WP 5. Inequality and social policy alternatives
Työpaketti 5: Eriarvoisuus ja sosiaalipolitiikan vaihtoehdot
Sosiaalietuudet, julkiset palvelut ja verotus muodostavat monimutkaisen kokonaisuuden. Jos järjestelmän yhtä osaa muutetaan, se voi aiheuttaa ennakoimattomia vaikutuksia muissa osissa. Siksi sosiaalipoliittisten uudistusten vaikutuksia on arvioitava sekä etu- että jälkikäteen.
TITA arvioi tehtyjä ja suunniteltuja uudistuksia ja tuottaa suosituksia poliittisen päätöksenteon tueksi. Samalla hanke tekee aktiivista yhteistyötä poliittisten päätöksentekijöiden kanssa.
WP 5. Inequality and social policy alternatives
Benefit schemes, taxation and out-of-pocket expenses for public services form a complex system. A reform in one part of the system may result in unexpected outcomes in others. Thus, it is important to evaluate planned reforms in basic services and benefit schemes ex-ante. It is also as important to evaluate the same reforms ex-post in order to learn what works and what does not.
TITA evaluates both planned and carried out reforms and puts forward recommendations to support political decision-making. The project also collaborates actively with political decision-makers.
Scientific coordinator: Pasi Moisio, National Institute for Health and Welfare
5.1. Alternatives to social protection: costs, incentives and distributional effects
Team develops politically and economically feasible policy alternatives for basic services and benefit schemes from the governmental programme and evaluates the cost, incentive and distributional effects of these policy alternatives.
Team leader:
Pasi Moisio, National Institute for Health and Welfare
Susanna Mukkila, National Institute for Health and Welfare
Paula Saikkonen, National Institute for Health and Welfare
Seppo Sallila, National Institute for Health and Welfare
Miska Simanainen, Social Insurance Institution of Finland
Jussi Tervola, , National Institute for Health and Welfare
Maria Valaste, Social Insurance Institution of Finland
External research partners and teams:
Tax-benefit microsimulation model for the European Union (EUROMOD), University of Essex
Tim Goedemé, University of Antwerp
Ilari Ilmakunnas, National Institute for Health and Welfare
5.2. Social assistance meets social security
Team evaluates the implementation process of the basic social assistance trensfer from local governments to Kela, and its consequences on equality between clients and on social work in municipalities.
Team leader:
Minna Ylikännö, Social Insurance Institution of Finland
Helena Blomberg, University of Helsinki
Olli Kangas, University of Turku
Christian Kroll, University of Helsinki
Markku Laatu, Social Insurance Institution of Finland
Tuomo Laihiala, University of Eastern Finland
Pasi Moisio, National Institute for Health and Welfare
Susanna Mukkila, National Institute for Health and Welfare
Maria Ohisalo, University of Eastern Finland
Pekka Räsänen, University of Turku
Suvi Linnanvirta, Swedish School of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki
External research partners and teams:
Center for Welfare State Research, University of Southern Denmark
Renate Minas, Stockholm University