-annual bake sales.
- Email the PTA at: