Brainard carries the message of On My Mind activities to the university communityDuring the year 2021, members of the university community have come across a colorful brain buddy who has adventurously been…
Mentally nourishing dining?I have just sat down with my lunch company. On the plate, there is a colorful, delicious smelling dish. During…
One story about student mental health among many other stories+ How support students can help you Mental health is an important part of well-being. Life inevitably includes gloomy tones…
Mental health discussed in cartoons: What does madness looks like? What is it like to be a little confused?Viivi Rintasen’s (b. 1990) second book, Cartoon Therapy and Other Stories of Madness (2020), tells about mental health with the…
Changing career path and building a new identity – From teacher to HR consultantI used to work as a pre-school teacher, and I liked my job a lot. However, I realized that I…
Support students painted a photography wall!Art is an aspect of culture that promotes well-being and mental health. Therefore, art should be enjoyed on a daily…
Student life is full of communityThe University of Turku has a community of 14 000 students. Starting studies in the university brings new pressures. Many…
Ask for help and make sure to look after yourselfHere are some thoughts after taking part in UTU’s On my mind -project’s peer support training. Everyone feels blue every…
It matters what we say about mental health – or the things we don’t sayHarri Uusitalo, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Turku, talked about the historical linguistics around mental health related words…