Human Diversity newsfeed

Diversity in Human Diversity symposium took place in November The second Diversity in Human Diversity symposium was arranged as hybrid, and the theme of the day was Space and...

Three postdoctoral positions open in Human Diversity consortium The Human Diversity research consortium, led by the University of Turku, studies human diversity from the perspectives of language, genetics,...

The Human Diversity wishes everyone a Merry Christmas!
Three new Tenure Track Professors to Human Diversity Human Diversity consortium is happy to announce that we have three new Tenure Track Professors. Dr Elina Salmela represents archaeogenomics...

Koneen säätiöltä apuraha dosentti Ulla Nordforsille Koneen Säätiö on myöntänyt kolmivuotisen rahoituksen dos. Ulla Nordforsin työryhmälle Ruotsista Karoliinisesta instituutista vuonna 2024 palautuneiden kallojen monitieteiseen tutkimukseen. Kallot...

Thank you everyone for joining us in Seili! Seili and the Finnish archipelago showed us its best! Human Diveristy troops made an excursion to Seili 22-24 September 2024....

New seminar series: Current Trends in Human Diversity Human Diversity research consortium is launching a new seminar series this autumn. The first event is arranged on Wednesday 25th...

FM Susanna Ukonaho defends her dissertation in Biology on Friday 14 June FM Susanna Ukonaho defends the dissertation in Biology titled “Mandates and incentives: implementing Finlands first vaccination campaign against smallpox” at...

Origin and spread of malaria Scientists reconstruct ancient genomes of the two most deadly malaria parasites, Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum In a new study, an...

New postdocs joining the Human Diversity team – Meet Miguel Baltazar-Soares Miguel: I am an evolutionary biologist specialized in population genetics and genomics, with a deep interest in the application of...

New postdocs joining the Human Diversity team – Meet Sonja Koski Sonja: I’m a senior researcher at Helsinki and Turku Universities. I hold a Title of Docent in biological anthropology, and...

Suomen Tiedeseuralta rahoitus Meeli Roosen väitöskirjaan Roosen digitaalisiin ihmistieteisiin kuuluva väitöskirja tutkii luonnonympäristön vaikutusta kulttuurien levinneisyyteen, ja rakentaa paikkatietoinfrastruktuuria ihmisen menneisyyden tutkimuksen tueksi. Väitöskirjan ensimmäinen tehtävä...

Are you interested in a MSCA PF at Human Diversity consortium? Human Diversity consortium welcomes applicants for MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship! Human Diversity offers a unique possibility to broaden your expertise beyond...

Lue Suomen itä-länsijaon tutkimuksestamme Tiede-lehden uusimmasta numerosta! Suomen itä-länsijaon tutkimustamme on esitelty uusimmassa Tiede-lehdessä.

FM Jenna Kanerva from TurkuNLP research group defends her dissertation on 15 March FM Jenna Kanerva defends the dissertation in Computer Science titled ”Understanding the Structure and Meaning of Finnish Texts: From Corpus...

We are looking for Assistant Professors and Associate Professors – Application deadline extended until March 13th! We are now opening three new and unique assistant professor positions for the Human Diversity research consortium. We are looking...

Now hiring Assistant Professors and Associate Professors We are now opening three new and unique assistant professor positions for the Human Diversity research consortium. We are looking...

Research Council of Finland granted research infrastructure funding Research Council of Finland granted in the latest FIRI2023 call 127 364 € to FIN-CLARIAH – Developing a Common RI...

TurkuNLP nominated as “Customer of the Year” by National Library TurkuNLP was nominated as “Customer of the Year” by National Library. National Library granted this title to Turku-NLP for the...

Ulla Moilanen receives The Royal Gustavus Adolphus Academy price FT Ulla Moilanen has been granted The Royal Gustavus Adolphus Academy price for her PhD thesis work on archeology on...

UTU-GreDiT doctoral position call opens 23.11.23 Interested in doing doctoral studies in Human Diversity? Here is a chance for you! Solutions for Green and Digital Transition...

Medieval crimes of finnish people in Helsingin Sanomat Turku Hanna-Mari Kupari is doing her doctoral studies at the School of Languages and Translation Studies at Universtiy of Turku. As...

ERC Advanced Grant to Professor Virpi Lummaa Evolutionary biology Professor Virpi Lummaa from University of Turku has received major funding from the European Research Council ERC. Lummaa...

Pähkinäsaaren rauha ja Suomen itä-länsijako Turun Sanomissa 12.8. HuDin Pähkinäsaaren rauhan rajan tutkimuksesta on juttu Turun Sanomissa tänään! BEDLAN-työryhmän tarkempi kuvaus tutkimuksesta löytyy täältä (kannattaa katsoa HIENOT kartat!).

Pähkinäsaaren rauhanraja 700 vuotta 12.8. Lauantaina 12.8. on Pähkinäsaaren rauhanrajan 700-vuotispäivä! Suomea halkovan Pähkinäsaaren rauhanrajan merkitystä on puitu pitkään ja hartaasti. HuDi-konsortiokin ottaa asiaan kantaa...

Human Diversity interdisciplinary seminar series starts 21.4. Human Diversity seminars showcase interdisciplinary research associated to the consortium. At the start of the seminar a consortium member tells...

Human Diversity post doctoral position call extended until 28.4 We invite applications for 2-4 post doctoral researcher positions for a fixed term period for 24 months (with an option...

eHRAF World Cultures database trial until April 9th Turku University provides trials on electronic resources that are of interest to topics dealt in Human Diversity project. There is...

Now hiring 2–4 interdisciplinary Postdoctoral Researchers We invite applications for 2-4 post doctoral researcher positions for a fixed term period for 24 months (with an option...

Outstanding Journal Article reward to “Woman with a sword?” Research Committee of The Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki, has awarded “A Woman with a Sword?...

Funding for ancient Finnish genomes Prof. Päivi Onkamo received a funding from the Finnish Cultural Foundation as part of “Time, Place, DNA” call. This 160...

Human Diversity kick-off at Vanhalinna Human Diversity consortium brings together research experts for example on General linguistics, Digital linguistics, Population health studies, Evolutionary medicine, Archaeogenetics, Population...

University of Turku Receives €12.3M in Strategic Funding from the Academy of Finland in the Profi 7 Call The funding supports cross-disciplinary research in the University’s three profiling areas that focus on immune mediated diseases, the evolution of...